SEN 1811
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1509
- Lost Hills this weekend
- Next FFQ out
- F1A wing for sale
- World Cups for 2014 heads up
Lost Hills This weekend clarification
The Mini events on Sunday will alternate 45min rounds, first California Invitational , the Sierra Cup, then California Inviatation , then Sierra Cup etc.
Incidently the weather looks great
Next FFQ out
Could you please insert this note in your next edition of SEN? There is a lot of FAI-related contents in this new edition of FFQ that might be interest to your subscribers.
This edition of Free Flight Quarterly has an ample coverage of the latest Free Flight World Championship at Moncontour , France. There is a general report of the three events: F1A, F1B and F1C, and a special article by Allard van Wallene on the F1A event with a plan of the second classified model. This year the F1C category was won by Roy Summersby from Australia and to celebrate this third Australian victory in World Championships there is an interview of Summersby by his team member Terry Bond. One of the new makers of F1A parts and products is the Russian partnership of Gorskiy-Evdokimov and van Wallene covers their new model (Toha 11). This model was the winner of the preliminary event at Moncontour.
The great Victor Stamov: much respected designer, competitor, entrepreneur, died shortly after the F1A event at Moncontour while competing in Bosnia. He is remembered in two short obits by his friends and fellow F1A flyers, Mickey Furman and Ansgar Nüttgens.
Competitors and helpers at Moncontour noticed the new method of thermal detection used by the Canadian Team, which employed a helium ballom tethered to a small electronic scale . The inventor of this technique, Brian Eggleston, gives a detailed account and mathematical analysis of the use of the balloon for this purpose.
A highly successful French F1G design is described by Michel Picol. This design, which has been developed for a number of years, embodies perfectly the current tendency of obtaining the components by a careful selection of the many high-tech providers available in this category.
Looking back, we feature a fascinating view by Andrew Longhurst on some of the LSARA group designs. The LSARA was the Low Speed Aerodynamic Research group of Tom Smith, RW Annenberg and NV Walker, active in the UK in the period 1946-1960, and their designs were notable for a very fast and stable vertical climb. A couple of their highly individual designs, (all of them seem to have rather quaint names), are recreated and described by Andrew.
One of the first International contests after WW2 took place in Frauenfeld, Switzerland in 1947 . Daniele Vescovi takes a look at this contest in the large glider category, which was dominated by the extremely beautiful Italian gliders of the time, spanning 2 to 3 m, several 3-views of these designs are included.
We continue with the story of the American Diesel engines produced in New York by the America's Hobby Center and Gotham Hobbies during the 1950's. Adrian Duncan has written a most entertaining saga of these engines which remained sale for several years, in the end at ridiculous prices. This episode looks at their technical details and method of construction.
Keith Laumer is a name, perhaps better known as a master of the Science Fiction genre. But he was also a very prolific model designer, with a good eye for producing very handsome sports models of short spans. His rather tragic life is the subject of the article we present here, with emphasis on the model designer achievement.
Finally, a couple of plans for small rubber models are included in this issue: the attractive AMA Class C "Wanderer" by Bob Horak, a Gollywock rival, and also the high performance and very simple P-30 by John Godden.
As in past issues, the table of contents and cover photo are available from our website :
www:// wordpress
Sergio Montes
F1A wing for sale
Can you post the following for me:
"Long M&K (not LDA) wing for sale.
Wing is in excellent condition, built by M&K, no damages hardly been used.
For more details please contact:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."
Heads up for World Cup Organizers
Most of you will have seen the note from the FAI or it foeardws by Ian Kaynes . But see that you must get your World Cup sanctions in and paid by mid-Novemeber
The FAI head office would like to draw your attention to the following important deadline:
Sporting Calendar registration form:(see Sporting Code sec. 4, Volume ABR - Para A9)
The form is available for downloading as a Word or PDF file on the FAI website at - Forms - Registration of Events in the Sporting Calendar
The registration of competitions for the 2014 FAI / CIAM Sporting Calendar must be made using the above mentioned form ONLY, and reach the FAI office by 15 November 2013.
Please use the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and/or the FAI fax: +41 21 345 10 77
The official stamp and signature of your NAC are compulsory.
The Sanction Fee must be paid prior to the 15 November deadline as well. Unpaid competition may not be accepted by the CIAM bureau. Payments by checks will not be accepted and we ask you to ensure that all bank / credit card charges are paid by the originator.
Roger Morrell