SCAT Electronic News 9 April 2001 issue 566
- Details
- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1639
SCAT Electronic News 9 April 2001 issue 566
Table of Contents
World cup "SREM CUP" Info
Reynolds numbers!! [ or is it numbering your Reynolds] - The Alien
Hanging out in Oz - Pudney
Transavia PL12 Airtruk views - Keiser
The Real CIA on line - McDonald
Looking for the Gold Cup - Moulton
Rolled Booms - Bryant
Ursicino Tracker Info
Re: New Gasparin CO2 motors - Dona
World cup "SREM CUP" Info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World cup " SREM CUP " F1ABCGHJ
Bulletin No1
Reynolds numbers!! [ or is it numbering your Reynolds]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I don't often get involved in technical discussions, but I feel I need
to help "Mac the Bigot" with his gravity problem. I suspect that a
bigger bike will do nothing but fly better just as bigger models do. A
better solution might be a little of our gravity plus technology here on
*#&%!$#*$!@ (my home planet). If he is interested, let me know.
The Alien
Hanging out in Oz
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To Mac the Bigot
We'd love to use your photo in our next newsletter which is in the real
Land of Oz sans Dorothy and red shoes (we wear thongs on our feet
here!). Could you send me a 300dpi scan of the picture please. I promise
I'll give full credit to a bigot.
Jan Pudney (the ever gracious one according to Richard Blackam!)
South Australia
Transavia PL12 Airtruk views
Transavia PL12 Airtruk
I found a message from you on
I am interested in any pictures or graphics you have found on this classic
plane. Thanks.
The Real CIA on line
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Links?
The Central Indiana Aeromodellers have a web site and have a link to your
site. Could we get a link added from you to us? I have added our address
Dave McDonald
Looking for the Gold Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re,- the comment on original "Gold" Wakefield cup, have you only just
discovered Charles Dennis Rushing's history of the current Wakefield ( F1B )
Refer to page 11, and there the summary of info appears on both the
original, and the replacement provided in 1927.
Charles is at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Moulton
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am confused about the Eastern U.S. Freeflight championship event schedule.
It was my understanding from Scat Electronic News 18 Jan 2001 (I think there
was a typo here and it was dated 2000 in error) issue 533, that the F1A
rounds would be held both on Saturday and Sunday. I recently spoke to Aram
Schlosberg and learned that F1A would be held only on Sunday. Going back to
the Scat archive at: (I believe this address
is case sensitive) and reviewing issue 533 again; on one line I see F1A,B,C
starting Saturday at 9:00 AM and Sunday at 8:00 AM, then I see a seperate
heading for Sunday and F1A listed under it for 7 rounds.
I could not find any other publications after this to overcome my confusion.
Would someone please clarify the issue.
Omer Erguner
Rolled Booms
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Fri, 06 April 2001, SCAT user wrote:
Somebody was asking about a source for these - pool cues are OK if you can
find a straight one. A method I saw used by my friend Graham Walker
(ex-F1B team memober, UK) was to roll a cone from very heavyweight mylar -
this apparently can be done 'freehand' - and tape it firmly to stop it
un-rolling. You can adjust the dimensions to suit required max and min
diameters. Then plug the small end with something suitable and pour in
plaster-of-Paris. I think Graham also may use a dowel running the length
of the mould to reinforce the plaster. Result is one very straight
boom-mould to whatever dimension you need! (I have never tried this method
myself so don't blame me if it goes wrong!) Also, it helps to soak the wood
used for the boom with dilute ammonia rather than plain water, as this
makes the balsa much more pliable. It dries out OK.
Graham Bryant
Ursicino Tracker Info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Model Radio Trackers
Trackers: these tiny micro transmitters, in combination with a 2 mt band
receiver, allow safe model retrievals in windy days, under strong thermal
activity or when the model gets lost for any reason. Simple "body shielding"
direction finding technique. Miniature surface mount circuit, crystal
controlled RF section with 30 cm music wire whip antenna. Any frequencies
on request in 2 mt band (note: may be subject to local regulations).
Epoxy waterproof sealing. With 3V lithium batteries BR435 (type V1) or
CR1225 (type V2) battery life is > 5 days. Also available without
battery-holder to use any 3V batteries/holders.
Active attenuator: pocket sized, great to speed-up the retrieval without
messing with a shortened RX antenna when approaching the model. The
adjustable attenuation allows accurate direction finding with a normal
antenna, keeping the directionality but preventing the receiver from
saturating even when the distance is as low as 10 meters. Provides over
100 dB maximum attenuation. Standard BNC connectors for quick insertion
between the receiver and its antenna. 3V button type lithium battery, 7
days battery life. Dimensions mm 40 (L) x 55 (H) x 25 (W). Weight 60 grams.
· Type V1 tracker: ultra light (< 2 grams). Miniature aluminium battery
holder for the popular sport fishing batteries (BR435/25).
Dimensions: mm 19.5 (L) x 9.5 (H) x 8.5 (W). Price 70.00 EUR each.
· Type V2 tracker: rugged and light (< 3 grams). Powered by CR1225 button
type batteries and a plastic battery holder.
Dimensions: mm 20.5 (L) x 12.7 (H) x 8.5 (W). Price 70.00 EUR each.
· Active attenuator: complete with connectors for antenna/receiver and
battery. Price 40.00 EUR.
· Battery holder for BR435. Ready to solder separate aluminium tube
holder with gold plated contacts. Price 5.00 EUR.
· Batteries BR435 lithium cylindrical. Price 5 EUR per pair.
· Batteries CR1225 lithium button type. Price 5 EUR per pair.
· HB9E: 2-element foldable directional antenna. 8.2 dB gain. 25 cm long
when closed. Standard BNC connector. Price 30 EUR.
For further information please e-mail or write to:
Massimo Ursicino
Via Cartesio, 3
I-40069 Zola Predosa (BO) - ITALY
Fax/Phone: +39051757064
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re: New Gasparin CO2 motors
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi gang!!
Just posted on our Web pages the new Gasparin CO2 motors, such as:
G-1S (Limited Edition)(1 cubic millimiter)
G-28RV (throttle control)
G-28T (twin cylinder)
G-28T RV
G-160 RV
Also new lower prices for G-Mot, Gasparin and Modela CO2 lines
With the new Gasparing technology a GMW-73 with a 3cc tank will run for
almost 6 minutes!!
best rgds,
Roger Morrell