SEN 1751
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1446
- How hard 1
- How hard 2
- FAI Drugs use rules
- Dilly on WADA
- Draft Barron
- Aeromodeller 2 on sale
- Biggles googles
How hard do you throw ?
Hi All,
I F1b the launch is strenuous and can add precious meters to the climb. A person who could throw significantly harder due to performance enhancing drugs would have an advantage (assuming that this person also has all of the other boxes like trim, rubber, etc. checked).
How hard 2
Us dedicated hand launch glider throwers are defintiely candiadates for the HGH test used on discu thowers!
Jeff Englert -
FAI Drug Use Rules
A quick glance at the FAI web pages highlights the fact that the FAI govern over a dozen Aeronautical activities, and their ‘Anti drug’ precautions apply to them all equally. If we want to include Aeromodelling as a ‘Sporting activity’, then we have to abide by sporting activity rules.
As to the question ‘why would a model flyer want to use drugs to enhance his/her performance’ the answer is simple-Could drugs enhance a sprinter-Yes, therefore it could enhance the launch of an F1A; Javelin thrower-yes-F1B, Long distance runner-yes-retrieval over Salisbury Plain for the over 70’s!!
Peter Tribe
As to the question ‘why would a model flyer want to use drugs to enhance his/her performance’ the answer is simple-Could drugs enhance a sprinter-Yes, therefore it could enhance the launch of an F1A; Javelin thrower-yes-F1B, Long distance runner-yes-retrieval over Salisbury Plain for the over 70’s!!
Peter Tribe
Dilly on WADA
As well as having been involved with CIAM for many years I'm also on the Council of the Royal Aero Club and the whole matter of WADA and drugs has been discussed there for a long time. One of my RAeC colleagues was professionally involved with aviation medicine at Farnborough for many years and it was agreed that there are no drugs that would improve the performance of pilots (with the possible exception of ones like benzedrine in the case of long distance record attempts), though it was mentioned that some RC helicopter flyers had used beta blockers with the intention of steadying their nerves.
However, the FAI has for some time been keen to be seen as a part of the general sports community (maybe partly explaining the move to Lausanne, where the International Olympic Committee is based). This is important worldwide from the point of view of access to facilities locally and possible financial aid from local or national governments. Another reason is that some airsports, e.g. parachuting and hang-gliding, have aspirations to be included in the Olympics and, as the overall body for all airsports internationally, the FAI has had to sign up to the WADA drug regime, which applies to al the FAI commissions, including CIAM. I believe a few competitors in hang-gliding have tested positive for recreational drugs, which has affected Championship results. As for alcohol, I recall that in my Tiger Moth flying days in the 1950s the adage "Eight hours from bottle to throttle" was drummed into us. Still seems sensible.
Draft of flying schedule at Barron Field
Dear Free Flight Colleages,
Here is a draft of the proposed meets at Barron Field, in Wawayanda, Orange County, NY, worked out between me and Skyscraper CD Dave Acton. The Skyscraper portion is subject to approval at the Annual Meeting this evening (8pm, Friday March 1) at Bob Langelius's home (32 Clinton St, White Plains, NY). Let me know if you have any suggested revisions as we will soon be setting it in stone. In addition to the meets, you are also welcome to come fly any time (including mid-week) provided you also send me an email notice of your coming. Note that there are activities each month from April through November with a slightly higher concentration in May and June when adjoining crops are low.
Sky-Scraper Annual Banquet: Saturday April 13, 1pm, Sam's of Gedney Way, White Plains, NY.
Barron Field Mantenance day: (come help build and set bridges to for more ditch crossings). Saturday, April 27, 9am-12noon. (Bring power tools and saws and bring a plane to fly afterwards if the weather is OK). Let me know if you are coming with a pick-up truck which helps in moving and placing completed bridges.
Skyscraper Monthly. Saturday May 11. 9am to 3pm. Come fly any free-flight model. Barron Field.
Skyscraper International Challenge. Americas Cup, National Cup. Memorial Weekend. Sat&Sun. May 25-26. FAI (in rounds, F1GHJPQ saturday and F1ABC sunday), plus AMA and NFFS events (and possibly SAM events). Plus FAC events run by Eddie Pelatowski sponsored by his club from Connecticut.
