SCAT Electronic News 9 August 2001 issue 607
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1349
SCAT Electronic News 9 August 2001 issue 607
Table of Contents
Poitou 2001 Result - Roux
Junior Team, and F1J Wants - Lorbiecki
Diamond Saws - Jahnke
cleaner ? - Norton
Wright Field - McCook Field - Bogie
USA Team Supporter Shirts and Bunt Parts - Parker
The NATS Experience- F1A style - Cousasens
World Champs and the WWW - Ackery
Re Seccotine - Wantzenriether
Poitou 2001 Result
1 DE BOER Pieter NED 1290 300
2 CROGUENNEC Vincent FRA 1290 239
3 SEREN Paul GER 1290 151
4 POUZET Bertrand FRA 1290 113
5 ARINGER Gerhard AUT 1290 95
6 COOPER John GBR 207 175 180 180 180 180 1801282
7 KREETZ Ivo NED 210 180 180 158 180 180 1801268
8 BARTLE Douglas GBR 210 180 180 180 180 180 1561266
9 AANEN Peter NED 203 180 180 180 180 180 1561259
10 BACHMANN Christoph SUI 206 150 180 180 180 180 1801256
11 CAILLAUD Michel FRA 186 165 180 180 180 180 1801251
12 COLLEDGE William GBR 210 180 180 180 180 180 1071217
13 MAASSEN Jurgen NED 210 123 180 180 180 180 1571210
14 DRAPEAU Philippe FRA 210 180 180 180 180 180 901200
15 COOK Mike GBR 210 180 180 180 180 180 781188
16 KOCHKAREV Mikhail RUS 210 180 180 180 180 77 1801187
17 SCHODER Hans SUI 210 152 161 180 180 180 1171180
18 MARILIER Thierry FRA 210 180 125 118 180 180 1801173
19 BELLEN Win NED 205 180 133 180 114 180 1801172
20 MOREAU François FRA 198 180 180 114 180 180 1361168
21 THEVENON Laurent FRA 210 180 168 107 180 141 1801166
22 RUMPP Stéfan GER 210 168 180 180 132 180 1121162
23 HOFMANN Felix GER 210 146 180 180 180 118 1441158
24 OXAGER Tom DEN 175 169 158 180 180 180 1071149
25 HULSHOF Willem NED 195 180 100 180 180 180 1311146
26 BESNARD Anne FRA 123 180 180 180 180 117 1801140
27 JENSEN Steffen DEN 210 180 112 180 180 97 1801139
28 DELASSUS Alain FRA 210 180 136 180 180 180 721138
29 THOREAU Gaël FRA 150 180 180 180 180 180 851135
30 STOFFELS Horst GER 150 77 180 180 180 180 1801127
31 ZAVODSZKY Alexander AUT 171 180 180 180 180 180 551126
32 VAN KUIJK Jon NED 140 180 180 180 180 108 1551123
32 CHALLINE Jean PierrFRA 173 178 180 180 97 129 1801117
34 VAN DE KERKHOF Bram NED 193 180 180 25 180 180 1761114
35 DUJARDIN Frédéric FRA 200 135 180 122 180 180 1131110
36 NYHEGN Jes DEN 210 153 180 180 95 180 1111109
37 TRIBE Peter GBR 123 153 180 180 180 107 1801103
38 CHAUSSEBOURG Pierre FRA 206 180 151 99 180 180 971093
39 BREEMAN Cenny BEL 210 180 19 180 180 180 1401089
40 GODINHO Jean FRA 199 140 137 180 180 180 661082
41 JACK Alan GBR 192 180 180 180 64 101 1801077
42 ECHIVARD Didier FRA 186 159 180 180 180 83 701038
43 PENNINGTON Julian GBR 197 151 180 114 180 113 971032
43 CRISP Andrew GBR 140 125 168 169 180 147 801009
