SEN 1599
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 2178
- 3rd USA World Cup Scuttlebut
- Fat Cat and Trailer for sale
- How to see the other parts of OZ
- Bob White's prop coords
- LDA for Real airplanes
USA 3rd World Cup scuttlebut
usually reliable sources aka the rumor mill tell us that the 3rd USA World Cup contest in 2012 will be in July at the MMM Denver site. Great place to visit for Europeans wanting a USA summer vacation in the Rockies. Huge site 27,000 acres of gently rolling pasture. The altitude is about 2000 metres so some adapation of man and machine maybe needed. Plenty of accomodation. . Denver airport is a major hub.
with out doubt more later from official sources.
Fat Cat + Trailer for Sale
The time has come to downsize. Beecroft's Fat Cat has already been sold and carried off to Arizona. My Fat Cat and the 5 x 9 trailer including the box, ramp, cables, locks, hitch and a bumper rack are for sale. Both the trailer and the Fat Cat are showing some wear and tear, but have never failed to perform their assigned duties. I'd like to get $1500 for the pair, but would consider selling them separately. If interested e-mail me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bill Booth
How to see the other part of OZ
Hi Roger,
Following on from your note on the Southern Cross Cup and New Zealand comps next year, as per Sen 1595 we are having the nationals in Perth starting Friday 13th April to Friday 20th. The weekend of 21st and 22nd of April is a national FAI compertition for F1A,B and C. That means if anyone travels down under for March April they can get the flying at New Zealand (2 World cup events), Neranderra (two world cup events) and Perth (two nationals events).
The flying field is about 130km inland from Perth and accomodation can be tight but camping can be organised if required, there is also a bed and breakfast about 8km from the field, we have block booked this for the period. It sleeps about 8 couples.
The web site for the Perth events is if anyone is interested. They can also contact myself at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chris Behr
FF contact for the Perth Nationals
From Facebook posting by Tony Mathews on F1B LDA BE7151
From Facebook posting by Tony Mathews on F1B LDA BE7151 LDA F1B BE7151NoVN_lera0.67
1.000000 0.003269
0.989621 0.005950
0.968638 0.011028
0.945670 0.015970
0.921500 0.020727
0.897037 0.025320
0.872607 0.029666
0.848212 0.033742
0.823689 0.037557
0.799227 0.041106
0.774487 0.044444
0.749801 0.047585
0.725068 0.050536
0.700293 0.053269
0.675299 0.055880
0.650315 0.058379
0.625316 0.060778
0.600298 0.063060
0.575336 0.065222
0.550416 0.067222
0.525439 0.069063
0.500471 0.070765
0.475567 0.072297
0.450737 0.073611
0.425870 0.074709
0.401151 0.075565
0.376519 0.076101
0.351892 0.076312
0.327360 0.076179
0.302897 0.075645
0.278377 0.074739
0.254036 0.073439
0.229760 0.071699
0.205779 0.069482
0.181923 0.066681
0.158252 0.063310
0.134975 0.059317
0.112199 0.054567
0.090364 0.049063
0.071574 0.043444
0.061236 0.039990
0.053987 0.037346
0.048053 0.035014
0.042814 0.032809
0.037956 0.030623
0.033268 0.028370
0.028552 0.025942
0.023520 0.023149
0.017420 0.019440
0.007713 0.012645
0.003189 0.008161
0.000994 0.004698
0.000010 0.001743
0.000163 -0.000965
0.001553 -0.003679
0.004357 -0.006089
0.008810 -0.008240
0.015700 -0.010449
0.026912 -0.012687
0.043861 -0.014482
0.064680 -0.015095
0.087400 -0.014537
0.110422 -0.013035
0.133963 -0.010597
0.157718 -0.007503
0.181879 -0.003901
0.205636 -0.000045
0.230035 0.003817
0.254547 0.007507
0.279078 0.011221
0.303518 0.014674
0.328049 0.017847
0.352548 0.020683
0.377445 0.023366
0.401937 0.025793
0.426621 0.027882
0.451215 0.029733
0.475617 0.031175
0.500220 0.032244
0.524894 0.033017
0.549568 0.033473
0.574344 0.033654
0.599097 0.033558
0.623960 0.033211
0.648877 0.032656
0.673747 0.031903
0.698575 0.030918
0.723386 0.029702
0.748180 0.028247
0.772956 0.026556
0.797686 0.024622
0.822439 0.022440
0.847091 0.020031
0.871677 0.017334
0.896228 0.014385
0.920306 0.011132
0.944028 0.007364
0.967468 0.003065
0.989324 -0.001331
1.000000 -0.003414
Comments (with minor cleanup and editing)
Tony Mathews Mihály Váradi (Hungary) is making me a few sets of F1B wings (1.8 Meter - 4 panel) using the BE7151. Paul Rossiter just got a set of the same wings btw. The surface finish seems to be fairly critical ie: they shouldn't be "too smooth" for the best gliding characteristics.
Kevin Lamers Tony, can you tell me something about expected results of wings using this airfoil (7151)?
Roger Morrell Does not too smooth equate to Icarex ?
Tony Mathews Kevin, so far we have seen some height gains of 5 meters minimum and in some cases up to 15 meters when compared with a conventional airfoil used with the same wing planform. Glide sink rate is very similar. My BE7151FVN (uses modified Vee nose with a flat area right behind the leading edge) has the lowest sink rate of any wings that I have (0.275 M/sec) in calm air. To realize the height gains the climb should be faster than with wings using a normal profile. Propellor run of 30 to 36 seconds for example. Also, some of us find fixed pitch is better for this profile. There are 7 people now trying this profile worldwide (Canada, Australia, Israel, Japan, Hungary and Russia) and we are still learning how to trim the models and make them glide.
Tony Mathews Roger, yes Icarex is a good choice. Airspan seems to be good also as would Polyspan. I think it should be better to make the bottom smooth, but the jury is out there too. Also, I think that it is possible to use Mylar and add some "roughness" with matte clear acrylic like Roland does with his wings. Some might suggest why not just add a surface turbulator? The reason is drag. A 0.5 mm turbulator at 9% chord reduced the climb height by 5 meters on our tests so we try to fly these wings without a forward turbulator. Rossiter is using a 0.4 mm turbulator at 50% chord and seems happy with the results so far.
Roger Morrell