SEN 1191 - 10 March 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1531
- USA Junior Team Appeal
- Bear Cup
- A Vintage A2 thought - Markos
- and from Biggles ... Vintage A2 anyone ?
- 2008 Texas Cup Competition
USA Junior Free Flight Team Appeal
From George Batiuk - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hi Roger,
This is a desperation memo from the Junior Team. I just completed the
budget for the team's trip to the World Champs in Ukraine this summer,
and boy are we in trouble. Very expensive, even going the cheap route.
We need help! So far, we have received generous donations from The
Detroit Balsa Bugs, SCAT and Maxmen, but are still far short. As most
of you already know, the Junior Team is funded by AMA (to the same
tune as the Sr. team), and its own team fund, which is made up of
donations only, as we do not charge the Juniors entry fees for their
program. In the past we have been able to keep up because of very
generous donations, but this time we are running short. Anyone wanting
to make a donation can send it either to AMA (5161 E. Memorial Dr.,
Muncie, In. 47302), call Lisa Johnson at AMA (1-800-435-9262, ext 231)
with a credit card number, or send it directly to me (George Batiuk,
2221 King St. #2, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401) and I will make sure it
gets into the team fund. Any way you choose it is tax deductible. Be
sure that the check is earmarked for the Junior Free Flight Team if
you send it to me or to AMA. Thanks in advance for your help.
George Batiuk, 2008 Junior Team Manager
Bear Cup
From Tapio LinkosaloBad luck with the weather - the contest was truncated to two rounds.
It was a long walk to the middle of the lake, as this winter has been
unusually warm, and the ice was only 20cm thick. Quite plenty to walk on,
but not safe to drive a car. There was a couple of cm's heavy, wet snow on
the ice, so conditions were good, not slippery.
We started on Saturday as scheduled, in 6 to 7 m/s winds and under heavy
overcast skies. Halfway to the second round, it started snowing and
wisibility was lost, so the contest was halted. After 4 hours of waiting,
flying was resumed, but again 30 minutes into the third round a fog raised
quite suddenly, and again the contest was stopped. We tried to resume on
Sunday morning, but now the wind had picked up to 10+ m/s, and as the
forecast was for similar winds and rain starting at noon (thus again poor
visibility), the contest had to be aborted. Of course now on Monday, as I
write this, the sun is shining outside, and the winds are light
to moderate...
With only two rounds flown and no possibilities for a fly-off, we had 47
tied winners. 31 in F1A, 9 in F1B, 3 in both F1C and F1A junior.
The F1AJ-15 is a national class for juniors of age 15 and under. There are
no limits to the glider, except that bunting is not allowed.
A link to results as web page:
F1A 1 2 total
1 Abolins Gundars LAT 180 180 360
1 Anisimov Nikita RUS 180 180 360
1 Berzins Viesturs LAT 180 180 360
1 Findahl Per SWE 180 180 360
1 Heikkinen Juha FIN 180 180 360
1 Hellgren Robert SWE 180 180 360
1 Henriksson Kim FIN 180 180 360
1 Holmbom Mikael SWE 180 180 360
1 Holmbom Sofia SWE 180 180 360
1 Koivula Kalle FIN 180 180 360
1 Kokk Urmas EST 180 180 360
1 Kordemets Anti EST 180 180 360
1 Kosonozhkin Mikhail RUS 180 180 360
1 Kulmakko Kimmo FIN 180 180 360
1 Leino Laura FIN 180 180 360
1 Lepp Tambet EST 180 180 360
1 Lihtamo Matti FIN 180 180 360
1 Malila Lauri SUI 180 180 360
1 Nereng Vegar NOR 180 180 360
1 Penttilä Topi FIN 180 180 360
1 Poliayev Valeri RUS 180 180 360
1 Pärna Ardo EST 180 180 360
1 Selgoja Ants EST 180 180 360
1 Sell Janar EST 180 180 360
1 Tchop Victor UKR 180 180 360
1 Trogen Göran SWE 180 180 360
1 Tähkäpää Heikki FIN 180 180 360
1 Valo Jari FIN 180 180 360
1 Varuskivi Vesa FIN 180 180 360
1 Vihul Ülar EST 180 180 360
1 Zarins Janis LAT 180 180 360
32 Kuningas Juhani FIN 180 169 349
33 Valkonen Kimmo FIN 180 166 346
34 Lepp Toomas EST 163 180 343
35 Kask Karmo EST 180 157 337
36 Runnari Valve FIN 152 180 332
37 Klungrehaug Atle NOR 180 136 316
