SEN 1334<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1612
Table of Contents - SEN 1334
- iPhone meetin Free Flight
- Comment from Dr Magic
- Travel bargains for ..
- Got the message but not the model - yet
- More Munchie Mutterings
Mr Scat,
Comment From Dr Magic
Julian and other f1A sportsmen with propellor heads
Firstly I've seen , I think then Flying Models mention of a windspeed measuring app for an iPhone - works by the pitch of the noise of the wind blowing over the iPhone's mike!
Secondly - your not quite as bleeding edge as the Leaper who sends his e-mail from his iPhone too.
Thirdly there is person who claims to have written a Super Magic eqivalent app for the iPhone. I say claims, because while it maybe simple to write one for a particular model timer to do one that supports all versions with all options of all MagicTimer would be very difficult, without having those timers.
And I was approached by another software propellor head (in Canada) , if such a term can be applied an F1A flyer who wanted to so the same.
In both cases I declined to help the people because helping them would involve more of my time than I have and time that is better spent working in other areas and I there is a risk that incorrectly programming the timer could cause an airplane to crash or not d/t or render the timer inoperable.
Clearly the interest in doing this is to have user interface on a device other than a Palm for some aesthetic reason and while I agree that there are many more reason that contribute to our competion sucess than may appear obvious this is probably not one, or not one that I wish to invest in at this time. I had considered providing an API or SDK to facilitate a person developming their own and with out doubt superior timer programming system, because such an API or SDK would be device based their is no clear choice of device, inspite of the preference of said F1A propellor heads. Not with standing this I have been considering permitting the dumping and loading of the program in a external format such as XML, CSV or attribute-value pairs and would be interested in knowing if there is any interest.
In the event that you do not understand this, do not worry, munch on and skip to the next para.
From Gene Ulm
Travel Bargins for Ingleside MD Contest
East Coast travelers for the Eastern States Champs in Ingleside, MD. November 7-8, 2009. The airlines are making it easy for those who want to travel eastward to fly in one of the last America's Cup contests of the year. We are served by three airports, in order of proximity to the field: Baltimore/Washington International (about 35 minutes), Washington Reagan (about an hour) and Washington Dulles (about 90 minutes)
Got the message but not the model yet
Hello. I am Pierre Marrot, a french modelist.
I have read the message of the man who has found my aeromodel, Siegried Gatz.
I have sent him 3 mails but he has not answered. Perhaps he is in hollidays or perhaps my
mails have gone in the spam...
I would like you diffuse a message in SEN, if it is possible. A message a bit like it :
"Thanks to all persons who contacted me to inform to the message of the finding of my model, i
n SEN. I have not yet recupered it, i wish it will be done as soon as possible.
Thanks to misters Boutillier, Roux, Picol, Tolhurst, Woodhouse, Beshasny, Barberis, Bernard
and Moreau.
To the person who has found the model, Siegfried Gatz, i give him few ways to contact me :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Phone : +33671111561 or +33143285050.
Thank you.
More Munchie Mutterings
From Rocket Ron
Its been a couple of years sence my last post here and I am
certianly out of the FAI loop but thought i SHould add my 2
My mother told me to offer alternatives and I would like to sugest
the wounderfull MMM club and their field in Colorado for the team
finels- sure would weed out the weeklings.
Better than that how about a world champs at the MMM field.
Muncie? You have got to be kidding me!?!?
Rocket Ron
Oh yea, FLY MAX WIN !
From Terry Thorkildsen
Hi Roger,
Even though I mostly just fly AMA gas and nostalgia T think that the finals
should be flown at the best field for the country that is more representative of what the world champs would be flown at later.
I personally hate flying in places that you have to worry more about chasing the model then concentrating on picking air. It takes the fun out of flying.
Terry Thorkildsen
From Matt Gewain
Muncie is a good test flying field but should never be considered as a finals site. I have flown there many times and have avoiding the trees and barns only because I have a RDT on my model and I use it any time my model is in danger. We should never pick a FAI team based on who is willing to risk the loss or damage of the most models. That is the only way a team will be selected at Muncie.
Matt Gewain
From Dan Berry
Am I to understand that the field in Palm Bay isn't considered big enough for a Finals, but there is a serious discussion regarding having the finals in Muncie?
If you want a BIG field, go to Denver.
Dan Berry
Editors Comment- Palm Bay is overgrown, Last time we had the finals there Motor Bike riders damaged the models and there are not enough locals to run the event.
From: Ron Felix
More Fuel for the Fire
Let me put my two cents in – I want to fly at Lost Hills!
In short, Lost Hills is purported to be the second best FAI Free Flight field in the world - and it will cost me less!
Just the cost of the gas to drive from Philly to Muncie and back, approximately 650 miles one-way, at 20 mpg, and $2.50 per gallon fuel - is $162.50. Tolls on the PA turnpike are $20.95 each way. This sums to $204.40.
Now let's not even talk about wear and tear on the tires, oil change/maintenance, depreciation, cheaper motels, cheaper food, etc. However, I am going to the Sierra Cup in a couple of weeks. My round-trip airline ticket, non-stop from JFK, on Delta, is $259.20 – and this includes all the taxes and fees! (Please note that American and other airlines had similar deals).
This is only $54.80 more that it would cost me to drive to Muncie!
Is there something I am missing?
Ron Felix
p.s. I am beginning to think that all the Pro-Muncie FAI Free Flight Team Selection Committee Members have been out in cornfields in the hot sun for too long! (Anyone who feels similarly, we can do them a good deed and buy them some sunhats)!
Ron - really adding fuel to the fire , you should speak with your TSC delegate as I'm sure he voted for Muncie, maybe as you say too much sun this year!
From Charlie Jones
First I would like to applaud those individuals who took the time to put together the proposals for the Finals site. It’s far too easy to sit back and just wait for someone else to do something.
I went back and read the 2011 FAI Free Flight Team Selection Program, which we approved, to get a better understanding of the process of how a finals site is selected.
Section IV Finals states “The site will be chosen by the program participants from candidate sites selected by the Team Selection Committee submitted to AMA Headquarters by July1, 2009.” Based on this statement, it would appear that we the program participants should be voting to select a site from multiple candidate sites and not a single choice. The TSC’s role would be to review all proposals and determine which of those fit the Finals Site Selection Considerations listed in Section V and present them to the program participants for a vote. If my understanding of this statement is correct then I would expect to see a ballot with both site proposals. It is important to note that program participants have the final vote in deciding the finals site and not the Team Selection Committee.
With all the emails being circulated it is clear there are very strong emotions both pro and con for each of the site proposals. Since there are several large contests at the beginning of October, I would like to request that the TSC consider delaying the vote for this decision till after the Livotto contest. This will allow those who will be traveling to return home, be able to review the details of each proposal, ask questions, and then submit their ballot.
Thank you for this consideration.
Roger Morrell