SEN 1748
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- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1482
- Ike and Kiwi Cup Report
- Caifornia F1E
FAI, CIAM, WADA and drug testing.
There has been some comment on Face Book and other places based on the CIAM Bureau minutes just recently published on the FAI web site. ( go to and scroll down and expand to find meetings/ 2012/December Bureau/minutes if you want to read the entire minutes) As a results of this I had a discussion with Ian Kaynes who offered to write the following piece. In Ian's article he gives web references. I would strongly recommend that you follow these references and understand you responsibilities and what substances are banned particularily if you going to up coming World and Continental Championship. This is a change from past practices. A thank you to Ian for writing the piece.
Comment from Ian Kaynes
There has been some discussion about the FAI restrictions on drugs following an item in the minutes of the CIAM Bureau meeting. It is probably worthwhile if I give a summary of the current position.
The FAI Sporting Code General Section covers all airsports and defines the doping rules for all participants in any FAI airsport. The General Section can be downloaded from the FAI website at Section 3.11 defines the responsibilities of all competitors and in particular this includes 3.11.2 which covers doping, alcohol, illness and injury. The General Section gives a summary of requirements on competitors and more details are given from the FAI web site anti-doping link In particular this site includes a link to the WADA prohibited substances and to details of the Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) certificate which is necessary if you have to take any of these prohibited substances for medical reasons.
The basic FAI aim is that there should be no doping in airsports. All holders of an FAI Licence shall be subject to in-competition testing by the FAI, the flyer’s National Airsport Body, or another anti-doping body responsible for testing at a competition. In addition there is a Registered Testing Pool (RTP) of flyers who are required to provide whereabouts information so that random testing can be conducted between competitions.
In competition testing took place for the first time at the 2012 F3F World Championships (Radio Slope Soarers) in Germany. The first and third placed competitors were tested after their final flights.
CIAM has been required to define an RTP of 4 competitors. The CIAM Bureau meeting in December 2012 defined the RTP based on random selection from the top 5% of people at all World Championships in a year. This amounted to 24 flyers. 8 were selected at random from these and then a second random selection was made to choose the final 4 for the RTP – which happened to be one control line flyer and three radio flyers.
Each Championship bulletin now includes a reminder of the doping requirements. Check the WADA list of substances and obtain a TUE if you need to. And also, note that for FAI airsports the list of banned substances includes alcohol.
February 9-11, 2013, Lost Hills, CA
After a cold, wet, blustery Friday, the Ike began a beautiful 10 day window of near perfect Lost Hills weather. Local attendance was down from last year, probably because the pass to Los Angeles was closed due to snow.
There were 113 names on the Form 11and 238 entries, 131 FAI (including mini’s) and 107 in AMA.
In FAI, Saturday, rounds 1-8 were flown. F1C was decided in 8. F1A, round 9 was flown as the sun set. F1B and A were settled Sunday AM.
In the AMA events, you can see the extraordinary conditions by the number of maxes! On Sunday HLG, Todd Reynolds needed 9 maxes to come in third place! Taron Malkhasyan had 19+ maxes to win and set a new senior record!
A total of three records were set. Taron’s in HLG, his brother Sevak set a senior record in E-36 and Linda Powell, from Kansas, set an open record in E-36.
Most of the flying was done from the traditional LH location. Drift was minimal so the new orchard had little impact on the flying.
In F1E, Tom Ioerger managed to land in the new irrigation pond TWICE! Both times the planes were successfully rescued. Forget flying ROW from Lake Holloway, banks are too steep and too soft.
The Isaacson has become a popular and successful event. We keep trying to make it better. Here’s some thoughts for next year.
The most successful events have been the ones where an event director(s) have taken ownership. Roger introduced and runs the Kiwi World Cup, Stan and Ralph are constantly massaging the glider events, Peter has promoted and run F1E, Jim Sprenger, compressed air. They take of the scoring and are familiar with the rules. We would like to do more of that with the gas and rubber events.
We have several non-FAI events that were flown on either day, we’re going to stop that in most cases. A person flying on Sat. doesn’t know where they stand in the final results. Could use some input - example: 1/2A Nos gas same day or opposite of AMA 1/2A gas? The two separate days of HLG and CLG went well and we could maybe do more of that.
Many thanks to all that helped and the many that attended! A special thanks to Tom Faith, an old school friend that does not fly but helps with registration and mans the AMA table, son Brian who muscles all the equipment and shoots great photos and Lindy Murrell, Roger’s better half who tallies the FAI scores.
Norm Furutani and Roger Morrell
Brian’s photos are online at:
Results will follow
California F1E
Both the Ike/Kiwi Cup and the California Cup that just preeceeds the Max men have F1E World Cup contests. Both the organizers of these events are prepared to keep on supporting F1E by running these events but we we would like indication of support from the F1E community. Everyone is aware that the site was partially jeorpardized by the creation of the irrigation pond. The plan is to expand the size of the pond. The organizers of the Fab Feb events as a whole are F1E experts so in all likelyhood will not be looking for alternate sites, however if the F1E community finds sites close by would move the events to a new and more conveninet hill. It is possible that others are aware of alternate site in the Bakersfield, Lost Hills, Wasco area. Note that it is not important to have a huge hill, what is important is one that will work with wind from any direction.
Peter Brocks and Tom Ioerger are West Coast F1E evangelists and can certain point anyone looking at getting started in the right direction.
Roger Morrell