45 NYHEGN Henning DEN 135 180 180 180 148 180 01003
46 VAN IERSEL Adriaan NED 160 180 92 180 180 180 311003
47 TRACHEZ Bernard FRA 201 155 177 180 98 180 0 991
48 ROTTEVEEL Bart NED 200 100 159 180 180 104 40 963
49 PICARD Luc FRA 184 116 93 180 150 180 50 953
50 BACHMANN Gottfried SUI 210 180 180 90 180 110 0 950
51 KREETZ Ron NED 190 180 147 180 180 65 0 942
52 ABERLENC Frédéric FRA 210 131 180 157 138 86 0 902
53 CHENE Samuel FRA 199 95 180 180 61 176 0 891
54 RAGOT Emmanuel FRA 210 180 180 180 125 0 0 875
55 BOCHET Loïc FRA 138 180 79 75 162 148 86 868
56 BERNARD Edgar FRA 106 142 120 180 0 145 164 857
57 RAPIN François FRA 210 180 37 168 79 180 0 854
58 SEREN David GER 189 176 52 65 180 76 73 811
59 REVERAULT Antoine FRA 210 180 140 129 140 0 0 799
60 POUWETSEN Stephan NED 126 108 80 98 180 80 66 738
61 BERNARD Boris FRA 136 103 81 77 180 70 78 725
62 MADELIN Gary GBR 210 180 56 180 92 0 0 718
63 LECOMTE Aurélien FRA 85 160 180 65 51 122 34 697
64 MARTYN Gielen NED 112 90 100 104 98 68 122 694
65 HOWICK Jane GBR 146 94 180 180 77 0 0 677
65 BOCHET Bernard FRA 199 180 180 118 0 0 0 677
67 CHABOT Sylvain FRA 210 180 106 180 0 0 0 676
68 BOCKLE Bernd GER 138 109 153 180 92 0 0 672
69 OLDFIELD David JohnGBR 210 180 149 114 0 0 0 653
70 BERNARD Gilles FRA 172 139 180 159 0 0 0 650
71 DILLY Martin GBR 106 180 180 180 0 0 0 646
72 LHERMEROULT Victor FRA 141 124 113 180 66 0 0 624
73 DARMON Stuart GBR 180 180 180 33 0 0 0 573
74 WILKENING Fritz GER 179 128 180 81 0 0 0 568
75 STOEV Oleg RUS 210 180 157 0 0 0 0 547
76 JENSEN Esben DEN 178 180 180 0 0 0 0 538
77 LARBAIGT Laurent FRA 205 148 180 0 0 0 0 533
77 SCHELLEKENS Bert NED 114 172 125 119 0 0 0 530
79 FUSS Helmut AUT 156 127 180 61 0 0 0 524
80 BRAMBLEY Lez GBR 123 65 56 180 65 0 0 489
81 WILLIAMS John GBR 189 171 110 0 0 0 0 470
82 HARSCOUET Jean Loic FRA 157 110 180 0 0 0 0 447
83 BODET Sylvain FRA 67 76 112 180 0 0 0 435
84 GAUDIN Jacques FRA 173 180 72 0 0 0 0 425
85 PEPER Hans GER 201 54 167 0 0 0 0 422
86 MAES Berry NED 67 130 0 109 108 0 0 414
87 SCHWEND Tassilo GER 210 180 0 0 0 0 0 390
88 FLYNN Joseph GBR 190 82 110 0 0 0 0 382
89 SEREN Thomas GER 177 180 0 0 0 0 0 357
90 VERMEULEN Mark NED 58 170 44 57 0 0 0 329
91 MARTINEAU Alban FRA 114 31 96 59 0 0 0 300
92 SOULARD Sébastien FRA 173 114 0 0 0 0 0 287
93 SCHUERMANS Leo NED 57 28 180 0 0 0 0 265
94 THERAULAZ Maurice FRA 95 68 95 0 0 0 0 258
95 KAMP Wilhelm AUT 96 123 0 0 0 0 0 219
96 BOISSIMON Jean PierrFRA 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 180
97 GREGORIE Martin GBR 148 0 0 0 0 0 0 148
98 CHAPMAN ChristopheGBR 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 66
99 LANGLOIS Marc FRA 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
