SEN 2279 14 March 2017
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1497
Table of Contents – SEN 2279
- USA Bid for the 2019 World Champs
- Thermiksense Reports from the F1D E/C
- Stats from the German Nats
- NFFS Plans Service
USA Bid for the 2019 World Champs
The AMA has put in a bid for the 2019 World Free Flight Champs to be held at Lost Hills, California, USA in October 2019. The sponsoring Club is SCAT (Southern California Aero Team) along with the NFFS (National Free Flight Society) , the Lost Hills Association and of course the AMA as the National Aero Club for the USA. These are the same organizations who ran the 2 previous Lost Hills World Champs in 1993 and 2001. More details will be published as they become available.
The Lost Hills site is well known to Free Flighters world wide. In October the weather is very much different than in February as it is warm and dry with challenging thermal conditions. Those wanting to check out the condition ahead of time should consider the 2 World Cup Events held every year in October.
Thermiksense Reports from the F1D E/C
From: Bernhard Schwendemann F1D Indoor European Championship
Currently the F1D Indoor European Championship is running in the salt mine
in Slanic/Rumania.
This year we will not have the possibility for extensive reports and
impressive pictures. But we will try to give some basic news about this
event, please see here:
Best regards
The German Free-Flight Magazine
Bernhard Schwendemann,
Fuchshofweg 25, D-73614 Schorndorf
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Fax 03212/1091 725
Stats from the German Nats
From: Bernhard Schwendemann
Short remarks to the notes of Gene Ulm and Roger Morrell:
· Germany is more near to 25% of US than 30% (80 Mill / 320 Mill)
· The maximum distance to our national championship is 800 km, a drive of some more of 7 h
· Our Championship runs over 2,5 days with (compared to the US format) few classes: F1A, F1A-Standard, F1B, F1C, F1H, F1H-Standard, F1Q, F1S.
You can check the full results here:
Best regards
NFFS Plans Service
From: David Gerspacher on FB
I have been handling the NFFS plans service for the last few years. The new commerce system on the website is working well and the printer has been doing a great job on order turn-around time.
We have plans for the Witchhawk and the Zingo that are designated for the One Design event at the Nats this year.
You do not have to be a member to order plans or other publications the NFFS provides although being a member helps the NFFS support many good causes.
Please contact me with any questions you have about the plans and I would be glad to help. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The NFFS web site is