SEN 1590
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- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1420
- FF World Cup Flash
- Euro fly flash
- Murphy for NFFS Prez
Free Flight WORLD CUP 2011 … unofficially after the last contest
F1A Mikhail Kosonozhkin - Russia
The Russian from the provinces, Mikhail lives in Rostov-on-Don, not in Moscow that is the traditional center of F1A expertise. He was very effective with his LDA airplane and successfully took on all comers at many events. This was no gimme.
F1B Alexander Andriukov -USA
A tough year for Alex with the tree at World Champs, not perfect USA World Cup events. Its hard for a non-European resident to do well because of the limited number of high scoring contests outside of Europe. But Alex made the European contests he attended count and delivered in the end. No one can question his experience and work ethic. Still the guy to beat, no question.
F1C Evgeny Verbitski – Ukraine
What can you say but age and cunning beat youth and vigor. The master of the modern F1C triumphed both at the World Champs and in the World Cup. I was fortunate to see him the Sierra Cup Flyoff against Don Chesson and young Jeff Ellington flying similar airplanes. Evgeny's launch was the best, his motor sounded so good and the power pattern was right on to start a perfect flight, an F1C lesson from the master.
Euro Fly 2011 - flash
1. Mikhail Koshonoshkin +420 +548
2. Ron Assmuss +420 +537,
3. Stefan Rumpp +420 +508,
1 - Alex Andriukov +420;
2 - Bernd Silz +362;
3 - Ismet Yurtseven +354;
1 - Eugene Verbitsky +410;
2 - G. Aringer +369;
3 - F. Gradi +355;
Jerry Murphy AMA 917…….. Campaign Statement
you likely know NFFS has two people who have stepped up to run for the office
of president.
is a clear indication of the strength of NFFS and the good work of the
leadership of our past presidents. As
we progress into the 21st century NFFS and free flight in general is
facing a series of new challenges, the most serious of these is the availability
of flying fields. We all saw what
happened in Seattle when the club’s field was lost. If the free flight
community is to be able to influence local governments and land owners we
cannot approach them as small disconnected segments of the sport. Therefore, if elected I will work with all
segments of free flight, FAC, FAI, AMA and SAM to forge a community that is
connected in a way that will appear to be one homogenous body. This will give us a stronger position when
dealing with the powers that be in securing flying sites.
example, when AMA District X VP Lawrence Tougas ran for election, his platform
contained a plank for the establishing a second national flying site (Muncie
West) to serve the needs of modelers in western US. It is unlikely that this site would become a great free flight
site if he sees inputs from several small groups. However, a well coordinated group representing all segments of
free flight would have a good chance of influencing the discussion so that the
“Muncie West” site would be suitable for all segments of modeling, not just RC.
NFFS doesn’t have a visible long range strategic plan. The old saying that any
road will get you there if you don’t know where you are going should never
apply to NFFS. I don’t know what the
future has in store for NFFS, but with 30+ years of product management at HP I
do have experience in the development of long range plans. The development of a long range plan for
NFFS will be a priority if I am elected.
Working with the NFFS board and other outside experts the goal will be
to produce a strategic plan to guide NFFS for the next 5 to 10 years.
strong NFFS must be built on a solid financial base. There has been some very good work in this area; the NFFS
Foundation is but one example. To be a
strong organization that can be a leader of the aero-modeling community, free
flight must have a large and growing membership base. The current NFFS marketing programs are producing positive
results as marketing professional, I will be encourage the development of such
programs in the years to come.
the more tactical side, free flight must come to terms with what many see as a
serious barrier to entry, the builder of the model rule. My position on this topic is well known and
I hope as NFFS president I will be able to move this discussion to affect both
AMA and NFFS Nostalgia event rules. We
can work very hard to grow free flight, but if our potential customers see that
there is a big time barrier to entry that our efforts will be mostly wasted.
free flight should be easy as there is nothing better than seeing your model
glowing under a blue sky as it floats off for a max. Once people experience
this they will be hooked just as I am.
It matters not if the model is a state of the art F1 ship or a simple
P-30, the thrill of flying free is the great equalizer in our hobby/sport.
opponent is a good man and a well known competitor. I encourage each of you to study both of our campaign statements
and discuss this with your flying buddies.
Contact each of us with your questions and then vote for the person you
feel will best lead NFFS for the next four years.
Roger Morrell