100 POUYADOU Laurent FRA 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
1 DRAPEAU Philippe FRA 210 180 180 180 180 180 901200
2 THOREAU Gaël FRA 150 180 180 180 180 180 851135
3 BOCHET Loïc FRA 138 180 79 75 162 148 86 868
4 BERNARD Edgar FRA 106 142 120 180 0 145 164 857
5 SEREN David GER 189 176 52 65 180 76 73 811
6 POUWETSEN Stephan NED 126 108 80 98 180 80 66 738
7 BERNARD Boris FRA 136 103 81 77 180 70 78 725
8 LECOMTE Aurélien FRA 85 160 180 65 51 122 34 697
9 MARTYN Gielen NED 112 90 100 104 98 68 122 694
10 JENSEN Esben DEN 178 180 180 0 0 0 0 538
11 BODET Sylvain FRA 67 76 112 180 0 0 0 435
12 SEREN Thomas GER 177 180 0 0 0 0 0 357
13 VERMEULEN Mark NED 58 170 44 57 0 0 0 329
1 BESNARD Anne FRA 123 180 180 180 180 117 1801140
2 HOWICK Jane GBR 146 94 180 180 77 0 0 677
1 ZERI Anselmo NED 1290 300 300 420 413
2 GREAVES David GBR 1290 300 300 420 336
3 SILZ Bernd GER 1290 300 300 347
4 BUISSON Guy FRA 1290 300 300 135
5 TEDESCHI Serge FRA 1290 181
6 PINEAU Aurélien FRA 1290 159
7 SCHODER Hans SUI 1290 154
8 SEIFERT Marcus GER 1290 23
9 VIVCHAR Igor UKR 210 180 177 180 180 180 1801287
10 ANDRE Thedo NED 210 176 180 180 180 180 1801286
10 KENT Geoffrey GBR 210 180 180 180 180 176 1801286
12 VAN HOORN Henk NED 210 175 180 180 180 180 1801285
13 ASLETT Bernard GBR 210 175 180 180 180 172 1801277
14 MARTIN Peter GBR 210 143 180 180 180 180 1801253
15 MEUSBURGER Harald AUT 210 138 180 180 180 180 1801248
16 STRINGER Geoffrey GBR 210 180 180 180 134 180 1801244
17 PINK Gérald GBR 210 180 180 180 131 180 1801241
18 PEERS Brian RussGBR 210 180 180 180 130 180 1801240
19 PISERCHIO Robert USA 210 180 180 180 128 180 1801238
20 CHENEAU Jean ClaudFRA 210 180 180 180 180 151 1561237
21 DUCASSOU François FRA 210 132 180 174 180 180 1801236
22 BARBERIS Didier FRA 207 140 166 180 180 180 1801233
23 KOPPITZ Albert FRA 155 180 180 180 180 180 1721227
24 KRISTENSEN Jens.B DEN 210 180 180 180 112 180 1801222
25 RUYTER Pim NED 210 180 180 180 104 180 1801214
26 HOWICK Mickaël GBR 210 165 180 180 115 180 1801210
27 RAPIN François FRA 187 180 180 180 120 180 1801207
28 MORREL Roger USA 210 120 180 156 180 180 1801206
29 CRINS Erik NED 204 180 130 131 180 180 1801185
30 CHAPMAN ChristopheGBR 210 147 180 180 127 150 1801174
31 HOFFMANN Manfred GER 210 129 129 180 179 130 1801137
32 TURNBULL Glyn GBR 191 180 167 169 180 145 751107
33 VAN EEDE Ton NED 184 150 169 75 180 145 1801083
34 BILLIAM John GBR 210 180 180 180 180 142 01072
35 FLYNN Joseph GBR 175 135 56 180 180 180 1621068
36 VICENTE Arnaud FRA 172 150 180 25 180 180 1801067
37 TURNBULL Patricia GBR 210 180 150 72 180 84 1801056
38 MARQUOIS Benjamin FRA 210 180 180 180 180 95 01025
39 BRYANT Graham GBR 191 119 180 134 166 162 20 972
