SEN 2307 - 24 May 2017#Skyscrapers World Cup#Oz Results#F1A for sale at British Nationals

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Table of Contents – SEN 2307

  1. Skyscrapers Annual and World Cup
  2. Oz Results
  3. F1A for sale at British Nationals


Skyscraper’s Annual

June 24-25, 2017

World Cup+

America’s cup,

National cup



F1B, F1C, F1S

10 AM start, five rounds.

B and C first and fifth round with a 4 min. max*

7 PM B and a provisional Q flyoff with a 6 min max*. (A backup plan is to hold the flyoffs at 7 AM on Sunday.)



F1A, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1Q

8 AM start, five rounds. A’s first and fifth round with a 4 min. max*



P-30, HLG, Catapult glider, E-36, Electric B, Mulvihill, Dawn Unlimited (Sunday 6:45 AM*) Classic towline,1/2 A – AB Gas combined, Pee Wee 30,  1/4A Nostalgia- 020 Replica Combined.


These events can be flown on either day, but must be completed on the same day.


* Weather permitting.

+ Requires a FAI stamp.

$ 25 Entry fee covers all events. Awards to 3rd


Aram Schlosberg CD.

718 479 0478 (home) 917 446 3222 (cell at the field).






AFFS & Dave Anderson Memorial Results 2017(2)

From :Phil Mitchell

G’Day Roger,
Full results attached from our competitions Down Under.
Excellent flying conditions prevailed for all competitions and the legendary Banquet at Morundah Pub
was again superb !!

F1A 08/05/2017
NAME                    FAI NUMBER   R1    R2    R3    R4    R5  TOTAL   FO1  PLACE
Phil MITCHELL           AUS12594    218   180   180   180   180     938         1
Antony KOERBIN          NZL4499     240   180   137   180   180     917         2
Craig KING              NZL3300     240   180   180   115   180     895         3
Rob WALLACE             NZL2550     184   152   149   180   180     845         4
Malcolm CAMPBELL        AUS52060    154   180   139   180   180     833         5
Matt HANNAFORD          AUS30385    153   157   124   180   155     769         6

F1B 09/05/2017                                                           FO1  PLACE
Yuan GAO                CHN90603    240   180   180   180   180     960   332   1
Terry BOND              AUS3107     240   180   180   180   180     960   331   2
Paul LAGAN              NZL107      240   180   178   180   180     958         3
Vin MORGAN              AUS19046    240   180   176   180   180     956         4
Paul ROSSITER           AUS20577    240   166   180   180   180     946         5
David ACKERY            NZL76       240   180   180   119   180     899         6
Richard BLACKAM         AUS8740     240   180   180   109   180     889         7
Graham MAYNARD          AUS9879     174   180   122   142   180     798         8

F1C 08/05/2017                                                           FO1  PLACE
Xinpu SHENG             CHN105481   240   180   180   180   180     960   318   1
Roy SUMMERSBY           AUS2153     240   180   180   180   180     960   242   2
Ji AO (Junior)          CHN360291   240   180   180   180   180     960     0   3
Terry BOND              AUS3107     240   180   180   180   159     939         4
Shane McDONALD          AUS82086    240   180   154   180   180     934         5
Shannon TOLMIE          AUS56015    222   180   111   180   180     873         6
Gary POPE               AUS38115     88    0    132    58   180     458         7

COMBINED % OPEN 06/05/2017           %     %     %               TOTAL FO Mod   FO %   PLACE
Terry BOND              P30           100   100   100               100P30       212%       1
Phil MITCHELL           F1H           100   100   100               100F1A       201%       2
Paul ROSSITER           F1B           100   100   100               100F1B       136%       3
Vin MORGAN              F1B           100   100   100               100F1B        82%       4
Albert FATHERS          OR            100   100   100               100DNF                  5
Dave SHACKLEFORD        F1J           100   100   100               100DNF                  6
Malcolm CAMPBELL        F1H          54.1  57.5     0              37.2                     7
Harry SOKOL             F1J          83.3     0     0              27.7                     8
Roy SUMMERSBY           F1J           7.5     0     0               2.5                     9

