SEN 1399
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1259
- A failure to prepare is to prepare to fail
- Bissonette results
- 67th Midwestern States Championships and Hoosier Cup FAI Results
A failure to prepare is to prepare to fail
Quote from former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden who just passed away aged 99 years. Coach Wooden regarded himself as a teacher and had lots for little saying like this one that applied to much more than basketball. A lesson that some FF sportsmen should take to heart when they wonder why the same guys win more !
F1A RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 6 RD 7 FO 1 TOTAL
1 Tyler Secor 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 325 1615
2 Jim Parker 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 322 1612
3 Ken Bauer 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 321 1611
4 Lee Hines 210 180 148 180 180 180 180 1258
5 Brian VanNest 210 180 129 180 180 180 180 1239
6 Rene Limberger 210 128 180 152 180 180 128 1158
7 Logan Tetrick 210 180 180 110 180 180 62 1102
8 Peter Brocks 210 180 112 180 180 180 33 1075
9 Hector Diez 114 180 180 180 161 180 67 1062
10 Mike McKeever 210 38 180 143 180 172 117 1040
11 Micheal Thompson 210 180 53 180 180 180 47 1030
12 Risto Puhakka 210 128 67 180 180 180 0 945
13 Don Zink 210 180 180 77 70 0 0 717
14 Pierre Brun 79 180 180 32 0 0 0 471
F1B RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 6 RD 7 FO 1 TOTAL
1 Bob Tymchek 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 371 1691
2 Blake Jensen 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 370 1690
3 Mike Davis 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 294 1614
4 Dave Sacks 240 180 180 180 180 180 152 1292
5 Aimee Schroedter 198 180 180 180 180 180 180 1278
6 Martin Schroedter 240 180 180 180 180 180 132 1272
7 George Batiuk 240 180 180 180 180 180 123 1263
8 William Booth Jr 166 180 180 180 180 180 180 1246
9 Mark Belfield 240 180 180 180 180 150 118 1228
9 Alm Ulm 240 180 180 180 124 180 144 1228
11 Larry Norvall 240 121 139 180 180 180 180 1220
12 Roger Morrell 240 110 180 180 124 180 180 1194
13 Joel Raymond 232 180 180 101 180 134 180 1187
14 Richard Wood 155 180 180 180 180 180 107 1162
15 Robert Piserchio 124 180 180 180 180 180 81 1105
16 Jack Emery 82 180 180 180 180 92 129 1023
17 Troy Davis 113 180 171 128 167 180 89 1028
18 Mike Achterberg 107 0 23 180 73 180 0 563
19 Sevak Malkhasyan 240 137 180 0 0 0 0 557
20 Rich Rohrke 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 201
21 Tom Ioerger 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 161
F1C RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 6 RD 7 FO 1 TOTAL
1 Don Chesson 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 429 1749
2 Austin Gunder 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 408 1728
3 Gil Morris 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 392 1712
4 Ed Carroll 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 346 1666
5 Roger Simpson 240 180 180 180 165 180 180 1305
6 Ron McBurnett 240 180 180 137 180 180 180 1277
7 Lynn Pulley 240 69 170 180 180 180 180 1199
8 Randy Secor 240 180 180 180 175 180 0 1135
9 Jeff Ellington 240 180 180 180 180 55 0 1015
10 Doug Joyce 155 100 138 180 177 121 63 934
11 Mike Roberts 240 180 135 180 180 0 0 915
12 Cody Secor 240 180 0 0 0 0 0 420
F1G RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 6 FO1 TOTAL
1 Mark Belfield 186 120 120 120 120 120 180 966
2 Jack Enery 151 120 120 120 120 120 180 931
3 Tom Ioerger 140 120 120 120 120 120 180 920
4 Bill Booth 0 120 120 120 120 120 173 773
5 Tiffany O'Dell 243 120 120 120 120 120 91 691
6 Peter Brocks 151 120 120 120 120 106 586
7 Dave Saks 116 120 120 120 120 97 577
8 Troy Davis 120 120 120 120 120 95 575
9 Larry Bagalini 143 120 120 113 120 97 570
10 Kurt VanNest 96 120 120 51 120 120 531
11 William Gannon 0 120 120 120 83 82 525
12 Sevak Malkmasyan 137 102 120 120 120 0 462
13 Bob Tymchek 113 120 120 0 0 0 240
14 Bob VanNest 90 120 90 0 0 0 210
F1H RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 6 FO 1 TOTAL
1 Brian VanNest 220 120 120 120 120 120 82 682
2 Lee Hines 218 120 120 120 120 120 66 666
3 Mike McKeever 302 120 120 94 120 120 574
4 Micheal Thompson 160 120 120 120 120 48 528
F1J RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 6 FO1 TOTAL
1 Tony Robertson 285 120 120 120 120 120 180 1065
2 Terry Kerger 0 120 120 120 120 120 180 780
3 Austin Gunder 0 120 120 120 120 120 180 780
4 Mike Roberts 0 120 112 120 120 120 592
5 Taron Malkhasyan 0 120 120 100 105 0 445
F1P RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD6 RD7 TOTAL
1 Taron Malkhasyan 0 137 145 0 0 0 0 282
2 Glenn Schneider 77 53 0 0 0 0 0 130
F1E RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 TOTAL
1 Dave Parsons 100 28.88 100 41.1195.33 365.32
2 Dave Saks 100 67.2291.1153.3347.17 358.83
3 Peter Brocks 76.11 100 34.44 100 48.11 358.66
4 Tom Ioerger 71.6668.88 70 40 100 350.54
5 Ken Hamlyn 36.66 100 100 41.6638.66 316.98
6 Richard Wood 100 12.22 100 41.1125.47 278.8
F1Q RD 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 6 TOTAL
1 Mike Pykelny 392 180 180 180 180 180 900
2 Bernie Crowe 282 180 180 180 180 0 720
3 Larry Bagalini 238 180 180 90 180 0 630
Nostalgia Wakefield TOTAL
1 Berne Crowe 120 180 240 540
2 Bob VanNest 120 180 212 512
1 Gleen Schneider 0 180 180 180 180 180 900
2 Doug King 146 155 180 136 138 180 789
3 Wes Funk 145 180 180 0 0 0 360
67th Midwestern States Championships and Hoosier Cup FAI Results. May 28-30, 2010.
