SEN 968 - 18 Aug 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1228
SCAT Electronic News 18 August 2005 issue 968
Table of Contents
Sierra Cup - McKeever
Palm OS/UBS connector
Melting at The Nats - Schlosberg
ROW, What a Joy to Fly. - Bogie
Fast Richard Returneth - Jahnke
More memories of Inza - Laffler
ROW, ROW, ROW your plane......... - Abriss
BMFA Forum Reports - Dilly
2005 NATS - Hinson
DT decent rates
31st. California F.A.I. Invitational - Livotto
Sierra Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Two items to mention for the Sierra Cup Oct 14-16.
First, FAI Juniors (less than 19 on the contest dates) can enter one or two
events for $20 but must make every attempt to attend the banquet Saturday
Night. We will have a best junior trophy in every event. I still need to have
your entry in advance.
We will be flying F1P (all ages) on Saturday with F1A, F1B and F1C.
I've had some flyers ask for an entry form and while I will be mailing these
out this week, feel free to use this "short form". See you there and thanks!
Name............................................AMA #....................
Mailing Address...........................................................
E-mail Address............................................................
# Buffet ( ) # Vegetarian ( ) Banquet included with entry, additional
persons $20
F1A( ) F1B( ) F1C( ) F1G( ) F1H( ) F1J( ) F1P( ) $45.00 (1 event)
F1G, F1H or F1J and F1A F1B or F1C F1P $60.00 (2 events)
Checks payable to: Sierra Eagles MAC
Send to:
Mike McKeever
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it._ (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Phone (916) 967-8475
Palm OS/UBS connector
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1. Will your timer program work on any Palm operating system?
They are always changing the models and now a low end Palm
is called a "Zire 31".
2. This hand held computer uses a UBS socket to connect
to other devices. I think it has 5 pins. Would you happen to know
which of the pins should be used to connect, via a stereo jack, to
your timers?
[Aram and others ..
My software requires a Palm with a serial connection.
Typically most Zires do not support that.
If someone the the USA needs a Palm the best deal is a Palm IIIxe from .
Melting at The Nats
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Nats are held in August, which is the calmest but also the
hottest month of the year at Muncie. I was on the flied from Saturday
to Wednesday and the temperature reached a oppressing 90-95
degrees every day.
Although AMA fliers have more flexibility in scheduling their flights,
I observed many flying in the searing noon heat, trying to make a
5, 6 or 7 minute max. F1A-B-C events have even less flexibility, flown
in seven consecutive rounds from 8 AM to 3 PM. (The round system
might be the reason that a well known electric flier refused to fly
F1Q, stating "I hate FAI").
Although the FAI rules specifies that flying should be postponed
under high wind velocities, no heat limit is mentioned. Indeed, the
only heat related schedule I am aware of is flown by the Israelis.
They fly at a Lost-Hill like desert field, and complete all flying by
11 AM, with a 10-minute flyoff the next early morning.
I am suggesting that F1A-B-C contests at the Nats should try to
avoid flying during the hottest hours of the day. This can be achieved
by either specifying heat ceiling, say 85 or 90 degrees, or by
blocking out the hottest hours of the, say from 10 AM to 3 PM. The
former is hard to administer. Under the latter we could fly four rounds
from 7 AM to 10 AM, and another 3 rounds from 3 PM to 6 PM,
followed by flyoffs.
The Nats are particularly suitable to this format, as most people
come to fly multiple events. If a heat lockout period is applied to
AMA events as well, it would be a relief to a very large group of
We should consider a heat lockout for the 2006 Nats.
ROW, What a Joy to Fly.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The event is flown in all sizes of engines, 1/A,A, B and C.
There is a major problem launching a halfA ship. The floats have to be
big enough to float statically, and must be done to show the timer.
With the engine running, it is hard to feel when the floats are on the
water. I have a picture somewhere showing a youngster launching a
halfA where the floats never touched the water. They are sprightly and
hop off with a very short run.
My good friend, Bud Rhodes, and I were attending the Nats at Dallas NAS
many moon ago. He had a Bship, but wanted to fly in C. I had a
Johnson and he bolted it to runners. The engine was a real fuel hog
and would run out the tank before the allowed engine run time. He then
flew all flights without setting the timer.
Another time I was at a contest south of Cleveland. The pond was made
of 1 by 12 boards with a large waterproof cloth to hold the water. The
tank was probably 20 by 20 feet. A doctor friend from Cleveland (I
wish I could remember his name) was preparing to launch a C ship.
There was a fellow lying at the far edge and ready to get a picture of
the takeoff. He may have got a picture, but he was knocked down by the
ship needing more takeoff height. Another Nats, the ROW was made from
a dugout gutter filled with water, about 3 feet deep. This gets lots
of legs wet. Fortunately the wind was in the right direction. If the
weather is hot, fall in by 'mistake.'
