SEN 926 - 17 Jan 2005
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SCAT Electronic News 17 Jan 2005 issue 926
Table of Contents
USA 2006 Jr Team Selection Information Bulletin Number 1 Jan 2005
Veleri Polyajev? - Abad
FAI Stamp - Kaynes and Morrell
A Question For The Aerodynamic Gurus, - Monocote MAC
Re: zeek etc - Mate
do You have your Vol Libre 160 - Segrave
adress Strukov Babenko
USA 2006 Jr Team Selection Information Bulletin Number 1 Jan 2005
Academy of Model Aeronautics
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2006 Jr Team Selection Information Bulletin Number 1 Jan 2005
The Jr Team Selection Committee has submitted the 2006 Jr Team Selection
Program to AMA and anticipates quick approval. The 2006 program is largely the
same as the previous program. The age requirement is the junior must be under
the age of 19 throughout the entire calendar year of 2006.
The program primary construct will be based on the contestant's
performance in his or her two best 2005 America's Cup Plus (AmCup+) contests
and his or her performance at the 2005 Nats. The first AmCup contest is almost
here, January 15-16, 2005 at Eloy Arizona and it will count in the 2006 Jr
Team Selection Program. Like the last program, there will be a Pre-Nats (July
31) contest combined with the regularly scheduled NATs events (Aug 1-5, actual
event dates tbd).
The AmCup+ contest will be the thirty 2005 AmCup contests plus up to 6
additional designated contest that will be announced via Jr Team Bulletins.
Clubs and CD that have quality FAI contests that are not an America Cup
contest and are willing to support the Jr Team selection program are requested
to send an offer to host F1A,B,P events to Jim Parker . The Jr
TSC will select the contests that will provide the best opportunities for all
juniors across the country to participate. These contests will be announced in
future Jr Bulletins.
The FAI has declared F1P as the 2006 Jr World Championship event. The
Stockton Gas Model Association, MaxMen and the Southern California Aero Team
(SCAT) have committed to providing up to six 1cc Cyclone engines to Jr program
participants. Walt Ghio will be coordinating this project. More details to
We'll close this bulletin with the Jr Program Mission Statement.
The junior team selection program exists to provide a substantial
opportunity to young Free Flight modelers who have demonstrated a
high degree of interest in the sport and the willingness to
continually improve their flying skills and the performance of their
models. They must demonstrate a degree of proficiency of competing
with their models without direct adult involvement. The purpose of
this program is to provide a fair process of selecting the Junior
Free Flight flyers to compete in the Junior FAI Free Flight World
Championship currently scheduled for the summer of 2006 in Germany.
George Batiuk
Jim Bradley
Art Ellis
Jim Parker
2006 Jr Team Selection Committee
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is so nice that a subject related to our interests like WINGS and
HELL'S ANGELS, THE AVIATOR has already won an award. Probably more
awards to come. But WINGS and HELL'S ANGELS used REAL airplanes not
cartoon or computer generated ones. Such an important movie, such an
important subject, such a stupid compromise to real action. Have you
noticed in the flying action scenes airplanes doing ridiculous things?
It really turns my stomach. I am sure yours when you observe from OUR
point of view. It least they could have asked a real aviatur if an
airplane could do what their cartoons were doing. Leonardo DeCaprio do
you really care?
At least the British in their movies, films, namely THE BATTLE OF
BRITAIN used great model making in lieu of expensive stupidity. But
usually the real thing. In fact they used one of our own Dave Platt and
his team to make the incredible models for the film. Then of course he
was theirs then. They had many if the scenes already filmed FOR REAL.
You think that they could have technically enriched those instead of
doing CARTOONS. Then did models and mockups for the rest of the flying
scenes. Hell they may have well done the rest in cartoons and saved
millions in actors salaries.
It really irks me that if they had used cartoons in THE FLIGHT OF THE
PHOENIX the great Paul Mantz would not have died. However they were
trying to do it RIGHT. This Aviator abominations are an insult to his
profession and his heroism. For whoever does not know he was one of the
greatest movie stunt pilots of all time. He and his partner Frank
Tallman gave us the best. Comments?
Veleri Polyajev?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I try to contact Valeri Polyajev, he builds model boxes for F1A.
With thanks,
FAI Stamp
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In issue 925 George Schroedter complains about "FAI" charging $50 for a
stamp. The only charge that the FAI make is 125 CHF for registering the
event on the FAI calendar. This is just over $100 to spread over the
entire entry =3D less than $1 per person on last year's Maxmen entry
If there is some other charge made on competitors it must be a national
one from AMA. It is a US national decision if that is the way they
choose to contribute the aeromodelling part of the national USA
subscription for membership of FAI, which is of course a general charge
spread across all air sports covered by the FAI.
Ian Kaynes
Comment ...
Re: FAI Stamp
What he is really complaining about is that an FAI [sporting license]
sticker is required for a domestic entrant in a World Cup Contest. I suspect
that in some countries the national and FAI licesences are the same thing.