39 GUSTAVO Jorge POR 171 118 6 180 180 137 180 972
41 GREIMEL Véréna AUT 111 79 108 180 180 102 180 940
42 MATHERAT Georges FRA 184 180 153 180 113 113 0 923
43 NEW Ronald GBR 188 180 180 167 165 0 0 880
44 EVATT Michaël GBR 141 59 157 153 154 180 0 844
45 MARQUOIS Gérard FRA 210 180 180 120 147 0 0 837
46 JONES Ray GBR 210 180 180 180 84 0 0 834
47 LUCASSEN Roel NED 181 87 101 96 180 180 3 828
48 BEST Kristine AUS 85 180 180 123 136 119 0 823
49 MARQUOIS Léa FRA 184 157 141 180 131 0 0 793
50 MARQUOIS Bernard FRA 210 93 180 120 108 0 0 711
51 MARTIN Brian GBR 119 138 180 78 180 0 0 695
52 CHALLIS Edward GBR 30 180 159 180 111 0 0 660
53 WOODHOUSE Michaël GBR 210 139 77 0 0 0 0 426
54 BEAUMONT Newham GBR 94 123 0 0 0 0 0 217
55 VOSKENS Frans NED 111 59 6 0 0 0 0 176
1 MARQUOIS Benjamin FRA 210 180 180 180 180 95 01025
2 MARQUOIS Léa FRA 184 157 141 180 131 0 0 793
1 TURNBULL Patricia GBR 210 180 150 72 180 84 1801056
2 GREIMEL Véréna AUT 111 79 108 180 180 102 180 940
3 BEST Kristine AUS 85 180 180 123 136 119 0 823
4 MARQUOIS Léa FRA 184 157 141 180 131 0 0 793
1 WATSON Peter GBR 1320 139
2 SCREEN Stafford GBR 1320 128
3 OXAGER Tom DEN 240 180 180 180 180 180 1561296
4 FAUX Kenneth GBR 236 180 180 180 180 152 1801288
5 CUTHBERT John GBR 240 180 158 180 168 180 1801286
6 ROUX Alain FRA 240 166 175 180 180 180 1611282
7 BALL Phil GBR 220 180 157 180 180 180 1801277
8 BOUTILLIER Bernard FRA 234 180 180 180 180 135 1801269
9 BRIERE Gauthier FRA 216 180 180 180 151 180 1801267
10 ARINGER Gerhard AUT 240 180 172 120 180 180 1801252
11 TRUPPE Reinhard AUT 240 180 180 177 180 109 1801246
12 SCHWEND Tassilo GER 204 162 180 138 180 149 1801193
13 GRETTER Clans GER 232 116 163 180 180 118 1801169
14 SEELIG Hans GER 197 180 180 180 112 180 901119
15 REVERAULT Michel FRA 190 180 180 180 120 133 221005
16 JACK Alan GBR 240 161 180 136 180 0 0 897
17 HARRIS Peter GBR 176 93 148 180 105 18 0 720
18 HUBLER Hubert GER 102 96 0 0 0 0 0 198
Junior Team, and F1J Wants
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just returned from one of the best NATS I have ever attended. Did I do
good? Nope. Did I break airplanes? Yup. So why was it so good? Well, my
son kicked butt and found out the joys of big time model competetion.
This was the first NATS for my son John T.(15 years old). He went in
with relatively low expectations as he had never attended a meet like
this. He started with F1A, placing 5th, behind some very good glider
flying by the other seniors. Next was F1C. He was flying a low tech
Zingo with a Rossi. He got his flights in, and I think gained the
respect of the other flyers on the line (won hi point senior!). We got
to spend time with Bob Johannes (spelled correct?) and his lovely wife.