Muncie Indiana, AMA Sanction 10-743
Upon arrival at the International Aeromodeling Center on Thursday, May 27 the weather was warm and sunny with light breezes. That soon changed while setting up to do some testing after not flying any outdoor since last fall. The first test flight with an F1G showed moderate drift, but while retrieving some raindrops began to fall. The sky did not look threatening, but just to be safe I placed all my stuff back into the car. The rains increased and lightning and thunder dominated the IAC as a storm seemed to develop from nothing right over our heads. It was about an hour before flying could continue. The unsettled state of the weather was evident from noting several other small thunderstorms that surrounded the area creating unusual shifts in wind direction. None the less, there remained ample daylight and time to do some test flying. The conditions finally became almost dead calm about 2 hours before sunset so those who arrived late in the afternoon had a good opportunity for testing.
Friday, May 28 was dead calm at sunrise, but by 7:30 am a very light east wind had started. The forecast was for light NW winds, so the flight line was established near the RC glider area at the NW part of the field to avoid two hazards: the cemetery trees and the RC “woody” contest being held at center stage. However, the breeze stayed from the east so we moved to the raised mound north of the control-line pavilion. Notable flying on Friday was 6 maxes by Ed Konefes to win the Small OT Rubber event with a Gollywock, better than the Mulvihill winning time!
Saturday May 29. The forecast was for light NE winds so we remained at the same launch line as Friday. The FAI contest flew 3-minute maxes for the first 5 rounds, but strong thermals were taking the models off site if they were in the air for more than 4 minutes. A delay was called to wait for the expected wind direction change that never happened. After about 2 hours, we decided to continue the FAI contest with 2-minute maxes for rounds 6 and 7. The only max-out for the FAI contest belonged to Paul Shailor. Bill Schlarb got 3 maxes to win HLG and Bob Hanford had 6 maxes each in 1/2-A and A-Nostalgia to win both.
On Sunday May 30, we enjoyed the best weather of the weekend. The forecast was for light easterly breezes becoming SW later in the day. The flight line was set up just south of the cemetery as the light easterly winds had persisted all weekend. However, as drift direction became more variable, the cemetery trees became a hazard so the line was moved to the west, halfway across the field. In F1A, the first round had an unlimited supermax to break ties. John Seymour DTd a bit early and the longest flight went to Paul Crowley. However, Crowley dropped one of the thermal rounds to place 5th with the win going to Seymour who had the only clean score. Crowley’s drop was amazing as the climb indicated that the F1G was in a super thermal. Although there were only two Moffett entries, Joe Williams decided to go for a record, but fell short of a max on the 7-minute flight. In catapult glider, a new champion was found, Frances Masterman. She had three maxes to edge out Bill
Schlarb, who had dropped only 7 seconds. Her last max came on her 5th flight with only 6 minutes remaining in the contest. The trophy mug was put to immediate celebratory use with chardonnay. Amazing flying was the order of the day Sunday as Bob Hanford finally put an end to Keith Fulmer’s 17-year possession of the Celia Goldberg trophy for first in ½-A. Said trophy has been maintained for 60 years and has been kept up to date with winner’s names inscribed. Even though the wind directions never did follow the weather forecast, it was a beautiful weekend to fly free flight. Besides that, the large temporary ponds of rainwater were absent for the first time in memory. A total of 390 official flights were recorded for the contest by 42 entries. Thanks to Chuck Phelan, Fran Masterman and John Ctvrtlik for help at the table.
There seemed to be a consensus that a 3-day contest over the Memorial Day weekend was a good choice so we will do it again next year. Mark your calendars.