38 Ronkanen Pekka FIN 180 121 301
39 Munnukka Niilo FIN 119 180 299
40 Persson Anders SWE 145 146 291
41 Kuikka Petri FIN 180 108 288
42 Ikonen Pekka FIN 180 94 274
43 Meisalu Martin EST 86 164 250
44 Kiljunen Harri FIN 178 67 245
45 Savolainen Janne FIN 180 33 213
46 Henriksson Mikke FIN 98 107 205
47 Carter John GB 167 33 200
48 Juslin Jukka FIN 0 180 180
49 Kilpeläinen Ossi FIN 180 0 180
50 Koppel Juhan EST 79 101 180
51 Isotalo Tommi FIN 171 0 171
52 Kashkin Aleksei RUS 123 0 123
53 Plume Anrijs LAT 22 0 22
54 Grigals Oskars LAT 0 0 0
F1B 1 2 total
1 Khrebtov Andrei RUS 180 180 360
1 Luman Tõnu EST 180 180 360
1 Mackus Rolandas LIT 180 180 360
1 Peers Russell GB 180 180 360
1 Rosonoks Viktors LAT 180 180 360
1 Solodov Maxim RUS 180 180 360
1 Waltonen Yrjö FIN 180 180 360
1 Wivardsson Gunnar SWE 180 180 360
1 Woolner Mike GB 180 180 360
10 Torgersen Ole NOR 179 180 359
11 Broberg Håkan SWE 179 171 350
12 Posa Riku FIN 168 180 348
13 Demcenko Romans LAT 165 180 345
14 Findahl Oskar SWE 180 162 342
15 Isotalo Juhani FIN 162 167 329
16 Bortne Tor NOR 180 141 321
17 Linkosalo Tapio FIN 180 135 315
18 Kutvonen Ari FIN 180 132 312
19 Kiiskinen Markku FIN 147 157 304
20 Isotalo Janne FIN 119 180 299
21 Mackus Tomas LIT 180 61 241
22 Harjo Indrek EST 180 0 180
23 Selepov Alexandre RUS 166 0 166
24 Mantere Antti FIN 164 0 164
25 Eimar Bror SWE 125 0 125
F1C 1 2 total
1 Kuukka Kaarle FIN 180 180 360
2 Rekhin Nikolay RUS 180 180 360
3 Roots Jyri EST 180 180 360
4 Naaber Raimond EST 29 0 29
F1A-Juniors 1 2 total
1 Penttilä Topi FIN 180 180 360
1 Sell Janar EST 180 180 360
1 Zarins Janis LAT 180 180 360
4 Kask Karmo EST 180 157 337
5 Henriksson Mikke FIN 98 107 205
6 Koppel Juhan EST 79 101 180
F1B-Juniors 1 2 total
1 Demcenko Romans LAT 165 180 345
2 Findahl Oskar SWE 180 162 342
3 Mackus Tomas LIT 180 61 241
F1A-15 1 2 total
1 Vahtra Mikk-Kaspar EST 180 180 360
2 Vahtera Sini FIN 180 69 249
3 Vahtera Jani FIN 115 113 228
A Vintage A2 thought
and from Biggles ... Vintage A2, anyone ?
Hector / Lee,
* Your goals of ..."bring back some of the beautifull ,elegant models of
the past and fly them under the rules and form of the 50's and 60's"
are not reflected in the rules. What are the cut-off dates ?
* Can anyone build a beautiful, elegant balsa M & K or Stamov Long
and fly it ?
* What about electronic timers, trackers, R/C DT etc - ie, in a Talon ?
* Auto Rudders, wing wigglers, servo trim, flaps, where to stop ?
* Can the sportsman throw the line ?
* Is there to be a BOM rule ?
* Dope and tissue only?
* Carbon neutral ?
* Nice idea.
- Biggles
To all Free Flighters, you are all invited to participate in one or more of our Central Texas competitions this year and compete for the Texas Cup awards. We are starting our sixth year of the Texas Cup competition. The attendance at our contests has been excellent. In 2007 we had 39 individuals fly in one or more categories. The Gas events had 23 flyers, Rubber events had 14 flyers and the Glider events had 19 flyers.
In the NFFS Special One Design event we had 7 flyers and in P-30 we had 11 flyers.
We fly the three major FAI events (F1A,B,C) and the four mini FAI events (F1G,H,J,P ) at three of the contests. We also fly a mix of AMA events at all four of the contests.
2008 Rules Update – March 2008
This letter is to provide you with the 2008 rules for the Texas Cup point championship competitions.
The only change to this years competitions is to add the NFFS 2008 One design event model, the 1/2A Ram Rod 250, to the list of eligible models for the NFFS event we fly. The list now includes the 1/2A Fubar, the Zero, the Starduster-X, the 1/2A Mini-Pearl, the 1/2A Bounty Hunter and the 1/2A Ram Rod 250. See section 7 of this letter for the rules and information on the event.
The purpose of the Texas Cup Competition is to foster the development of flyers and models, and to experience the joy of friendly competition in the 4 central Texas contests. This competition encourages flyers to attend multiple contests each year in order to win. To this end the following rules have been formulated.
