SEN 1449
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1214
- Southwest FAI Challenge Update
- Bradley Update
- Patterson
- Bauer and Gunder
- AD06 stuff
Southwest FAI Challenge Update
I have received a surprising number of phone calls & e-mails regarding the dates for this year's Southwest FAI Challenge at Boulder City. I have also heard rumors about problems with permit approval and other issues.
I'm not sure where the bogus dates came from, but the dates have never changed. They have always been October 30 & 31, 2010 with a sanctioned reserve day for Monday November 1 if we need it. The Boulder City Lake Permit was secured in March, the AMA sanction was secured in January. Insurance certificates have been delivered, time cards are printed, forms are in the box as is the round horn and the porta potties have been ordered.
There hasn't been a year in the last 10 that I'm aware of when we have had a smoother path to approval and better organization.
Ignore the rumors. We're in great shape and looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks!
Bill Booth
Bradley Update
As many of you are aware I had a motorcycle accident while chasing my F1B flyoff flight at the Sierra Cup. Initially it seemed that I had not hurt myself very badly as I got up and kept chasing. My right knee started to swell up so I put ice on it for the trip back to the Fresno airport that day. After we boarded the plane in Fresno to return to Florida I started to have some difficulty breathing and felt nausea's. I decided it was best to deplane which I did and the EMT's came and took me off to the Fresno hospital Trauma center, which is excellent by the way.
Initially they were more concerned with the head wound but that turned out to be no more than a bad scrape. While there they X-rayed me and did a complete scan and found no broken bonds or internal bleeding but I was still having difficultly breathing. They kept me overnight for observation and released me Monday morning so we could fly home.
Tuesday I went to the urgent care center which immediately sent me to the Hospital Emergency Room where I spent the day having all the X-rays and scans done again. I was admitted to the Hospital Wednesday and ended up staying a week.
Overall I am fine but I have an open wound on my right leg just below the knee where they had to do surgery to remove some dead tissue. As I fell on my left side with the bike on top of me I think this area on my right leg is where my leg rest on the exhaust and cover, thus cooking this spot to medium rare.
I am home now and will see the orthopedic surgeon this Tuesday and figure out what is next. He is hoping the wound will self heal but if not then additional surgery will be required to replace the tissue they had to remove, currently about the size of a golf ball.
Actually the point of this whole update is not really my condition but to make everyone aware of how dangerous it is to chase without a helmet. The trauma doctor in Fresno was very blunt with me. He told me that if I had hit a rock with my head instead of dirt it could have very well killed me and I was going less that 10 MPH when I crashed. From now on I'll be wearing a helmet while chasing and likely a full face helmet as I value my teeth.
Jim Bradley
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Patterson F.A.I. Invitational 2010
AMERICA CUP CONTEST. Lost Hills, Ca. November 13- 14.
F1 a,b,c,g,h,j,p,q, and nostalgia Wakefield jr,sr,,open classes combined
Saturday,november 13.
Nostalgia Wakefield:no rounds,fly Saturday from 7.30 to 16.30 or Sunday
from 7.30 to 12.30. All flights same day.2 mn.,3 mn.,4mn. max.then
repeat 4mn. max fly off.
F1.g.h.j.q. rounds schedule:
Round 1 7.30---- 8.15 180s.max
Round 2 8.15---- 9.00 120s. max (for f1q 180s max all rounds)
Round 3 9.00---- 9.45 120s. max
Round 4 9.45---10.30 120s.max
Round 5 10.30---11.15 120s.max
For f1q only Round 6 11.15---12.00 180s. max
" " " Round 7 12.00---12.45 180s. max
Fly offs @ approx. 16.45..Starting time and max. will be posted at C.D. table
F1a,b,c and p rounds schedule:
Round 1 11.30--- 12.30 180s. max
Round 2 12.30--- 13.30 180s. max
Round 3 13.30--- 14.30 180s. max
Round 4 14.30--- 15.30 180s. max
Round 5 15.30--- 16.30 300s.max !!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday Nov. 14
Round 6 7.30--- 8.30 (f1a max-240s. f1b max 240s.fic-p 300s.max)
Round 7 8.30--- 9.30 180s. max
Round 8 9.30--- 10.30 180s. max
Round 9 10.30--- 11.30 180s. max
Round10.10.30--- 11.30 180s. max.
Fly offs will start at approximately 13.30. Starting time and and max. will be posted
at C.D. table.All involved in fly off to bring a timer to organizers 5 min.before fly off.
Fees:Open $ 20 for first event,$15 for next events
Jr(f.a.i. age) $10 for first event, $ 5 for next events.
Sponsored by the Southern California Aero Team
C.D. Hector Diez Ph. 661 834 1063 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sanction # 10 2201
Of Bauer and Gunder
Ken- EoB took my method- However, I just wait for the 5th round so it "looks" like I will make the flyoff....Or, maybe, the method to make the flyoff is to switch to F1C....
Austin- If I can get into a Luscombe, he probably can get into the Pitts-Or maybe, just pull the Pitts around him.
John Lorbiecki
AD06 Stuff
You might have the two piece flst coil plug that Nelson makes. If a standard Nelson plug will screw into the head, then that is what it is.
Both are available.
Doug Galbreath
Roger Morrell