They both treated him like royalty. Thanks you! Multiple people asked
him if he was willing to try for the Junior F1J team (Art Ellis was one-
great job on the FAI event management!), which really opened his eyes to
the possibility. Also, we had a lengthy and very fruitful discussion
with the Gunders (Austin and Craig, both excellent people) that further
made the decision to try for the team positive. F1J day opened with him
flying his Galaxy. Austin walked away with the event, beating out Bob
Gutai on a following morning flyoff. John ended up "winning" the Jr/Sr
trophy because Austin beat everyone!! In our minds, Austin was first and
John was 2nd, but still, John got the first place trophy. Thanks also to
the Gutais, especially his wife that shared peaches with us in the
blazing sun.Then John won Catapult, 1/2A Gas, and ABC combined. He also
placed 5th in HLG. Five firsts outta seven trys- not bad for a rookie.
We had the honor of helping Lee Hines win F1A as well as his team of
Stan Buddenbohm and Dick Petersen. Thanks to these gentlemen for their
encourgement of John and his activities. It made it very special to him
and me. All in all, a great event! Could have been a bit cooler tho.....
So, needless to say after the encouragement of everyone, John will be
trying for the F1J team. We have a set of W Hobby Wings and a rough
standard contruction (Balsa) fuselage for them. We have a few Seeligs as
well as an AME and Cyclon (Thanks so much to the Gunders for that!) for
motivation. However, we will be needing a few more models. Can anyone
help us out there? I will be contacting Achterberg about some Odyssey
George Batiuk- I am trying to get hold of you to get the required forms
to you.
Finally, a memorial will be held for Hardy Brodersen's latest F1C. After
a day of intense testing and what looked like NATS winning performance,
a minor bit of pilot error (not charging the timer!!) resulted in a
spectacular vertical dive into the hardtop.He stated that the wings may
be repairable, but the spinner is a mess!! Sorry Hardy!!!
We may be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it......
John Lorbiecki
Diamond Saws
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I just want to chime in on the diamond saw blade issue. Lapidary shops
(stone cutters) use diamond bladed saws ranging from 4" to 36" to cut agate,
petrified wood etc.. The smaller blades are mounted in a table saw like
devise, belt driven and water cooled. Very nice for cutting carbon and
great for dust control. Rip fences are easily adapted to the aluminum table.
Several years ago I was browsing the vendors at the fly-in at Oshkosh. A
guy was selling diamond cutters for a Dremmel for about $4. I did not know
at the time what a bargain that was so I bought only one. These vendors are
also a good source for small bits of aluminum alloy stock and other goodies.
Ross Jahnke
cleaner ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does someone out there have the formula for a cleaner whose ingredients =
are; water,alcohol,ammonia, and detergent. I have some made up, but I`m =
running out, and can`t find the correct proportions.
bob norton
Wright Field - McCook Field
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Is it possible that both names refer to the early military airfield in
Dayton, Ohio? The site is now called Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Bill Bogart
USA Team Supporter Shirts and Bunt Parts
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Please post the following in SEN.
The USA Team Supporter shirts were completed just before Dallas and I left for
the NATs. Dallas and Ben Coussens sold 30 at the Nats. I will have them at the
up coming FAI contests at Lost Hills and Las Vegas and of course at the World
The Team supporter shirt design was conceived by Ernest Busnelli and finalized
by a professional T-shirt artist. We have returned to a Red, White and
Blue motif with all three open events represented. As indicated by the
quick sales at the NATs, this shirt will be selling quickly. This shirt is
not the "Endless October" shirt being done by Roger Simpson. The wise
sportsman will be getting at least 2 of each design! One each to keep and
others to trade at the World Champs.
I currently have a full supply of short sleeve shirts in L, XL, and XXL at 15$
ea. I have a limited supply of long sleeve L, XL and XXL at 20$ each. The most
popular size is XL-- that's the size I'm wearing, Dallas is wearing the Large
size as a reference.
