SEN 1243 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1414
Table of Contents SEN 1243
- SEN 1242
- Stop Watches for sale
- Euro Champs Web Site Correction
- AZ F1E Champs
- AZ Champs
SEN 1242
It appears that a number of people did not get all of the text of SEN 1242. I'm not able to retransmit individual copies of SEN. If you are missing a copy you can always find it online at
Stop Watches for sale
For sale two new stopwatches with certifications legal for
AMA and FAI Records. $26.00 plus postage.
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EuroChamps Web Site Correction
Kantemarsweg 36
3871AP Hoevelaken
Arizona F1E Champs
On Sept. 4, on the day before the F1E Finals, we flew the Arizona F1E Championship, an America's Cup contest at North Sheba Crater near Flagstaff, Arizona. The weather was beautiful, with temperatures in the 80's and wind speeds from 0 to 8mph. Unfortunately the variable winds came never came directly at us up the North Sheba cinder cone and were often from our back - but some thermals made for good flights. The max was 180sec. for all 5 rounds.
Arizona Free Flight Champs
On December 6 and 7 we will again have the Arizona Free Flight Championships in Eloy, AZ. This is the last America's Cup and National Cup contest West of the Missisippi for the year 2008. There are AMA, NFFS, and SAM events plus the separate FAI contest. The two fliers with information about these Championships can be downloaded from the Master Contest Calendar at the NFFS web site . It will be cool in the mornings but should warm up to about 70° during the day with a bright blue sky.
Please plan to fly with us in December,
Roger Morrell