SEN 2312 - 21 June 2017
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1536
Table of Contents - SEN 2312
- For sale F1A
- For sale F1C
- Colorado Reminder
- Skyscrapers Reminder
F1A models for sale
From damjan Zulic at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
-F1A model Stamov long, smart magic, 4 servos, RDT, VS airfoil
-F1A model Stamov short, smart magic,3 servos, RDT, B6356 airfoil
-additional RDT receiver
-RDT tansmitter
- F1A box for 4 models, very light and strong(carbon,balsa,glass cloth)
-2 palms
-3 towlines
- battery charger
(For sale only total, not separate parts or models.)
Total: 2000 € plus shipping, can be delivered during WCh in Hungary.
F1C models for sale
From Damjan Zulic at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For sale (after WC F1C day in Hungary)
- F1C folder Babenko-direct drive VE engine + RDT
- F1C classic -VE geared engine, + RDT
- Folder Babenko –VE geared engine + RDT
- Folder Babenko –VE geared engine
- FF electronic's Aeris RDT system (transmitter+ 2 receivers,
+ 3 direct drive props
+ 3 additional gears with props
- Starter , model box, 35+ glow-plugs, fuel tubes, accu, etc....
For sale only total.
Total 4500 €, can be delivered during WCh in Hungary after F1C day.
Reminder of the early registration discount for Colorado Events
From: Jerry Murphy
Hello out there in FAI land,
Just a reminder that the deadline for early entry along with its discount is nearing.
That is correct. You can get the all you can fly price of $40 before the July 1 deadline.
Also some folks were confused about the F1 events. The F1 events are being flown as two separate contests, the Centennial Cup and the Columbine Cup. Because these two events are grouped together for the 14 round awards entering one is entering both. That is to say you need to only enter one to fly both days.
Payment by check or PayPal. To pay with PayPal
Log in to
* Click on “Send Money” in the upper menu bar
* In the “To” block, type in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., the amount, and click the button “Services”
In the next form where you confirm payment, in the Lower “Subject” and “Message” boxes state what the money is for… 14R entry fees . Your event selection still needs to send in the pre-registration.
Jerry Murphy
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Skyscraper Annual reminder for this Saturday and Sunday
from: Andrew Barron
Dear Free Flight Friends,
Attached please find the notice send out earlier by Rich Mattera and Dave
I hope many can come. Additional details, including field location, can by
found at
Skyscraper’s Annual World Cup+ America’s Cup & National Cup
Saturday June 24th & Sunday June 25th, 2017
Saturday F1B, F1C, F1H, F1S
10 AM start, five rounds. B and C first and fifth round with a 4 min. max* 7 PM B and a provisional Q flyoff with a 6 min max*. (A backup plan is to hold the flyoffs at 7 AM on Sunday.)
Sunday F1A, F1G, F1J, F1Q
8 AM start, five rounds. A’s first and fifth round with a 4 min. max*
AMA, NFFS, SAM Events P-30, HLG, Catapult glider, E-36, Electric B, Mulvihill, Dawn Unlimited (Sunday 6:45 AM*) Classic towline,1/2 A – AB Gas combined, Pee Wee 30, 1/4A Nostalgia- 020 Replica Combined. These events can be flown on either day, but must be completed on the same day.
* Weather permitting.
+ Requires a FAI stamp.
$ 25 Entry fee covers all events. Awards to 3rd
Contact Aram Schlosberg CD. 718 479 0478 (home) 917 446 3222 (cell at the field). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From New York city, take I-87 to Highway 17 to exit 123 (labeled Middletown), west on 17M for 3.5 miles, to Orange County Route 12 (at the New Hampton, Town of Wawayanda sign), then turn left, heading south 6.3 miles. After Gardnersville Road, the Barron and Ford fields are on the left. ( This takes about one hour from the Tappan Zee bridge.)
From New England and from upper New York, take I-84 to exit 3, Rt. 17M, go east 1.5 miles, then south (right) on County. Rt. 12 for 6.3 miles. Field is on the left. (About thirty minutes from Newburg.)
See our website for further directions and information