SEN 1500
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1246
- Fab Feb Summary
- Ike Results
- Ike Snippettes
- Pan American Results
- Wakefileld for free
- Bear Cup Info
- F1A for sale
Fab Feb Summary
Great weather for the Ike / Zeri, variable for the Pan Am and MaxMen. Outstanding flying throughout with a series of memorable fly offs.. People from 16 countries. Unprecedented performance by Roland Kogot in winning F1A in all 3 contests. Roland was flying a F1A with laminar flow airfoil that he had helped to develop that appears to equal flappers in performance. Lets see how it works in other conditions.
Record participation in Ike/Zeri with over 250 contest entries.
Friendly Americas Cup banquet catered as usual by the Wasco Elks. 2 firsts Julie Parker winning F1Q was the first lady to capture a first place and Brian Pacelli winning F1B was the first junior to top the podium.
On field food from Theo and Miranda got top marks. The Moble kitchen on the flight line was welcome and indication of the numbers at the early morning flyoffs was that they sold out of hot chocolate. Theo's chicken soup was welcome.
Editor still recovering and cleaning off mud as I expect is everyone else. Full results will follow.
F1H -11
PlaceContestant Total
1 Per Findahl 120 120 120 120 120 240 227 1067
2 Chris Edge 120 120 120 120 120 240 203 1043
3 Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 120 232 832
4 Brian VanNest 120 120 120 120 120 210 810
5 Phil Mitchell 120 120 120 120 120 170 770
6 Mike McKeever 120 120 120 108 120 588
7 John Cooper 120 120 102 120 120 582
8 Malcom Campbell 77 118 60 120 76 451
9 Lee Hines 120 120 120 0 0 0 360
10 Fred Terzian 116 120 120 356
11 Jon Davis 0 120 120 240
F1G - 27
PlaceContestant Total
1 Don DeLoach 120 120 120 120 120 192 792
2 Blake Jensen 120 120 120 120 120 186 786
3 Bill Boothe 120 120 120 120 120 172 772
4 Sarah Radziunas 120 120 120 120 120 163 763
5 Stepan Stefanchuk 120 120 120 120 120 156 756
6 Dick Wood 120 120 120 120 120 145 745
7 Eddie VanLandingham 120 120 120 120 120 118 718
8 John Clapp 120 120 120 120 120 600
9 Kurt Van Nest 120 120 117 120 120 597
10 Mike Davis 120 120 120 120 116 596
11 Jack Emery 120 120 120 120 111 591
12 Alexi Bukin 120 120 120 105 120 585
13 Abraham Baruch 120 120 120 120 95 575
14 Leigh Morgan 120 120 120 120 95 575
15 Tiffany O'Dell 120 90 120 120 120 570
16 Rich Rohrke 120 120 100 108 120 568
17 Carroll Allen 120 120 116 120 82 558
18 Tom Ioerger 120 120 120 75 118 553
19 Derek McGuckin 120 120 120 50 120 530
20 Peter Brocks 120 120 35 120 120 515
21 Troy Davis 90 120 120 120 0 450
22 Tom Vaccaro 120 120 7 0 0 247
23 Charlie Jones 0 0
24 Mark Stanbridge 0 0
25 Caley Hand 0 0
26 Eugeny Gorban 0 0
F1J - 7
PlaceContestant Total
1 Taron Malhasyan (Jr 120 120 120 120 120 240 360 1200
2 Roy Summersby 120 120 120 120 120 240 339 1179
3 Daryl Perkins 120 120 120 120 120 240 331 1171
4 Bob Gutai 120 120 120 120 120 240 315 1155
5 Tahn Stowe 120 18 115 120 120 493
6 Terry Kerger 120 120 0 0 0 240
7 Gary Pope 0 0
F1P Open - 1
1 Glenn Schneider 180 0 0 137 0 317
FAI Style CLG - 9
PlaceContestant Total
1 Paul Love 90 90 90 90 90 90 85 625
2 Stan Buddenbohm 90 90 56 90 90 90 90 596
3 Lee Hines 71 90 90 90 90 90 73 594
4 Tony Mathews 81 55 90 61 90 90 84 551
5 Ralph Ray 77 89 3 44 90 90 66 459
6 Bill Koran 64 90 42 90 70 54 46 456
7 Bruce Kimball 47 68 90 90 39 60 56 450
8 Ken Bauer 50 52 0 0 0 0 0 102
9 Paul Moore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PlaceContestant Total