Hoosier Cup FAI Events
Max per Round 180 180 180 180 180 120 120Total = 11
1. Chuck Markos 119 180 180 180 180 79DNF 918
2. John Lorbiecki 180 106 107 180 132 120DNF 825
3. Bill Schlarb 70 91 56DNF DNF DNF DNF 217
1. John Shailor 180 180 180 180 180 120 120 1140
2. Charlie Jones 180 180 180 180 178 120 120 1138
3. Greg Simon 180 180 180 180 145 120 120 1105
4. Evan Simon 180 180 170 180 145 120 120 1095
5. Paul Crowley 180 180 180 180 131 120 120 1091
6. Rich McCleary 180 180 180 180 155 81 120 1076
7. Jerry McGlashan 171 96 124 179 93 120 120 903
8. John Shailor 180 168 139 180 180DNF DNF 847
9. Ryan Jones 180 180 180 180DNF DNF DNF 720
10. Bill Shailor 151 180 91 180DNF DNF DNF 602
1. Bucky Servaitis 180 180 180 161 128 120DNF 949
1. Bob Hanford 180 180 180 151DNF DNF DNF 511
Max per round Supermax 120 120 120 120 120Total = 600 (+)
1. John Seymour 81 120 120 120 120 120 600
2. Dave Sechrist 54 120 120 120 117 120 597
3. Paul Crowley 90 120 120 120 120 109 589
4. Paul Masterman 52 120 106 120 120 120586 (+52)
5. Ed Konefes 24 120 106 120 120 120586 (+24)
6. Charlie Jones 27 120 120 96 120 120 576
7. Chuck M arkos 84 120 51 120 88 471
8. Greg Simon DNF DNF DNF DNF 120 120
1. Bill Schlarb 70 31DNF DNF DNF 101
1. John Lorbieck 79 120 120 120DNF DNF 360
P-30 HLG ½-A Gas
1. Dave Sechrist 340 1. Bill Schlarb 360 1. Bob Hanford 600
2. John Seymour 327 2. Dave Gerspacher 274 2. Keith Fulmer 586
3. J.B.M. Griner 12 3. Hank Sperzel 346
Moffett 4. G. Christensen 120
1. Joe Williams 1660 CLG 5. Charlie Harper 75
2. Ed Konefes 341 1. Fran Masterman 360
2. Bill Schlarb 353B- Gas
Mulvihill 3. Dave Gerspacher 276 1. Hank Sperzel 675
1. Walt Tomash 521 4. M. Chamberlin 189 2. Bob Hanford 596
2. Ed Konefes 422 5. J. B.M. Griner 126 3. Jack Marsh 360
3. Joe Williams 234 6. Elvin Buchele 107 4. Charlie Harper 353
4. Ed Sneed 114 7. Paul Skelly 65 5. Guy Scott 120
6. Paul Skelly 78
Classic Towline
1. John Lorbiecki 519CD-Classic Gas
2. Bill Schlarb 4511. Bob Hanford 739
2. Hank Sperzel 351
3. Charlie Harper 120
Large OT Rubber Small OT Rubber
1. Joe Williams Smith Mu 540 1. Ed Ko Gollywock 1080
2. Ed Konefes Lamb Cli 535 2. Ed Sn Gollywock 360
3. Ed Sneed Smith Mu 346
4. Roy Stewart Hi-Ho 112
Early ½-A Nostalg Model DeEngine Score
1. Keith Fulmer Spare Ri Cub .049 312
2. Bob Hanford Ambition Cub .049 288
3. Gene Wicks Kiwi Cub .049 287
4. Jack Marsh Shaboom Cub .049 198
5. Elmer Jordan Zeek Cub .049 25
½-A Nostalgia
1. Bob Hanford Jaybird Medallion 720
2. Gene Wicks T-Bird Medallion 562
3. Jack Marsh Shaboom Medallion 439
4. Charlie HarpeShaboom/ Cox 403
5. Keith Fulmer SWAT Medallion 292
6. Al Rohrstaff Hi-Fli Cox 348
7. Bob EdelsteinT-Bird Atwood 276
8. Lee Campbell Shaboom Medallion 250
9. Elmer Jordan Cox 79
1. Bob Hanford Lucky LiTorp Green Head 19 720
2. Keith Fulmer SWAT O.S. 15 453
3. Charlie HarpeRamrod O.S. 19 431
4. Jack Marsh Shaboom O.S. 19 320
5. Al Rohrstaff Spacer Torp 19 310
6. Bob EdelsteinHi-Fli O.S. 15 309
7. Gene Wicks Hustler O.S, 15 276
8. Elmer Jordan ? ? 120
1. Gene Wicks T-Bird O.S. 29 1141
2. Bob Hanford Hoosier Johnson 29 918
3. Jack Marsh Shaboom O.S. 29 448
4. Gene ChristenLucky LiO.S. 29 338
5. Charlie HarpeRamrod O.S. 29 323
1. Bob Hanford Hoosier Johnson 32 453
2. Gene Wicks T-Bird O.S. 35 342
Roger Morrell