SEN 1347b<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1486
Table of Contents - SEN 1347b
- Stop the Presses
- Patterson F1Q
- Stop the Presses
- K02 and Biggles FFT
- Canada Cup
This is the rest of SEN 1347 that some people did not get
Stan Buddenbohm and Ralph Ray have broken two long-standing Indoor glider
On Oct 29, 2009 in the Tustin CA Blimp Hanger, Stan did best two flight total of
3:14.4 to beat Ron Wittman's IHLG 'Holy Grail' record of 2:58.6, set 2-18-1973
at same site. That was probably the oldest indoor glider record still existing.
The moon & stars coincided such that we were able to get permission to go in
the hanger. There was scheduled to be an escorted open house or meeting,
which we happily were informed about & allowed to attend.
An AMA Record trials 2-day sanction was rapidly obtained by Norm Furutani.
He CDed the activity. I was asked to co-CD and did the scores timekeeping.
The hanger was completely empty & void of any facilities. For the most part
all you could hear was an owl, or two in the north end high carrier pigeon
Oh yes, echos of glider launches reverbrated
all over and back again!
It was wonderful & awesome to be flying there again.
I believe my last occasion was in July 1972, at Tom Hutchinson's IHLG
Stan's commentary of his 10-29-09 flights follows, slightly edited:
Hi Lee,
I think it is important to view all of the times in my three series to see
the trials and tribulations and
to show that they were not fluke flights due to some special air.
[LRH: air seemed very settled & fair for most part.]
Series ONE : I began this series when my practice throws reached 92
1) 94.8 2) 88.1 a small end bit of the tip cracked but I decided to carry
on as
I had only trimmed this model and everyone was waiting to go to lunch
3) 85.9 4) 88.4 5) 87 6) 90 7) 88 8) 85.2 9) 83.6
I had pulled off more of the cracked tip bits to avoid any dropped parts
and it
really effected the times.
[LRH: it did seem the case]
Series two[after lunch, about 3PM]:
I waited until the gaggle of tourists had left and the air seemed to settle
at the
far end [LRH: north].
I repaired the tip but decided to go with its twin which I had just trimmed
1) 94.8 2) 96.8[LRH: one of the record flts]
3) 95 4) 91.6 Something sounded like it cracked
5) 0 The nose broke off meaning a dropped part.
This plane had never crashed so the nose breaking was just from the throws.
I did not repair but switched back to its twin that had the damaged tip I
had fixed.
6) 89.5 My repair held but the end of the tip cracked a different place.
These were not structural breaks but were from the fragile tip being
in my palm during the spin. I just carried on.
7) 83 8) 85.1
9) I decided the damaged tip just could not glide well enough and stopped
to quickly repair the nose of the other model with some carbon splices.
The result was 97.6 [LRH: the second flt of the record set].
Series Three: Still feeling feisty I wanted to try again.
1) 94.2 2) 95.5 3) 93.4 4) 85 Felt like something cracked but I could
not see what.
5) A few seconds. Something really cracked and the model went wild to the
into the girders. 6) 57 Used an older model which stalled to the ground.
7) 83.3 light stalls with the same model
8) 89.6 Switched back to the model with the broken tip
9) 90, and called it a day.
Thanks Stan, for your cogent recollection of probably the most exciting
HL glider flying I have ever been priviliged to have witnessed!
BTW, I estimate his best launches were at or just under the catwalks, i.e.,
Stan thinks he was reaching about 100ft.
My observation was that nearly all his launches were acceptable & well
never a bad one in about 40 flights. Just extraordinary to see such skill.
Then on Friday, Oct 30, 2009, we went back to the hanger, excited to now
try for ICLG records.
With his Johnson City USIC catapults, Stan was getting about same times
as at that venue.
That left it up to Ralph to concentrate on his assault on Bob DeShields
Standard Class CLG record of 3:25.4, set on 2-2-97.
Ralph carefully and methodically worked his trim & launches such that his
missile was clearing the catwalks[which are claimed to be 130ft high by
by 10-15ft!
He had TWO of the most amazing launches which did NOT count, as they landed
ON the catwalk 1/2 circle after perfect recoveries, then...oh, its a
wait for it...then it CAME OFF!
The first time it glided down with no damage, while the second time it
the wall and needed some CA body repairs.
Our collective looks of amazement were not documented, so you must take my
word for that.
Think of the odds that even one time landing on catwalk would come flying
and not become a fixture & plaything for the hanger ghosts...but twice?!?!