Barron Field. [Note that this year it does not conflict with the Muncie Americas Cup/National Cup meet held the following weekend.]
Wilbur and Orville Spring Meet. National Cup. Proposed Date. Sat&Sun. June 8-9. FAI, AMA, NFFS events. Subject to approval by club president Sarah Radzunias. Barron Field.
Skyscraper Annual. Americas Cup, National Cup. Sat&Sun. June 22-23. Same events and schedule as for the Skyscraper Challenge. Barron Field.
July 8-12. Free Flight National Championships at Muncie, Indiana.
July 26 - Aug.10. A.R.B. and others at World Cup meets and FF World Champs in France.
August 10. Skyscraper Monthly. Barron Field. Also the Empire State Champs, National Cup, at the western NY site in Geneseo, Aug 9-11, for those looking for more competition.
Wilbur and Orville, Americas Cup, National Cup. August 17-18. Suggested date, subject to approval by Sarah Radziunas. One week earlier to allow participation of college students before they head back to school and to avoid overlap with other AM Cup meets. [Also to avoid overlap with other work-based travel by A.R.B.] Barron Field.
September 13-15. Great Grapes Gathering. America's Cup, National Cup, at the sister New York site, Geneseo, NY. Also a Skyscraper Monthly Sept 14, for those not trekking across-state.
Skyscraper Monthly, October 12. Barron Field.
FAC Barron Field Air Races, run by Tom Hallman. At Sat-Sun October dates to be determined.
Eastern States Free Flight Championship, Americas Cup and National Cup, run by Dave Lacey, Gene Ulm, and crew, at October or November dates and site to be determined (Ingelside, Maryland if possible; Barron Field available otherwise).
Let me know what thoughts you have on this proposed schedule. I especially want to hear from my fellow organizers Sarah Radziunas, Tom Hallman, and Dave Lacey.
Andrew Barron
AeroModeller issue 2 now on sale!
Hi ,
Subscribe now to the new AeroModeller at our website (
The second issue of AeroModeller is now on sale, AeroModeller issue number 920 (the second of the all new AeroModeller) has now been mailed to subscribers and will be for sale in the UK in WHSmiths NOW and in the USA in Barnes and Noble stores or Books a Million in the coming weeks. To find your local WHSmiths or Barnes and Noble or Books a Million go to our website and use our locater in the shop menu or find it here: Stores (
You can also read AeroModeller with our digital editions either on your Apple iPhone or iPad or on any Android tablet via Google Play or you can read on your PC by clicking here. (
At the moment you can download the AeroModeller app or on-line PC reader and get FREE the first ever issue of AeroModeller from 1935. Search 'Aeromodeller' on your device or in the app store.
Issue includes FREE Bostonian Plan
** Classic AeroModeller cover prints
for wall hanging
** We are offering these prints on high quality photographic paper in A3 size of AeroModeller covers from the 1940's and 1950's
Biggles is no Luddite
He is dangerous with Google and sharp instruments
• For SEN
WADA Testing:
..."The Wada test checks to see which side of your brain is responsible for language and memory. Just before a Wada test, a cerebral angiogram is performed. A neuroradiologist places a catether into an artery in your leg and directs the catheter to the right or left carotid artery. Then the neuroradiologist injects a dye into the carotid artery and a special x-ray machine takes pictures of your brain’s blood vessels. Electroencephalogram (EEG) electrodes are placed on your scalp.
At the start of the Wada test, the neuroradiologist will inject sodium amytal into the catheter that is in the carotid artery. This drug will put half your brain to sleep. Then the neuropsychologist or neurologist will show you flashcards and ask you to name and remember objects or pictures. After a few minutes, the side that was asleep wakes up. You will be asked to recall what pictures or objects were shown. The same procedure is repeated on the other side.
The Wada test is an outpatient procedure and is performed in the hospital cath lab. Because of the angiogram, you will need to lay flat with your leg straight for a couple of hours."
I wonder what happens in the event that you cannot remember what's on the flashcards BEFORE the test ?
It could be time for a new Will Ferrel movie, exposing drug abuse at the F4C R/C Scale World Championships, perhaps titled "Thumbs of Glory" !
— Biggles
Note Wada is not WADA, flasher or not
Roger Morrell