1 Ken Bauer 120 11 68 120 79 120 120 103 583
2 Stan Buddenbohm 64 66 120 120 119 120 103 463
3 Bruce Kimball 84 120 120 120 78 438
4 Paul Moore 101 55 73 115 120 6 336
5 Tim Batiuk 75 61 120 42 111 77 308
6 Ralph Ray 40 51 49 120 120 49 291
7 Paul Love 84 60 64 79 120 84 288
8 Tony Mathews 77 90 120 76 59 68 287
9 Bill Koran 71 120 60 42 79 52 270
10 Don DeLoach 75 82 107 264
11 Mark Covington 44 120 44 67 70 70 260
12 Sevak Malkhasyan (J 68 57 104 82 57 38 2541st Jr
13 Tyler Portnier (Jr) 50 32 48 96 86 39 2322nd Jr
14 Taron Malkhasyan (J 37 46 92 52 47 61 2053rd Jr
15 Mike Mayea 56 37 41 36 45 21 142
16 Mark Stanbridge 5 3 4 7 6 18
AMA Hand Launch Glider - 16
PlaceContestant Total
1 Mark Covington 120 120 108 120 120 120 65 665
2 Tim Batiuk 120 88 120 88 46 120 120 97 577
3 Paul Love 120 120 120 120 49 529
4 Ken Bauer 120 118 120 70 55 120 94 454
5 Stan Buddenbohm 120 120 100 113 120 71 431
6 Bill Koran 120 120 42 120 50 410
7 Lee Hines 80 120 63 33 120 74 320
8 Taron Malkhasyan (J 120 61 68 94 120 3141st Jr
9 Don DeLoach 44 0 120 90 94 62 304
10 Tyler Portnier (Jr) 33 48 59 42 44 2562nd Jr
11 Clint Brooks 44 56 32 93 106 36 255
12 Mark Stanbridge 22 17 82 52 44 86 220
13 Sevak Malkhasyan (J 76 36 47 53 51 67 1963rd Jr
14 Dick Peterson 36 26 33 4 51 58 145
15 Fred Terzian 75 40 6 121
16 Ralph Ray 0 0
Nostalgia Tip Launch - 9
1 Lee Hines 48 60 60 60 60 288
2 Ken Bauer 42 60 60 60 60 282
3 Bruce Kimball 39 60 60 45 60 264
4 Bill Koran 17 60 60 60 60 257
5 Stan Buddenbohm 60 58 61 5 41 225
6 Dick Peterson 60 25 40 60 39 224
7 Paul Love 60 6 24 60 60 210
8 Paul Lagan 47 5 40 49 42 183
9 Ralph Ray 31 18 40 53 29 171
There was an error in Bill and Bruce's scores, swapping places.
Gollywock Mass Launch! - 5
1 Don DeLoach 271
2 Hal Cover 263
3 Martyn Cowley 171
4 Luke Napier 127
5 Gary Acord 98
Gollywock One Design - 5
1 Hal Cover 180 180 180 180 180 900
2 Wes Funk 123 143 178 180 180 804
3 Martyn Cowley 175 112 180 122 180 769
4 Luke Napier 180 180 107 91 180 738
5 Gary Acord 104 143 247
E-36 - 5
1 Hal Cover 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 720
2 Bernie Crowe 120 120 120 120 120 600
3 Frank Pollard 120 120 120 104 464
4 John Oldencamp 120 120 120 60 420
5 Mike Pykelny 108 120 110 338
Nostalgia Wakefield - 7
PlaceContestant Total
1 Don DeLoach 120 180 240 240 240 240 163 1423
2 Bruce Hannah 120 180 240 240 780
3 Juan Livotto 120 180 240 180 720
4 Bernie Crowe 120 180 194 494
5 Tom Laird 120 180 140 440
6 Dick Gildersleeve 120 180 0 300
7 Derek McGuckin 0
P-30 - 8
PlaceContestant Total
1 Clint Brooks 120 120 120 133 493
2 Don DeLoach 120 106 120 346
3 Luke Napier 120 96 120 336
4 Derek McGuckin 78 120 120 318
5 Mike Mayea 120 95 87 302
6 Caley Hand 88 91 87 266
7 Sevak Malkhasyan 42 66 1081st Jr
8 Gary Acord 0 0
1/2A Nostalgia Gas - 10
PlaceContestant Total
1 Frank Pollard(early 180 180 180 180 168 888Tie
2 Bruce Hannah 180 180 180 180 168 888Tie
3 Glen Schneider 170 180 155 505
4 Ken Kaiser 138 180 180 498
5 Phil Ronney 162 133 180 475
6 Don Kaiser 180 180 105 465
7 Glenn Schneider(ear 119 153 180 452
8 Jeff Carman 120 180 106 406
9 Tom Laird 138 138
10 Don McNamee 121 121
ABC Nostalgia Gas - 3
PlaceContestant Total
1 Bruce Hannah "B" 180 X 15 2700
2 Don Kaiser "C" 180 X 13 2340
3 Jim Hurst 180 180 180 180 180 111 1011
4 Jeff Carman "C" 180 180 180 180 149 869
5 Phil Ronney 180 180 180 132 672
6 Don McNamee "C" 167 180 180 527
7 Jim Hurst "B" 180 180 145 505
8 Al Cron "B" 135 120 105 360
9 Glen Schneider "B" 180 170 350
