SEN 808- July 16 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1140
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 16 July 2003 issue 808
Table of Contents
Tangent Classic Update - Roberts and RonnyMac
F1B and F1G RTF Auction - Nystrom
Palmistry - Robbins
Bob Critchlow passes - SweeptteLee
Cody's Astro Star - Secor
Neutral Point - Barker
World Championships field - Farkas
Nats Unofficial Team Competitions - Perkins
Coming down to this - Coussens address
Room at the Inn - Markos
Vol Libre # 151
Tangent Classic Update
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A reminder that the Tangent Classic FAI Meet is still scheduled for August 22nd
for F1 ABC&P and August 23rd for F1 GHJ at Parkers' Field south of Albany
Oregon. Yes, it is a Friday and Saturday. The meet is only part of the Oregon
Free Flight free forall as the WMC Northwest Free Flight Champs for AMA events
and National Cup points will be held on August 23rd and 24th. There will be an
on field BBQ on Saturday with the WMC (Willamette Modelers Club) and we FAI
flyers will figure out something for Friday night. Historically, we end up
with Pierre at the Chinese restaurant south of Albany International Airport,
next to the Relax Inn where many of us stay. There are lots of motels in the
area (this ain't Lost Hills, so more expensive)and since Albany is a real town,
lots of restaurants and esspresso stands.
Should anyone be interested the Relax Inn number is 541-926-0170; nice pool and
real airplanes nearby. Larry Norvall reported in a previous SCAT about all the
airplane museums in the area which are pretty neat, but it is also the center
of Oregon wine making with winerys almost on every street corner (kinda like
Starbucks in Seattle). So when the jet lag from the World Champs and the heat
and humidity from the Nationals wear off, come on out to beautiful Oregon and
Ron McBurnett & Mike Roberts CD's
F1B and F1G RTF Auction
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NFFS will auction off a Burdov Candy G F1G and a Musius F1B, both new in the
box, models during the Thursday night cookout at the NATS this year.
Proceeds of the auction go to the NFFS scholarship fund. Note: this will be a l
ive auction and is not part of the traditional raffle which will also
be held. The auction will be managed by the famous auctioneer, Bob Stalick. An
American Hobby Products fan brake dynamometer for .049 to .090 two or
four cycle engines will also be auctioned. Here is your chance to do some serio
us engine testing. All items will be available for inspection at the
cookout prior to the auction. If you are interested, but will not be able to at
tend the NATS, you may want to have a friend bid in your behalf.
I will try to answer any serious inquiries made directly to me at txtimer@att.n
Thanks for listening to this sales pitch, and we look forward to having some fu
n with the auction.
Hank Nystrom
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Roger , the palm 5 and 105 i know a nd do Serial
connection which I use for my gps-palm soaring program. My
connecton cradle came as a freebee 6 monhs ago.
herb Robbins
the main issue is the newish and cheap Zire model that appears to be
USB only]
Bob Critchlow passes
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It is my sad duty to inform you that Bob Critchlow has passed away.
Your Scribe,
Cody's Astro Star
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Sat Cody & I went to Perris to test his new F1P Astro Star. We had very
good success, the plane was trimmed within four flights....up front we
are running a Cyclon, which is one of the smoothest running engines I
have ever run into..
Doug G. did an excellent job setting it up.
Thanks again to the SCAT club for providing an excellent Kit, Bob Van
Nest who put the kits together, and Mike Roberts who provided the
So were off to the Nats!
Thanks Again everyone for your support
Neutral Point
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In response to Mike Seagrave's query in SEN 807.
The formula used in Martin Simon's book is the usual 'no frills' one
found in most text books. It is not empirical and can easily be derived
from a consideration of the forces acting to affect longitudinal
balance. Jean Wantzeniether uses the formula more or less as is. Many
years ago Howard Crane and Henry Cole both started from this basis but
provided graphs to assist with some parts of the solution. Howard Crane
did some simplifications and some additions to suit the indoor flyers of
the time. Because calculators and computers are now so commonplace many
of the shortcuts of yesteryear, which were so helpful at the time, are
now a nuisance and it is better to work with the basic formulae. I
don't recollect having seen Buermann's work so I cannot comment except
to say that if it was correct it was, very probably, similar to the
usual form.
Tailplane Efficiency
Although the formula itself is simple the values to be used within it
require judgement. There is not room to discuss all the factors here
but mention must be made of tailplane efficiency. Martin Simon's
suggests 1.0 for a 'T' tail and as low as 0.3 for lower tailplanes. Now
tailplane efficiency is, in practice, the ratio of the airspeed at the
tailplane to the airspeed at the wing. The airspeed at the tailplane
can be slowed by the presence of the fuselage but our aeroplanes usually
have slim fuselages causing little disturbance. It can also be slowed
by the tailplane flying in the wing wake. On a free flight aeroplane
the 'T' tail recommended by Martin is usually poor because if the
aeroplane noses up the tailplane dips into the wake and performs badly
just when it is most needed. The low tailplane just travels further
down in clear air. For most free flight analyses I would use at least
0.8 efficiency and probably 0.9 or 0.95.