Ralph got several beaut flights over the record times, his best two being
& 104.5 sec.
His set of nine flights were:
101.8, 89.9, 97.1, 100.6,
104.4, 104.5, 102.9, 102.6, 71[the 2nd flt that slid off the catwalk].
His hard earned total score of 3:28.9 beat Bobby D's 12 year-old record by
Let me tell you, there were two happy record setters that went to lunch
that day!
My heartiest congratulations to them both!
Ciao from Leeper
official documentor & glider redactor
Patterson F1Q Update
Hello Roger ,
I need to add to the schedule for the Patterson contest ,nov 14 & 15 ,that
we will be flying F1Q on
Saturday the 14 ,on the same format as the mini events(F1g,h,j),starting
at 7.30.two more rounds will be flown,
round 6 from 11.15 to 12.00 and round 7 from 12.00 to 12.45 .Rounds will be
15 sec. motor run for 3 min. max.
Fly off, if needed,will be posted at C.D. table.I'm very sorry about the
omition and appreciate the gentle reminder
by the F1Q group.
Plese include this clarification in a future S.E.N.
It's time for a reminder about Eloy in January!
Everyone is invited to join us at Eloy, Arizona 16, 17 & 18 January, 2010
for the 60th Annual Southwest Regionals with 3 contests, same weekend, same
site [the Eloy site is about half way between Phoenix and Tucson, just off
the I-10 freeway, 5.5 miles south of Exit 203]:
~AMA/NFFS/SAM Free Flight - a NFFS National Cup event, plus the
International P-30 Challenge, and the One Design Country Boy event.
~FAI Free Flight [16 & 17] - an America's Cup event
~SAM RC Old Timers
and a free swap meet on Saturday afternoon at the AMA FF official's area
Details on events plus maps to, and of, the site at: 10info.htm
History, results and lots of pics: swrintronu. htm
See YOU here?
AL Lidberg: SWR contest manager / AMA FF CD
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ko2 & Biggles FFT Update
Hi Roger
My complete Co2 setup, actualy speced higher than in my original email with
GM63 and GM120 motors, two of each has been sold to a UK flier who is
currently in Tanzania.
Handove will be a problem as I'm off to Brisbane and only return for a few
weeks which just might coincide with Jim being back in UK after his
Tanzania posting.
Assuming correct handove he plans to use the 120s in small scale models but
might fly the two competition models, ready to go out of the box, in UK
2010 competitions.
Many thanks for your help.
My next posting will be for the free digital distribution of Biggles News
2010 as I am just jollying along all the members to contribute papers for
our annual newsletter - which will be available in A4 page size pdf format
file as a free download from our commercial digital publishing site, the
same one that publishes Andy Crisp's World of Free Flight Models at £2.99.
Thanks from myself anf the Biggles FFT
David Brawn
September 5-6, 2009
F1A NAME COUNTRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL F/O PLACE<
C. Lenartowice CAN 165 180 180 180 240 85 180 180 180 148 180 1898 1
P. Allnutt CAN 180 76 180 180 225 86 180 180 180 167 166 1800 2
T. Tzvetkov BUL 180 168 180 180 240 126 116 180 67 180 180 1797 3
T. Boyadzhiev CAN 180 180 180 180 108 130 180 180 85 180 180 1763 4
V.Nikolajevas CAN 180 180 180 180 81 180 180 180 81 180 119 1721 5
J. Horak CAN 165 90 170 180 230 175 130 105 180 155 80 1660 6
G.Bachmann SUI 180 180 180 180 36 180 107 74 180 180 180 1657 7
L. Farkas CAN 130 180 121 151 240 97 84 136 147 180 113 1579 8 F1B
NAME COUNTRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A.Shlosberg USA 180 180 180 180 0 180 180 180 180 180 0 1620 1
C.Allen USA 129 180 180 180 0 150 180 180 180 180 0 1539 2
L.Horak CAN 151 180 180 180 0 180180 180 130 164 0 1525 3
J.McGlashan CAN 180 180 180 180 0 157 117 180 0 0 0 1174 4
T.Mathews CAN 0 0 0 0 0 180 168 180 103 137 0 768 5
C.Ackerley CAN 165 150 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 675 6
NAME COUNTRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
F. Schlachta CAN 180 180 180 180 300 180 180 180 173 180 180 2093 1
Yury Shvedenkov CAN 180 125 180 180 284 123 91 133 180 180 180 1836 2
Carrol Allen USA 81 120 120 120 561 1
Roger Morrell