10 Ken Kaiser 0
11 Norm Peterson "C" 0 0
Vintage FAI Gas - 9
PlaceContestant Total
1 Bruce Hannah 180 180 180 180 180 900
2 Glen Schneider 173 180 180 180 180 893
3 Phil Ronney 180 108 180 180 180 828
4 Dick Neugebauer 180 180 120 130 138 748
5 Doug King 0 180 180 180 176 716
6 Wes Funk 129 91 86 97 169 572
7 James Robinson 105 180 285
8 Tom Laird 0 0
9 Ed Carroll 0 0
Classic Glider - 11
PlaceContestant Total
1 Tim Batiuk 120 148 240 508
2 Richard Cline 95 180 147 422
3 Stan Buddenbohm 65 180 112 357
4 Sevak Malkhasyan (J 92 103 106 301Jr 1st
5 Mark Covington 120 132 43 295
6 Don Kaiser 44 101 61 206
7 Jim Hurley 47 28 75
8 Mark Stanbridge 4 4
9 Ralph Ray 0 0
10 Tom Laird 0 0
11 James Robinson 0 0
Compressed Air Mass Launch - 5
PlaceContestant Total
1 Jim Alling 113
2 John Morrill 102
3 Jim Sprenger 99
4 Bud Matthews 95
5 Ron Boots 50
Compressed Air - 5
PlaceContestant Total
1 John Morrill 102 163 180 445
2 Bud Matthews 91 180 154 425
3 Jim Alling 180 110 131 421
4 Jim Sprenger 180 85 106 371
5 Ron Boots 36 63 51 150
Ike Snippettes from the Leeper
The non-FAI events at The IKE 2011 were joyously, competitive, yet socially active events.
A larger entry than usual for several events featured some fine performances and close finishes.
The guys in the glider pen were having a fine time chucking, towing & cata-launching their birds.
A relatively new flyer, Paul Love won FAI Cat Glider & BTV-West mass launch.
Don DeLoach did the amazing feat of handing Hal Cover's Gollywok maybe it's first loss, to add to his fine Coupe win.
Lots of good flying on those 'bluebird day's as Roger might have said.
and from the MMM flyers
Mark is in first in hlg with Five maxes plus 65 !
Tyler did a lot of hlg flying. No maxes but he is now a strong thumb on top
thrower. Tomorrow he'll fly clg.
DD first in nos wake. 7 maxes. first in gollywock mass launch 4:31.
Weather is stunning! Wind 0-3 mph, sunny skies.
Tomorrow is Coupe, 12 inch catapult, P-30. Same wx forecast as today
Late return last night into DIA.after midnight. My head did not hit the
pillow until 3:20 a.m.!
More results, from Sunday:
About 20 flyers in F1G. Eight in flyoff. DD 3:12 in 4:00 round, Jensen
second with 3:07. Exciting flyoff in very light breeze and overcast. Not
much lift if any.
P-30 DD 2nd. 120+106+120. Second flight the stab TE was hooked under the TE
screw.still nearly maxed! Dumb me.
More on the Gollywock Mass Launch.
It was at 5:00 p.m. Saturday in ideal conditions, no lift and almost no
drift, about 60 degrees. The stage was set for a showdown with Hal Cover's
vaunted 40-gram Gollywock, winner of this event something like 6 years in a
row. There were about 7-8 other models entered as well. My model was brand
new, finished Thursday night and test flown for the first time Friday at
about 4:00 p.m. It weighs 49 grams and carried 33 grams x 14 strands of
rubber. I only made four test flights on Friday and the model looked quite
good from the start. It did 3:58 on 30 inch/ounces on the fourth flight. I
put it away for the mass launch.
My power pattern was perfect and the model got higher than Hal's by about
100 feet. Probably 400 feet to Hal's 300. Props folded and mine was
definitely sinking faster, but held on for the win with 4:31 despite a very
slight stall in the glide. Hal did 4:23 which is impressive considering the
height difference. I wound to 33 in/oz. and my C.G. was set at 90%. The
models landed about 20 feet apart so I'm pretty certain they were in the
same air.
