SEN 1597
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1877
- Omarama Tips
- NFFS 2011 Election
- 500 plus
- Hang Em High Update
Omarama Tips
If you have not been to New Zealand you should seriously consider going both to tour and to fly with "da boys" at Omarama. It is big fun and the countryside is spectacular. I highly recommend the Sierra Motel in the village. It is very nice with a little kitchenette if you want to cook. I also recommend stopping at the Wrinkly Ram at 7am for a couple of Flat Whites to take to the field. You will be on the field by 7:20 and the envy of all with your warm drinks. The first round starts at 7: 30 so no worries. if you need more recommendations; give a shout, but by all means put this one on the "Bucket List".
( i should point out that a Wrinkly Ram is an orney old male sheep with long curly horns, it is not a Dodge Truck that has seen better days. The editor supports mr Roberts recommendation of this fine establishment)
NFFS 2011 Election - Aram reminds us
Just is a reminder, that the NFFS mail in election's deadline is December 1.
The ballot is in the September-October Digest.
Both the candidates for president - John Lorbiecki and Gerry Murphy have an active interest in the FAI classes and had their platform posted in SEN a little while back
Five Hundred Plus
In a couple of the recent SEN issues we published the America's Cup Ranking as season is drawing to a close and there are some very close races with only 2 contests left in Arizona and Florida. Now if you did not get that issue it is because the mail police at your mail provider dumped it because it contained more than 500 lines. They must believe that no one can want a mail that long.
Clearly that are none of the people in following paragraph from the Am Cup Czar Jim Parker believe that
Brian Van Nest in 5th place counting only 3 scores is in hot pursuit of Andrew Barron's first place position. Eddie VanLandingham is holding on to first place with a 100 point total but Bill Booth, Tony Mathews, Blake Jensen, George Batiuk and Ladi Horak can take the lead with a 25 point win. Faust Parker has a pretty good lock on F1C, Lynn Pulley could take first but would require a win at King Orange and I don't think he is making any travel plans. Faust looks to be the winner in F1J too-- I hope he and Julie drives to the February contests so he can get the two trophies home. Glen Schneider and Bob Hanford are one of the ties we currently have. At this point Glen would get first with two 25 point asterisk scores to Bob's one 25 point asterisk wins. The AmCup standing policy is to break only first place ties. Blake Jensen's 106 points looks to be a lock in F1G. The second tie is F1H where the leader for most of the season, Norm Smith, saw Mike McKeever tie him and then take the lead via tie breaker wins in Oct. John Oldencamp had a great start at the begining of the year and looks to hold on to the F1Q first place position unless the 2011 winner can manage to win one of the last two contests. Do you have to be told who wins F1E this year--- Peter Brocks.
My thanks to the clubs and CD that run the AmCup contests. Previous SENs have offered 5 or 6 AmCup sanctions. I have gotten 3 inquiries. Deadline for email application is Dec 1 2011. By thanks also to my AmCup pre-check team but I welcome all correction.
Hang Em High Update
This Richmond, VA company is a supplier of 1/2 oz Icarex and a number of people have had difficulty in reaching then recently.
Paul Crowley reports :
Roger Morrell