SEN 2330 - 16 Aug 2017
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- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 2147
Table of contents – SEN 2330
- Who or what is a Mulligan
- Observations on FAI F1 World Champ 2017
- WChamps comments on comments
- Timing for the bunt
- Re: SEN 2328 – Champs Summary
Who or what is a Mulligan
From: David Ackery
I see the term mulligan is use in reports by yourself and other people from the USA.
I am an English speaker and don’t understand its meaning in the context of FF, so I would imagine that non English speakers will be even more confused.
A little googling show this to be golf term, I don’t play golf, can I guess that perhaps this term has escaped into wider and general use in the USA?
If you could offer an explanation I sure this would help peoples understanding.
best regards
David Ackery
Its origin is a golfing term but its use is much more wide spread in sport and business. It means you got a second chance to do something again when you did not achieve the first time. I’m not a golfer and spent much of my life doing international business and find it in general usage, I believe it I heard it’s use in NZ when I was growing up. It has a connotation of being a local exception to the rules perhaps because it is a friendly game rather than a championship or because it is not quite honest.
In general, I think that most FAI flyers don’t like the split fly off and at this particular World Champs questioned why the organizer used it because there was not really an unmanageable number of people to have a regular first fly off. The split fly off rules require that the same number of people from each split make the next fly off provided they have 75% of the max. This is to compensate for differing conditions in each split. I and others used the term to refer to those who made the next fly off because of that reason. At this event there was not a big difference in the number that made it in each split and none of the Mulligans did very well.
I used the term, and probably the others who used it too as a slightly disparaging comment at the split system in general and how it was used not as a personal criticism of those who may have benefitted.
Observations on FAI F1 World Champ 2017
From: ismail.s.sarioglu
Dear Roger,
Here are my observations on F1ABC WC 2017;
1. Timetable Model processing was scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.F1C was scheduled for Wednesday, F1B Thursday and F1A Friday. Ceremony and banquet schedule started Saturday at 18:30.Monday, the field and nearby towns were hit by heavy wind and rain and field was accessible only Tuesday afternoon, which should be the official training day.
Had the wind & rain hit the field at one of the competition days, we had no reserve day to recover.
The normal schedule is, as you all know, Sunday and Monday model processing, starting Tuesday and having a real reserve day for disasters like this.
2. F1B - First Round Thursday, the organiser opened 1st F1B round at 07:00, as scheduled. Yet, the wind was already around 7 m/s and the start line was barely 500 m from the trees. The first wave wend into air under these conditions for 240 sec max. Roughly, a third maxed, the other third were behind the trees an out of sight and the last third landed before the trees in downwind. After a wave of protests of teams with non-max scores, the round was NULLIFIED .Everyone had to fly again. Many teams, including Turkey, with maxes has written their protest, requiring that maxes to be counted, but the organiser was LOST on the field and FAI Jury, in-sight, routing them to missing organiser. He became visible again around afternoon. I have never, ever seen something like this...
3. Fly Offs Two wave 1st flyoffs started at 17:00 and 17:30. Thermal activity was present and strong during this hours. In F1B and F1C, if you catch the thermal in this 10 min. window, and have no other trouble, you maxed the 1st FO. If you missed the thermal, due something like a broken rubber, you had no chance.
4. Timekeepers Timekeeper were almost 80% girls and boys from a high school in Szentes. I doubt, if they were taken to the field before World Cup event at Saturday. They did their best and improved day by day. Yet they had trouble with binoculars and had no tripods or monopod. Out of sight cases and timing the wrong model was not uncommon.
5. Banquet The banquet was scheduled at 18:30-20:00, before price giving ceremony. The price was 50.Eu (something like $60) It was in the lunch room of a local high school. I chose not to attend the Banquet and me and a friend has gone to the best local restaurant in the town. We had a goose dish, a beef, 2 cokes, a beer and a Unicum Zwack and also sweets. We payed 21.EU TOTAL for two. When we returned for the ceremony at 20:00, main dishes from a gathering company was still served, under CANDLE Light, because the electricity of the room was gone. The ceremony started at 21:00When we organised EU Champ 2010 in Vize, banquet was 30.Eu. It was at a restaurant with a garden, specialized on wedding dinners. You could eat and drink as much as you can and food was good. More important, all of our timekeepers were our guest, enjoying the same menu. Also Turkish Team was guests of organization. We gained or lost no money.
I sincerely HOPE, that the organiser does not repeat this mistakes in the EC 2018, which he also will organize.
Best Wishes,
Ismail Sarioglu
WChamps comments on comments
From: Michael Achterberg
Hello All.
Lots of interesting comments. As always there are things that happen at Big contests. I'm sure the loss of the B field created many problems. It would have been beneficial to all if they could have paid the upset farmer enough to smooth things over. But that didn't happen. As for the things that need to be overseen such as line setup, timer setup, and needs of flyers, helpers and visitors they needs to be an oversight committee set up to cover any things that might be missed. Just put together a 3 man committee to visit the site before hand to help the setup of WC and Euros. It's a hard job, especially if they haven't done it before. This is one of those things where experience matters. As for the money made it usually helps fund the model programs of the host country. This is good if that what the profits are used for. Everyone that hasn't been involved in these big contests doesn't really understand what a huge job it is... Don't be too hard on the organization. Mistakes were made, and we all learn from them.
Michael Aka Dino
Timing for the bunt
From: Klaus Salzer
Sorry, I think Aram is on the wrong track.
Considering the speed of sound timing by sound will penalize the best flyers by close to .5 sec, most at least by .3 sec. Further considering the delay between prop stop and bunt being at most .5 sec (???) timing the bunt is certainly MUCH better than trying to identify a specific model's sound ... and should lead to similarly wrong but more consistent results.
Of course, both methods disagree with the sporting code which asks for timing the prop stop ... simply impossible.
Editor’s Comment – I believe that some F1Cs do not bunt until some significant time after the engine is cut. In the 5 sec motor run era I think it was at least 1.5 seconds, now maybe it is a second ? F1C sportsmen care to comment?
Re: SEN 2328 – Champs Summary
From: Wibke Seifert
Well done, Roger :-) !!
Regards from Malta with 30 something degrees but the sea nearby :-)