SEN 1602
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1876
- 3rd World Cup Scuttlebutt
- A Thermal Spreaks
- AZ champs
- 5 days in Tustin
3rd World Cup Scuttlebutt
The scuttlebutt is true. The AMA FAI Executive Committee selected the Colorado proposal and submitted the application to CIAM for the third U.S. WC sanction. It will be added to the Magnificent Mountain Men (MMM) FAI 14-Rounder the weekend of July 13-15, 2012. More details as they become available. Looking forward to an outstanding event.
Chuck Etherington
A Thermal Speaks
As a thermal I feel it is time to communicate with some of my users over common misconceptions that appear in your, and other, organs of the model flying press.
I often hear comments such as "the thermal fell apart" which really hurt myself and my follow Thermals, Bumps, Lift, and our children, Up. I can assure you that we take our duties very seriously and never, never fall apart - more likely the model has not been correctly position to take advantage of what we offer. Perhaps it is worth reviewing that aspect and communicating ‘The Thermal's Mission Statement’ :-
1) A model launched correctly and of adequate trim* will betaken to sufficient height to max during the contest rounds. Note we are prepared to even do this in Norway (but not Scotland due to resource limitations).
2) Flyoff flights will be given as much help as possible noting that by the evening most thermals need some rest and recuperation; it's a tough job.
3) Flights launched near thermals will be given as much help as possible, accepting the requirement to meet 1) above (we are not of infinite area)
* adequate trim being defined as within 5% of optimum flight performance as defined by Ian Kaynes or Peter King.
Now much has been said about downdrafts. I can categorically say that these are separate entities and you meet them at your peril. Once we got one quite well together but they had to be asked to leave our union (The Worshipful Company of Liftmongers) and now cause mischief and bring a bad name to our profession. We have asked for mediation and I will update you as appropriate.
My friends also asked me to comment on so called 'thermal picking'. Some of the attempts we have seen are interesting, other quite insulting to us. How would you feel to be covered in bubbles or have trash (I think you call them fluffies) thrown in to you ? No, it's not pleasant and causes much irritation - I ask that this be stopped.
As for the comment "the thermal you put that glider in does not know ...... if the d/t timer is a fuse, clockwork or electronic"well please, we are not stupid. The noise from those ticking timers is annoying,much better to have something quiet like an electronic timer (we don't need the bleep in flight by the way - we know where you are !). However, you are correct is saying that we know when a tracker hasn't been fitted ............. oh what fun to see the panic in your eyes !
So in conclusion, we are there to help and support - we do enjoy being used after all - but please don't take us for granted and don't abuse us. If you would like to support us further you can contribute to us via as some of you have done over the last year(thanks Alex, Mikhail and Eugene).
Hughe Thermal
AZ FF Champs Results
Brian VanNest 180 180 180 180 180 331 1231
Andrew Barron 180 180 180 180 180 311 1211
Don Zink 180 180 180 180 180 196 1096
Peter Brocks 180 180 86 180 180 806
Enes Pecenkovi 180 180 180 180DNF 720
Norm Smith 167 150 93 79 180 669
Lee Hines 180 83 116 118DNF 497
Blake Jensen 180 180 180 180 180 362 1262
Bill Booth 180 180 180 180 172 892
George Batiuk 180 180 180 180 116 836
Brian Pacelli 180 180 180 97 99 736
Dick Wood 175DNF DNF DNF DNF 175
Glenn Schneide 131DNF 98 66 180 475
Mike Pykelny 103 136 180 165 81 665
John Oldenkamp 168 108 131 124 91 622
Peter Brocks 120 120 120 120 108 588
Dick Wood 101 120 88 120 93 522
Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 117 597
Bob Hanford 120 120 120 120 120 600
FIVE days in December in the fantastic Tustin Hanger
We're flying FIVE days in the fantastic Tustin, CA Blimp Hangar. December 26 - 30, Mon-Fri, 2011. It's a record trials, fun fly and contest with prizes! All the details are in the attachment. Any questions, post back to me. Make sure you reserve your spot!
Norm Furutani, CD
December 26 - 30, 2011
Monday thru Friday, December 26 - 30, 2011.
Sponsored Dates:
There are costs to use the hangar and we have tried to secure sponsorship for all days to reduce
your entry cost. Some of our sponsors (clubs and/or individuals) are able to absorb a loss, others
need to try and break even (Me!) so the fee varies. Donations beyond the basic fees are welcome!
The number of attendees are limited so it would be prudent to contact the sponsors and get on their
list. See their flyers for contact info. See the hangar: Tustin pics
Monday 12/26 is sponsored by the BlackSheep. Entry fee will be $10/day.
Thursday 12/29 is sponsored by the Harbor Soaring Society. Entry fee is $15/day.
Tuesday and Wednesday 12/27-28 will be sponsored by Norm Furutani. Entry fee is $20/day.
Friday 12/30 is at this time unsponsored, fee will be $50.
Special Events on Normʼs Days
Tuesday, 12/27 and Wednesday, 12/28/2011.
To add to the fun, we are offering three competition events.
1. Phantom Flash, mass launch and longest flight (unlimited attempts). Must be to original plan,
tissue covering w/ logo, any prop, 6” maximum.
2. NEW! Beat the Record! Prize for the best record attempt. This is for all Cat. IV AMA indoor record
classes. The flight(s) with the highest percentage of the current AMA record will be the winner. Ex:
EZB gets 92% of the current EZB record, A-6 95% of the A-6 record. A-6 wins!
3. NEW! 1/8th Inch rubber CLG. Fly ANY CLG, but use a single 1/8” wide loop of FAI rubber. 6”
hand held stick. Best 2 flights out of 9 attempts. Stan will have special Indoor Park Scout kits
available, $10
There will be PRIZES! A2Z, Ray Harlan and Starlink have generously agreed to donate goodies!
More to come!
An AMA record trial sanction will be in place for all days. AMA membership is required of all fliers.
Location and gate access:
The hangar gate is located near the intersection of Valencia Ave. and Armstrong Ave., Tustin CA.
Access is restricted and the gate must remain locked.
The gate will open briefly for entry or exit at the following times! 7, 9, and 11am, 12:30, 2:30 and the
end of the day. Please! No exceptions!
Google Marine Corps Air Station Tustin or contact the sponsors if you need further instructions.
Air Travel:
The Orange County John Wayne International is very close. LAX is approx. 45 miles away.
Most of the guys stay at:
Motel 6 Irvine Orange County Airport
1717 E Dyer Rd, Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 261-1515 (800) 466-8356 (949) 261-1265 (Fax)
There is NO electricity, lighting or water available. There will be a port a potty outside.
We will be in winter hours so a battery powered light might be handy. If you are traveling by air, we
will try to help with tables and chairs, but please let us know.
Ralph Ray, organizer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Norm Furutani, FF CD - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a message on my cell 310.408.7046
Fred Hesse, Harbor Soaring Society This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dave Gee, BlackSheep Squadron This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Inappropriate aircraft will not be allowed to fly! (ex. high speed and/or heavy craft) At the discretion of
the CD and organizers.
NO smoking or alcohol. Please remove any trash.
Roger Morrell