I have run the 'Catwalker' figures. With a tailplane efficiency of 0.9
I get a Neutral Point at 0.725 which, with the 0.68 cg gives a Static
Margin of 0.045. This may not seem much but I would not expect much.
Jim Richmond pushes his aeroplanes to the limit hence his great success.
Indoor Quirks
It is quite possible, using what might be called normal assumptions,
that the formula will give a negative static margin to an indoor
aeroplane that flies very well. How can that be? There are several
reasons. (i)The formula ignores the vertical position of the cg (Crane
did make an allowance). Indoor aeroplanes often have long wing post so
when they nose up the wing moves backwards relative to the cg which is a
stabilizing effect. (ii)The slipstream can affect a bigger proportion
of the tailplane than it does of the wing. The higher speed airflow at
the tail could give tailplane efficiencies above 1. (iii) The mass and
wing loading of indoor aeroplanes is so small that the inertia of the
surrounding air gives enormous damping to erratic movement. (iv) This
does not just apply to indoor. The formula assumes that the slopes of
the lift lines are linear. Often that is not the case at our Reynolds
numbers. At high angles of attack the lift slope often reduces. The
wing reaches high angles before the tailplane so the stability is
increased as the stall approaches.
As with most formulae that we use they can work quite well when
comparing aeroplanes of a similar type and where the necessary guesses
have been refined by data from successful aeroplanes. Without those
provisos the answers are much more in doubt.
A final thought whilst talking of stability. I see an increasing
tendency to talk of the Moment Arm as being the distance between the
quarter chords of wing and tail ( and even as the distance from the wing
LE to the tail quarter chord!). It is not, it is the distance from the
cg to the tail quarter chord. In many cases it makes little difference
but for indoor and gas, often with 100% and more cg position it is
Best regards
John Barker - England
World Championships field
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We have some rumours floating around in the U.S that the location of the
field for the World Championships in Hungary was changed. This
information is totally wrong!!!!! The competition will be held as
scheduled and indicated in the bulletin 2 of the organizer. I competed
last year on the same field in the Puszta Cup and the Voros Jeno
Memorial. Prepare yourselves for a great field, California style
weather, good atmosphere, and a superb World event.
Leslie Farkas
Nats Unofficial Team Competitions
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2003 Nats contestants are invited to participate in the traditional Moffett,
Mulvihill and revived AMA OHLG events Unofficial Team Competitions.
Three-person Teams may sign up at the Nats scorer's table the afternoon
before or the day of the AMA event prior to making any official flights.
The Team with the highest combined flight score in the official AMA event
Donations for purchase of a new trophy for the OHLG competition will be
appreciated. Charge persons for the Competitions will be:
Moffett -- Jim Bennett
Mulvihilll -- Joe Williams
OHLG -- Paul Wicks
See you at the Nats
Bob Perkins
Coming down to this
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I just got back from flying at good old Taft and I had realized that I
had forgotten about how close the Jr "finals" are from now. I remembered
that it all comes down to this one contest for me. No second chances
after this, this is the last shot for 8 of us in the Jr program. We get
one last chance to experience flying with 40 other kids in a foreign
country who all want to accomplish their one goal for the year and that
is to retain the title as the Jr world champion. But when you get down
to it there is more to flying in the Jr champs than just winning. Part of
it is embracing the foreign culture, people, and most of all cherish the
expense of flying with only people that are your age. For some of the
people that won't make the team and some who never got the opportunity to
fly in Jr champs, it is one of the most remarkable things that has
happened to me in my life. Every time I pick up a towline I always wish
that I was towing at that small airfield being rained on in lucenec.
Those memories that I had in Slovakia are what drive me to get up at 4:30
in the morning and go to the middle of now where to fly in hopes of that
it will somehow help me on my drive towards competing in one last Jr
world championships. This all used to be a dream for me, but when I set
foot on that soggy water logged field in Slovakia, I realized that my
dream had somehow come true. In those seven days that I lived in Slovakia
I realized that as soon as it was over that I would start training again
so that I could once again experience those fond memories I have. For the
Jr's that have completely dedicated themselves to this sport, you need to
know that no matter how bad it gets on the flight line during the year
that it is all worth it if you can for just one second stand side by side
with the rest of your team and represent the United States at a world
championships. As we go to Muncie remember one thing. It all comes down
to this one weekend. All of this is worth it if you make the team, if you
make the team than you have already won the ultimate prize.
Fly Max Win
Ben Coussens address
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( how gauche ! )
Keep it clean, gents !
Room at the Inn
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My motel reservation for the Nats in Muncie is at the Days Inn from Thurs,
Jul 24 until Friday, August 2. If anyone is having trouble finding a room for
the weekend preceeding the Nats, this room will have an extra queen-sized bed
available for Thurs through Sat nites. Charlie Sotich will arrive on Sunday
night to claim his half of the room. The room is a non-smoking room so it
shouldn't be too hot.
Chuck Markos
Vol Libre # 151
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VOL LIBRE -Andre Schandel - 16 chemin de Beulenwoerth 67000 Strasbourg
Robertsau - France -
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Le 10- 07- 03 VOL LIBRE N 151 a ete
expedie aux abonnes .
Roger Morrell