If I remenber correctly - It costs about $50 to join the AMA and another 50
for the FAI licence .. and for someone like George that is only needed for
the Maxmen and maybe the Sierra Cup. Because there much less scope for the
US sportsman to take part in other World Cup Contests
Re- Comment ....
Thanks for explanation. I reckoned it must be a domestic charge but it's not
right to say the FAI are charging it!
More on the comment ...
George's issue is that he has to have the FAI sticker for the World
Cup Contest - even though he is not truely a World Cup contender
and regars it more as a domestic event. This is seen as an FAI
It is made worse by the cost of the FAI sticker - this is
seen a joint AMA / FAI issue.
However to counter George's comment and justify the
reason for paying the stamp the FAI is funded by these funds -
so if you participate in the FAI events then this is a way of supporting
those events.
A Question For The Aerodynamic Gurus,
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have an aerodynamic question and I would like to hear some feedback
on it. On some of my F1A gliders I have used monokote at the leading
edge going back about 1-1/2" top and bottom. I put it on for color. and
of course for the that hi-tech fear factor to intimidate my
competitors. The single turbulator is applied on top of the monokote.
The rest of the covering is the Icarex material. During the finals
several people commented that having that super smooth front of the
wing was bad and that a rougher material would work much better for
increased turbulation. I did a field test and flew the model with and
without the monokote but in both cases it did have the single string
turbulator. I could not tell a difference but obviously there are so
many flying factors that it is tough to make a comparison. Would all
the reigning aero gurus weigh in and gave me your opinions? Is it hair
splitting from the aerodynamic theory or is the slightly rougher
material that much better? Bear in mind that if you all tell me that
the monokote has to go then I will have redo all my models and won't be
able to fly for two years because of all the work I will have to do.
Other than that please give me your opinion.
Mac the Monokote Bigot
Re: zeek etc
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi John,
They arrived yesterday. Thank you so much. I never saw the Air-O plans
however I suspect that one of the Zeeks I built, maybe both were Air-Os
but it was so long ago I lost track of the plans. My drawing of the
Air-O Zeek from Murf's "Zeek Chronicles" leaves much to be desired. Now
I can correct it thanks to you buddy. Thanks to Woody Bartelt I tracked
down Lew Mahieu and talked to him for 2 hours on the phone. He said the
Air-O is the only really correct one that would fly according the way it
was designed to fly. It is correct because he himself drew the plans.
The others do not make it. The Premium has a 33.3% stab and the Air-O is
correctly 29%. Consequently the Premium will fly different. Not
necessarily bad but not like it was designed to do with 0-0 thrust line.
Lew maintains that the power pattern should be straight up vs.Ramrod
10-15 degrees down thrust which he feels is a waste of power. Also that
the Air-O or original Zeek will out thermal a Comet Sailplane. He
repeated this story again as Murf stated in his Chronicles. I am
twisting his arm to build an Air-O and get back into SAM and Nats so I
can see him again. I was with him in when he flew in his last Nats in
1956 when he flew an all black 575 Zeek with a Johnson .29. It was heavy
and did not win ROG but took 2nd in ROW.
He is very happy in Idaho and is still flying the Bonanza at 78, with
his ex Stewardess wife at his side. Also still has his machine shop
----- Original Message -----
From: John Thompson
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:13 AM
Subject: zeek etc
Hello Ed I airmailed plans the other day I suspect that you will have
seen them before but it may well stimulate some discussion on the
regards john
do You have your Vol Libre 160
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Do any of SEN subscribers also get Vol Libre? If so, have they received the
latest issue #160? The editor emailed me on the 20th December that my copy
had gone out a few days before. Normally 3 to 6 days is the time for the
magazine to come from France but after almost two weeks, nothing. So I
emailed Jean Wantzenriether who writes for the magazine and he said that he
had received his copy and commmented on the contents.
I then emailed the editor, Andre Schandel, telling him that I had not
received said issue and that perhaps it had got lost in the Xmas rush and
suggested that he send another but as of yesterday, no reply. Meanwhile. I
emailed Wantz (as he is known )asking if he could tell me approximately when
his issue arrived and the email said "speak to Schandel". But as that didn't
nswer my question, I emailed him again and got a very convoluted reply,
again commenting on Schandel, and also on the english and fernch postal
services and the internet. But that STILL my simple question "when appox.
did your copy arrive?" had not been answered. Now Jean is a very pleasant
man and level-headed who I know very well and don't think that he would
write emails like this. (Those who get Vl and have read his articles in past
symposiums would no doubt agree.)
If he did.
By their tone, I told him that someone else is hijacking his website or
email address, but the email back jumped down my throat!!!!
Again, I repeat, Has anyone received Vol Libre 160?????????
Mike S.
adress Strukov Babenko
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rodger Morell!!!
Our adress has changed(Strykov and Babenko). I ask you to send me the Skat
News to this adress and to write my adress in your magazine.
Thanks to Bill Gannon for his donation in support of SEN
Roger Morrell