F1H 06/05/2017                                                         H'Time  PLACE
Phil MITCHELL                         120   120   120   120   120   600   219       1
Rob WALLACE                           120   120   120   118   103   581   172       2
David ACKERY                          120   120    89   120   120   569   147       3
Ian HAIGH                             120   106   120   120    60   526   147       4
Kathy BURFORD                          63   104    77   120   120   484    63       5
Malcolm CAMPBELL                       38    52   120   120   106   436    38       6

F1G 06/05/2017                                                         H'Time  PLACE
Terry BOND                            120   120   120   120   120   600   202       1
Paul LAGAN                            120   120   120   120   120   600   192       2
Jim CHRISTIE                          120   120   120   112   120   592   205       3

F1J 06/05/2017                                                         H'Time  PLACE
Shannon TOLMIE                        120   120   120   120   120   600   283       1
Roy SUMMERSBY                         120   120   120   120   120   600   257       2
Dave SHACKLEFORD                      120   120   120   120   120   600   155       3
Bruce HAO                             120   111   120   114   120   585   152       4
Harry SOKOL                             0   117   120   120   120   477     0       5
Des SLATTERY                          120    80    46   104   100   450   120       6

P30 08/09/2017                                                           FO1   PLACE
David ACKERY                          120   120    82               322             1
Ian HAIGH                              72   120   120               312             2
Vin MORGAN                            120   120     0               240             3
Leigh MORGAN                            0     0     0                 0             4

OPEN RUBBER 09/05/2017                                                         PLACE
Richard BLACKAM                       180   180   180               540   345       1
Leigh MORGAN                          180   180   180               540   321       2
Paul LAGAN                            180   180   180               540   295       3
Paul ROSSITER                         180   180   180               540   294       4
Des SLATTERY                          180   180   180               540   265       5
Gary GOODWIN                          134   139     0               273             6
Craig HEMSWORTH                       178                           178             7
Jim CHRISTIE                          133     0     0               133             8
Ian HAIGH                          DNF

OPEN POWER 09/05/2017
Roy SUMMERSBY                         180   180   117               477             1
Gary POPE                             180    95   180               455             2
Des SLATTERY                          173   118   108               399             3
Chris BIRCH                           180    89   108               377             4
Harry SOKOL                            19                            19             5
Bruce HAO                            DNF

HLG/DLG/CLG 09/05/2017                                                 Best 3 Total
Paul LAGAN                             60    37    60    60    60    60 180         1
Mal CAMPBELL                           48    52    37    60    33    47 160         2
Matt HANNAFORD                         40    52    43    47    52     0 151         3
Kathy BURFORD                          41    35    32    42    22    60 143         4
Phil MITCHELL                          25    25    38    60    40    24 138         5
Peter LLOYD                            32    20    53    22    33    38 124         6
Chris BIRCH                            38    31    34    27     0     0 103         8
Ian HAIGH                              22    40    38    18     0     0 100

OZ DIESEL 10/05/2017                                                   H'Time  PLACE
Harry SOKOL                           120   120   120   120   120   600   136       1
Des SLATTERY                          120    88    75    84   103   470   120       2
Roy SUMMERSBY                         120   120     0    40   120   400   207       3
Malcolm CAMPBELL                        0    77    51    27    27   182     0       4

Chris BIRCH                           914     1
Phil MITCHELL                         825     2
Matt HANNAFORD                        731     3
Gary GOODWIN                          565     4
Ian HAIGH                             376     5

