SEN 1183 - 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1342
Table of Contents - SEN 1183
- Max Flash
- NFFS Pubs News
- Last issue for Comcast, ATT and Bell South users
Max Flash
Great Weather
A = Barron
B= Vivchar, I
C= Semanyaga
more later ...
Hi, All:
I would appreciate it if you would post on your website or include in an upcoming newsletter some information about the NFFS Digest. As you are or should be aware, Walt Rozelle, the former editor has passed away. The Digest is now edited by Tiffaney O'Dell; however, the issues are quite a bit in arrears. The November issue has just made it to member mail boxes, and the December issue is on the way, having been sent from Davis, CA a week or so ago. It should be arriving within a few days, but due to the priorities of local postoffices, it may be up to another 3 weeks before it is fully delivered.
As for the January issue, I understand it is ready for the printers now, but it may not be ready for mailing for another 10 days or so.
The Feb and March issues will be combined, according to Tiffaney, so that will give NFFS a chance to catch up a bit. At this time, it is unknown when this issue will go to press.
I would appreciate it if you would pass the word.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications Services.
Comcast, ATT Internet and Bell South Users
The previous message was blocked by Comcast, AAT and bell South . We have contacted the providers and gotten ourselves removed from their blocked list.
The message can be read online at the web site
Roger Morrell