1. Points are accumulated in these 4 Texas contests.
Spring Cup (Seguin) - April 2008
Tri-City Contest (Seguin) - June 2008
Cloud Climbers Contest (Ft Worth) June 2008
Autumn Cup (Seguin) - Nov 2008
2. Overall Point champions will be awarded in the following categories:
The NFFS One Design and P30 events have been singled out as individual event championships to encourage newcomers to build and compete in two simple events. Kits are available for both events. The points accumulated in these events will also be counted towards the Gas and Rubber Championships awards.
3. Awards - High Point Championship Perpetual Plaques will be awarded at the April 2009 Spring Cup Banquet.
4. Gas Champion - Points can be accumulated by flying and placing in any Gas powered event at any of the 4 contests in any of the following events.
AMA Gas (all 4 contests)
Nostalgia Gas (Tri-City and Cloud Climbers contests)
FAI Gas (all contests except Tri-City)
NFFS Design event (all 4 contests)
5. Glider champion - Points can be accumulated by flying and placing in any Glider event at any of the 4 contests, in any of the following events.
FAI Glider (all 4 contests)
Hand Launch Glider (Tri-City and Cloud Climbers contests)
Catapult Glider (Tri-City and Cloud Climbers contests)
6. Rubber champion - Points can be accumulated by flying and placing in any Rubber event at any of the 4 contests, in any of the following events.
FAI Rubber
F1B (All contests except Tri-City)
F1G (all 4 contests)
Unlimited Rubber (Cloud Climbers contest)
P30 (all 4 contests)
7. NFFS One design event Champion (Starduster-X/Zero/Fubar/Mini-Pearl/Bounty Hunter/Ram Rod)
The Starduster-X, the 1/2A Mini-Pearl and the 1/2A Bounty Hunter will be flown with the established 2003 one-event rules.
Motor - Cox TD .049, or the Cox TD .051
Motor Run - 9 seconds for first 3 flights and then 6 seconds for all fly off flights. (Note: Beginning Gas flyers can be given an additional 2 second motor run, at the discretion of the CD)
The Toshi Matsuda’s Zero, the Fubar and the Ram Rod 250 will be flown with the established 2006 one event Nostalgia criteria rules including engine selection.
Motor Run - 9 seconds for first 3 flights and then 6 seconds for all fly off flights. (Note: Beginning Gas flyers can be given an additional 2 second motor run, at the discretion of the CD)
The Starduster-X Kit is still available, Contact:
Allen Heinrick, (760) 948-6334
Aerodyne Models
17244 Darwin, Bldg H
Hesperia, CA 92345
The Starduster -X tank mount (CM110), called for in the plans is still available. Contact:
K. K. Fags (201) 664-2606
236 Thayers St.
River-Vale, NJ 07675
The Zero kit is available from BMJR for $37.65 plus $5 postage.
A Short kit is also available for $25 plus $5 postage
BMJR Model, Products, PO Box 1210, Sharpes FL 32959-1210.
Tel 321 537-1159 -
The Bounty Hunter Kit is also available from BMJR for $42.00 plus $5 postage
Mini-Pearl, Zero and Star Duster-X plans are available from Jim O'Reilly, (4760 N. Battin, Bel Aire KS 67220)
Ram Rod 250 plans ($9.00) and Laser cut short kit ($35.00) are available from Jim O'Reilly. Jim now has a great web site with on-line ordering.
Ram Rod 250 plans ($7.50), short kit ($14.00) or a full kits ($42.94) are also available from Campbell's Custom Kits, (1831 Fletcher St. Anderson IN 46016). Mike Fedor bought this kit at the 2007 Nats and stated that it is an excellent kit. He highly recommends it. Campbell's Custom Kits also has a web site, but does not have on line ordering.
8. Points - Points are awarded for placing 1st thru 5th place in each event as follows:
1st Place 25 Points
2nd Place 20 Points
3rd Place 15 Points
4th Place 10 Points
5th Place 5 Points
9. Bonus Points - Bonus points are awarded to the 1st thru 5th place finishers as follows. When more than 5 competitors are entered in an event, 1 point will be awarded for each competitor over 5. For example, if there were 7 competitors, each of the first 5 place finishers would receive 2 bonus points. (Note: for bonus points to be awarded, a contestant must make an official flight to be counted as an entry in that event)
10. Ties - All ties in each event must be settled by the end of that contest. Ties for the Overall Championships at the end of the competition will be broken based on number of 1st places each contestant has won in the competitions. And if necessary 2nd places, followed by 3rds, 4ths and 5ths until the tie is broken.
11. Scoring - Results of all events from each contest must be forwarded to Reid Simpson showing all entries in each event and their placing. As well as showing Junior and Senior entries.
115 Trailridge Dr.
003) 677-8525
103 Blue Willow
Hm (713) 266-2961
Wk (800) 448-1292 ext 114
Roger Morrell