COMBINED VINTAGE 14/042016           R1    R2    R3  TOTAL R1 HIGPLACE
Phil MITCHELL           Nebula 1954   180   180   180   540   181     1
Jim CHRISTIE            Bilgri 1955   180   180   174   534   310     2
Roy SUMMERSBY           Dream W 195   180   174   180   534   202     3
Ian HAIGH               Lamb C 1941   170   133   171   474   170     4
Mal CAMPBELL            Nebula 1954   155   180   128   463   155     5
Graham MAYNARD          Eliminator    180   180    84   444   188     6
Kathy BURFORD           Nebula 1954    71   121   180   372    71     7
Harry SOKOL             Y-Bar 1954    140   155    29   324   140     8
Matt HANNAFORD          KK Chief      141    40    88   269   141     9
Des SLATTERY            Stomper 195    33     0     0    33    33    10

                                         Score Events
AFFS CHAMPION 2017      Phil MITCHELL     566.7     6

BEST JUNIOR 2017        Chris BIRCH


04-06 May 2017
NAME                     FAI NUMBER    R1    R2    R3    R4    R5    TOTAL     FO1  PLACE
Phil MITCHELL            AUS12594     240   180   180   180   180       960     383   1
Antony KOERBIN           NZL4499      240   180   180   180   180       960     362   2
Albert FATHERS           AUS65586     240   147   180   180   180       927           3
Zichen LIU (Junior)      CHN90608     240   180   144   180   180       924           4
Craig KING               NZL3300      195   180   180   180   180       915           5
Rob WALLACE              NZL2550      186   180   116   180   180       842           6
Malcolm CAMPBELL         AUS52060     118   180   108   180   180       766           7
Matt HANNAFORD           AUS30384     225    49   142   180    91       687           8
Ted BURFEIN              AUS 16390    137    0    180   180   180       677           9

Vin MORGAN               AUS19046     240   180   180   180   180       960  364      1
Craig HEMSWORTH          AUS8828      240   180   180   180   180       960  356      2
Paul ROSSITER            AUS2057      240   180   180   180   180       960  342      3
David ACKERY             NZL76        223   180   180   180   175       938           4
Yuan GAO                 CHI90603     240   180   149   180   180       929           5
Richard BLACKAM          AUS8740      240   180   135   180   180       915           6
Terry BOND               AUS3107      240   180   180   137    0        737           7
Graham MAYNARD           AUS9879      101   180   180   180    88       729           8
Paul LAGAN               NZL107       151   180   180    0     0        511           9

Xinpu SHENG              CHN105481    240   180   180   180   180       960  441      1
Roy SUMMERSBY            AUS2153      240   180   180   180   180       960  343      2
Shane McDONALD           AUS82086     240   180   180   180   180       960  318      3
Ji AO (Junior)           CHN360291    240   180   180   180   180       960  298      4
Terry BOND               AUS3107      240   180   180   180    27       807           5
Gary POPE                AUS38115     137   108   138   129   180       692           6
Shannon TOLMIE           AUS56015     240   153    0     0     0        393           7

The TUI CUP OF NEW ZEALAND 2017 F1A         RD1  RD2  RD3  RD4  RD5  TotalFO1     Place
Antony Koerbin                  NZL 4999      240  180  180  180  180  960     255  1
Robert Wallace                  NZL2550       240  180  180  180  180  960     182  2
Phil Mitchell                   Aus12574      240  180  180  180  180  960     130  3
Malcolm Campbell                Aus52060      194  180  180  180  180  914          4
Mathew Hannaford                Aus30384      240  180  134  180  102  836          5
Craig King                      NZL3300       143  180  180  180  151  834          6

David Ackery                    NZL76         230  180  180  180  180  950          1



F1A for sale at British Nationals

From: David Brawm

Carbon fibre clockwork bunter F1A for sale £70
Flat scroll russian timer full metal hook with wing wiggler. Not new but at a very reasonable price.
This model sits at my eyeline in my garage making me guilty at not flying it, but it sits against a more modern F1A clockwork bunter so to ease my guilt pangs I am offering it for sale or swap for a good circling F1H - downsizing.

See me and the model at the British Nationals.
David Brawn  silver grey Honda CRV reg BT05 KFR

Neil Cliff has told Biggles FFT that he will be at the Nats on the Sunday offering his F1G coupe models and equipment. He should be somewhere near me for potential rubber model transactions.