1 2 3 4 5 Total Fly-off
1 R. Koglot 180 180 180 180 180 900 364 R. Koglot
2 J. Abad 180 180 180 180 180 900 278 J. Abad
3 J. Parker 180 180 180 180 180 900 276 J.Parker
4 P. Mitchel 180 180 180 180 180 900 269 P.Mitchel
5 I. Kreetz 180 180 180 180 180 900 247 I. Kreetz
6 S. Spence 180 180 180 180 180 900 244 S. Spence
7 P. Brun 180 180 180 180 180 900 231 P. Brun
8 C. Edge 180 180 180 180 180 900 110 C. Edge
9 A. van Wallene 180 180 180 180 180 900 64 A. van Wallene
10 V. Stamov 180 180 180 180 180 900 0 V. Stamov
11 M. Johnson (Junior) 180 180 180 178 180 898
12 I. Frankin 180 167 180 180 180 887
13 M. McKeever 180 180 166 180 180 886
14 K. Bauer 180 131 180 180 180 851
15 T. Stowe 180 161 144 180 180 845
16 J. Cooper 180 117 180 177 180 834
17 H. Diaz 112 180 180 180 180 832
18 P. Findahl 180 180 108 180 180 828
19 B. Vannest 180 180 180 180 94 814
20 P. Brocks 180 110 180 180 103 753
21 A. Jack 108 180 180 94 180 742
22 L. Farkas 134 127 99 180 176 716
23 L. Hines 150 126 32 153 180 641
24 D. Zink 180 180 130 _ _ 490
25 N. Smith 58 180 180 _ _ 418
26 V. Morgan 180 180 0 _ _ 360
27 C. Breeman 180 _ _ _ _ 180
1 2 3 4 5 Total Fly-off
1 A. Ribchenkov 180 180 180 180 180 900 371
2 S. Stefanchuk 180 180 180 180 180 900 327
3 T. Matthews 180 180 180 180 180 900 270
4 R. Felix 180 180 180 180 180 900 266
5 P. Lagan 180 180 180 180 180 900 253
6 A. Baruch 180 180 180 180 180 900 248
7 D. Saks 180 180 180 179 180 899
8 W. Ghio 180 180 140 180 180 860
9 P. Rossiter 170 180 180 137 180 847
10 A. Schlosberg 180 180 102 180 180 822
11 F. Gnass 171 120 154 180 180 805
12 S. Radziunas 147 180 72 180 180 759
13 M. Seifert 26 180 180 180 180 746
14 L. Horak 180 136 64 155 180 715
15 P. Beldam 177 161 65 97 180 680
16 L. Morgan 180 _ _ _ _ 180
17 R. Wood 161 _ _ _ _ 161
18 G. Batiuk 152 _ _ _ _ 152
19 C. Ackerley 0 _ _ _ _ 0
F1A Junior
1 M. Johnson 180 180 180 178 180 898
1 2 3 4 5 Total Fly-off
1 R. Truppe 180 180 180 180 180 900 531
2 R. Happersett 180 180 180 180 180 900 528
3 E. Verbitsky 180 180 180 180 180 900 504
4 A. Babenko 180 180 180 180 180 900 420
5 R. Mc Burnett 180 180 180 180 180 900 283
6 Y. Shvedenkov 180 180 180 180 180 900 148
7 D. Chesson 180 180 180 180 180 900 0
8 H. Nyhegn 180 _ 180 165 180 705
9 R. Summersby 180 _ _ _ _ 180
9 R. Gutai 180 _ _ _ _ 180
9 G. Morris 180 _ _ _ _ 180
1 Spence, McKeever, Bauer 900 886 851 2637
2 Stamov, Findahl, Koglot 900 828 900 2628
3 Parker, Vannest, Johnson 900 824 898 2622
1 Horak, Beldam, Matthews 715 680 900 2295
2 Lagan, Morgan, Rossiter 900 180 847 1927
3 Stefanchuk, Ribchenkov 900 900 1800
1 Babenko, Verbitsky, ShevdenRounds 900 900 900 3772
Fly-off 420 504 148
2 Happersett, Mc Burnett, CheRounds 900 900 900 3511
Fjy-off 528 283 0
3 Summersby, Bond, Nyhegn Rounds 180 _ 705 885
Free Wakefield
FREE TO GOOD HOME: A well-built 1953 Warren Gillispie "Whiffenpool" Wakefield. Complete. Only one flight logged. Can't afford to feed it anymore. Will deliver to Lost Hills Ike/Anselmo Zeri. John Oldenkamp: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We missed getting this in by the Ike/Zeri but contact John by e-mail.
Bear Cup Info
The Web page of Bear Cup 2011 contest, , contains the info and online registration for this years' competition. Welcome!
F1A for sale
Thank you, Povilas C.
Roger Morrell