Bill Bogart
Fast Richard Returneth
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Lexie Mathis Jone,
I have worked at Nicholls State University across the street from your
father, for over 12 years, not knowing that the famous Fast Richard was in
my midst. I enjoy our new friendship, lunches off campus, meetings in Baton
Rouge etc. He is a great guy, lots of wisdom to pass on to a less
experienced modeller such as myself...but what I really need is a good
explanation of "Snyder Swamp".
Ross Jahnke
Associate Professor of Art
Nicholls State University
More memories of Inza
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
since I do not know how to contact Bill Hartill I want
him to know that his old flying buddies in the East
have him in our thoughts and want to express our
sympathy on the passing of Inza,I hate to admit
knowing her as a very young lady....when Bill joined
the Thunderbirds,a model club started in my parents
basement 51 years ago which later even expanded to
include some 36 members including Dick
Gildersleve.Bill, you are in our thoughts and we all
shall remember Inza and her paricular kindness and
understanding for grown men who play with model
airplanes.God Bless,most sincerely,Red Laffler
ROW, ROW, ROW your plane.........
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What a coincidence I just finished editing the video footage of the ROW
event. Wow what a blast.
I was told by (I think it was) Dave Acton that the AMA has plans to
construct a permanent ROW pond.
The AMA will use it for R/C events as well as for our ROW event. I agree
with Bob Stalick it's a learning experience.
The reaction of the flyers on my video was positive, they loved flying the
event and had a lot of fun, and that's the name of the game.
OK, lets go to the video tape.....
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
____ _
| __\_\_o____/_|
| o'
My Plane of Thought is miles above!
BMFA Forum Reports
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Following Bob Stalick's item a few days ago, I can confirm that I can still
supply the 2005 BMFA Free Flight Forum Report. It's obviously a popular one
if NFFS has sold out already. Price airmail to the US is =A314 (about $25)
and I can take credit card payments, but cheques only if in pounds
sterling, payable to "BMFA F/F Team Support Fund", and drawn on a bank with
a branch in the UK.
All the previous Reports are still available and these go back to 1985, so
there's a mass of good stuff in there.
Contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail to Martin Dilly, 20, Links
Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 OQW. You can also phone or Fax your order on:
+44 208 777-5533
2005 NATS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One last comment on the 2005 NATS.
286 contestants signed up.
131 held tickets to the NFFS Awards Banquet.
Both Dave Brown (AMA Prez) and Don Koranda (AMA Exec Dir) attended the
Abram VanDover was presented with an AMA Fellowship Award for his
service as USIC CD over the years, and service on the NATS Planning Council.
John Lenderman, Larry Kruse, and Dick (Fast Richard) Mathis were
inducted into the NFFS Hall of Fame.
Nearly 500 hotdogs were served at the NFFS/Texas timer cookout.
The Raffle at the cookout brought in over $2000.00 for our scholarship
The weather was great.
AMA did anything they were asked as far as facilities are concerned.
Your NFFS ran a pretty great show with all volunteer help.
Sure, the pond wasn't up to great lakes standards, or southern swamp size.
Wait until next year, you'll need hip boots, and GPS to find your way across.
Look forward to a bigger crowd next year. Plan on being there to fly or
Rex Hinson
President, NFFS
DT decent rates
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger : a reply to Tapio
>From a measurement with onboard altitude logger on Kimmo Kulmakko's F1A
glider I calculated vertical velocity on 3.6 m/s, which matches the above
figures well. My own F1B models show sinking speed of 2.8m/s.
Thanks heaps for the data Tapio.
I wonder if you could give a rough estimate of the
angle of descent in these two cases that you mention ?
My convention is 90 deg is vertical.
(Seems that the many theoretical estimates are too high as I suspected. )
31st. California F.A.I. Invitational
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
OCTOBER 8th. And 9th. 2005
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J
SATURDAY OCT. 8th. F1-A, F1-B and F1-C
SUNDAY OCT. 9th. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J
F1-A, Saturday October 8th. 2005 ** First Flight 210 Seconds
F1-B & F1-C, Saturday October 8th. 2005 ** First Flight 240 Seconds
- -7 - One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly Offs will start at 4:30 PM "FIRM" as scheduled
Saturday: F1-A = 4:30 to 4:40 **
5:15 to 5:25 **
6:00 to 6:10
F1-B = 4:45 to 4:55 **
5:30 to 5:40
6:15 to 6:25
F1-C = 5:00 to 5:10
5:45 to 5:55
6:30 to 6:40
F1-G, F1-H & F1-J Sunday October 9th. 2005
First Flight for the 3 events will be 180 Seconds
-5- One-hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly-Offs will start shortly after the 5th. Round with the 5, 7, 9 etc. min.
***There will be NO timers provided, Please find someone to
fly and time with you***
Perpetual Trophies to winners
And 1st. through 3rd. place for all events
NOTE: Per AMA directive, ALL competitors must have AMA insurance
Entry Fee US$ 20:00 for F1A, F1-B & F1-C
$10:00 for F1-G, F1-H & F1-J
(Juniors 1/2 prize)
Contest Director: Juan A. Livotto, 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066, USA
Phone (310) 391-5986.......e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year 2004 WINNERS
Roger Morrell