SEN 977 - 18 Oct 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1485
SCAT Electronic News 18 October 2005 issue 977
Table of Contents
F1B wing builder wanted - Linkosalo
An error on Eros - Deloach
Luddite T shirts - Smith
Fall Contest Oct 22-23 - Barron
Looking for Pete Williams
ffCalc article in AMI.
Supplier Info on the SEN Web Site
F1B wing builder wanted
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does any reader of SCAT know of modelist that could build some wakefield
wings for me according to my drawings? Standard carbon D-box structure. My
design is such that no complicated jigs are needed. The D-box shell can be
vacuum-bagged over a simple V-shape mold, D-box has no twist and has flat
undersurface so it can be assembled on a flat surface, wings hace no warps
so a flat building board is sufficient for final assembly. Weight is
rather critical, but I can provide detailed measures of parts and
component weights at different stages of construction to meet the target
weight. So I need to contact a person with whom I can easily communicate
the details of the construction.
Any suggestions? Recommendations?
An error on Eros
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello SEN readers,
Most of you probably saw my Eros CLG design in the 10/05 Model Aviation.
Well there is an error that I want to let eveyone know about. If you choose
to build the model you must enlarge the plan by 4%. It was supposed to be
printed full size but MA's layout and printing people screwed up.
Just hit 104% on your copier--the correct flat wingspan should be 18".
Don DeLoach
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is an excerpt, about 1/80th of a paper I received from a retired
Lockheed "Skunkworks" buddy of mine. It is WILD! If you want the whole
thing just email me. Did you know that we used anti-gravity aircraft
with laser guns in the Gulf War?
This is not the aircraft used in the Gulf War but it is part of this
paper on "X-Planes".
The TAW-50 utilizes electrogravitics to maintain its own artificial
gravity while in weightless space, as well as to nullify the vehicle's
mass during operations.
The contractor did not reveal the size of the space fighter-bomber
except to say, "It's a pretty big thing."
The performance of the TAW-50 makes it virtually impossible to defend
against. It can hide in orbit many hundreds of miles into space,
orbiting at times at 22,000 mph. Then, without warning, it can dive
straight down through the atmosphere at over 38,000 miles per hour on an
80-degree attack vector, reverse direction within 150 feet of the ground
with very little loss of motion and without a glide turn, and almost
instantly go vertically straight up at over 38,000 mph until long after
it leaves the atmosphere and resumes orbiting in space.
The contractor noted, "Those [electro-]gravitics allow it to change its
mass to almost nothing in a moment, and reverse direction in a second,
increase its acceleration to so many times G [Earth's gravity] it's not
funny, yet they are able to nearly nullify the G force on the pilots.
They [the electrogravitics] are fourth generation, with the ability to
bring it to a complete standstill in under 2 milliseconds, if need be,
without crushing the pilots, and keep it there for quite some time."
Luddite T shirts
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Is there still a source for Luddite T shirts?
Gene Smith
Fall Contest Oct 22-23
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here is a reminder of the Sky-Scraper Fall Contest (aka Harvest Contest
or ``Corntest'') next weekend in Wawayanda, New York. The schedule posted
at is shown below, here with the inclusion
of a link to the FAC events, plus the schedule of FAI, AMA, Nostalgia,
and SAM events.
Andrew Barron
National Cup (Pending)
FAI, AMA, Nostalgia, SAM, FAC
Oct 22-23, 2005
Barron, Ford, and Shuback Fields
Wawayanda, New York
Saturday Oct 22:
F1G (small rubber), F1H (small glider), F1J (small power), F1Q (electric).
120 second maxes.
Round 1: 9:30-11:00am
Round 2: 10:30-12:00
Round 3: 11:30- 1:00
Round 4: 12:30- 2:00pm
Round 5: 1:30- 3:00pm
Flyoffs: 3:15pm --
FAI events: F1A (glider), F1B (wakefield), F1C&P (power), plus F1Q.
Sunday Morning Oct 22:
Round 1: 7:15- 8:30am Max 240 sec (weather permitting)
Round 2: 8:00- 9:30am Max 180 sec
Round 3: 9:00-10:30am Max TBA
Round 4: 10:00-11:30am
Round 5: 11:00-12:30pm
Round 6: 12:00-1:30pm
Round 7: 1:00-2:30pm
*Note that F1P will fly its rounds alonside F1C, with same max.
F1P motor run will be 10 seconds, weather permitting.
FAI director: Dennis Phalen
Assistant FAI Director: Andrew Barron
FAI fliers enter at SkyScraper table before first flight.
National Cup (Status Pending): (Note, all the junior national cup events
are included as separate sanctioned events, and the results will be
reported as such. Likewise for the various classic and nostalgia open
events. The event combinations shown below are for local award purposes.)
Saturday July 9: 9am--4:30pm. [Awards at 4:30pm.]
Hand Launch Glider, 1/2A Gas, ABC Classic, ABC Nostalgia, Mulvihill,
AB Electric, Classic Towline.
Nostalgia Wake/Rubber and SAM Old-time Rubber (combined).
Early Sunday:
Dawn Unlimited (Gather with CDs at 6:45am on field for ground rules).
Launch window (7:00 to 7:30).
Sunday July 10: 8am to 3:30pm. [Awards at 3:30pm.]
Catapult Glider, 1/2 A Classic, 1/2 A Nostalgia, P-30 Rubber,
Pee-Wee 30 Power.
SAM Old Time Gas (all SAM Gas classes combined).
AMA and NFFS Contest Directors:
Victor (Vito) Gagliano ,
SAM Consultant:
John Stott 203-426-5190, Mal MacLean 631-499-7917, or Al Vollmer.
Open fliers pay $25 ($10 field use fee, plus $15 entry which
covers unlimited number of AMA, NOS, SAM, and FAI events).
Juniors and Seniors pay $15 total ($10 field use plus $5 entry).
FAC events:
Run by Tom Hallman
For his schedule of Sixteen FAC events October 22 and 23 go to:
Tom also has a nice photo of the field and a map at
The field is on Orange County Route 12, in Wawayanda, six miles
south of Route 17M near Middletown, NY. Nearby airports include
Newburg, NY (30 min from field) or White Plains, NY; Hartford, CT;
LaGuardia, NY; Albany, NY; Newark, NJ; or Wilks-Barre-Scranton, PA
(all of which are less than 2 hours from the field).
Looking for Pete Williams
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you put this in the newsletter please to help me contact
Pete? Thanks.
Mel Lyne
I noticed Pete Williams' name in FIA results recently and was told he is
from U.K. Does anybody have an e-mail address for him? He was a hero and
flying buddy of mine in the early 1960s with Richmond and District
Gremlins Flying Club, U.K. I would dearly like to contact him. Thanks for
any info.
Mel Lyne
Garibaldi Highlands, B.C., Canada
ffCalc article in AMI.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please note that AMI got my e-mail address wrong in the March 2004
in which ffCalc was reviewed. It should be:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I asked the editor to publish a correction but I don't think it ever
Paul Rossiter.
Paul Rossiter Pty Ltd
ABN 25 105 577 713
ACN 105 577 713
PO Box 1247
Canning Bridge
WA 6153
Phone +61 8 9316 0250
Fax +61 8 9316 0251
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Supplier Info on the SEN Web Site
There is supplier information about the varoius cottage
industries that keep us going on the SEN Web site .
This informatiion is out of date. I'm asking supplier to re submit
information. It can be in HTML but cannot contain any images that
are store on the SEN web site. It can reference material,
including images on other sites. It is the responsibility of the
information provider to get it right.
We will remove all of the existing material at some point.
Roger Morrell