I have some requests for Small and Medium T-shirts and white short sleeve
button-up collar shirts. Please contact me by the end of August by
email if you want some of these sizes. I'll be making one
last print in mid Aug
The proceeds from the shirt sales go to pay for items specifically not
paid for by the AMA Team funds. The most notable is the Jr Assistant
Manager who for this team is Austin Gunder, the current Jr F1J World
Champion. The JR Assistant Manager was started by George Batiuk several
teams ago as another incentive and reward for our younger flyers.
For those unable to get to the upcoming Lost Hills contests or if you wish
to insure you get your shirts, please send personal checks made out to
Jim Parker and mail to:
Jim Parker
9524 Ruffner Ave
North Hills, CA. 91343
Please indict if you want your shirts mailed to you or if you want to pick them
up directly from me. Add $3.00 for up to 3 shirts if you want
the shirt(s) mailed to you. Sorry, I will not be able to reserve shirts
by phone or e-mail.
Final note, I have gotten the latest shipment from Vasi of the aft F1A bunt
mechanism parts. These machined parts need final fit and assembly
but are still a deal at 35$ a set.
Thermals, Jim Parker
The NATS Experience- F1A style
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I hadn't planned to come to the NATS this year, but when Big Al's was
blown out, I impulsively blurted out to my son Ben, "Well, you're going to
the NATS". Anthony Avallone graciously offered to let Ben and me sleep in
their tent trailer, so we made reservations for a red-eye to Chicago,
then a connecting flight to Indy.
They weekend finally arrived, and Ben and I embarked on the great
adventure. Travel for the entire trip was uneventful; all baggage arrived
on time, nothing delayed. So around 10:45 Saturday morning we turned
off Memorial Drive and entered Aeromodel Heaven. Acres and acres of
mowed grass on a rolling landscape.
The impressive headquarters, RC runways, Ukie circles, picnic areas, all
well- maintained. I kept thinking, " If you build it..." and we came!
And it was ours to use, no rules lists as long as your arm, just grab your
model box unhook your chase bike and fly. What a place.
The night in the tent trailer was entertaining as thunderstorms and heavy rain
came through, but we were dry and cool, and slept like babes.
Art Ellis wisely set up the line where he thought it best to fly, and
making the tough call, started the first round on time in the middle of
a rain storm. As it turned out, the rain didn't last long and lift
was plentiful. After the second round he moved the line to the other side
of the field to accommodate the change in the wind, and we stayed there
the rest of the day. The thermals were not as turbulent as Lost Hills.
And you knew within a few seconds if the flight would go well or not, as
the ships generally climbed right out or didn't.
Flapping seemed to work in the humid air above the moist grass. Many
flyers got snookered by the short, strong puffs that lasted about one
circle then dissipated. I thought I was on rails until the 5th round
when I violated my own game plan viz the thermals and launched in
one of those puffs.
It was a kick to see such variety in gliders. In California, it's all
carbon and electronics, competition always on a keen edge. But here
along with the California bunch were the "gentleman" flyers, with their
Ritz Continentals, Top Kicks and Robins, zooming or straight-towing,
just for the love of it, hoping to get that lucky break into the fly-off.
But in the end, five maxed out, all current or former team members plus
young Michael Avallone, who clinched a team spot in the 2002 Junior W/C.
Only Lee Hines and Brian Van Nest survived the 5-minute round.
In the 7-min. round, Lee upwind found a beautiful thermal that
carried him almost speck high, while Brian
found a bubble that looked really bad, except for the valiant efforts of the
Avallone/Batiuk (yes, Batiuk!) flap crew, who kept it alive until it found
a theraml downwind. The stage was set for the 9 min. round. Once again,
Lee launched upwind into a gentle, but towering thermal,
his bunt one of the highest I'd seen at the contest. Brian, downwind,
launched into what should have been perfect position, but once again
looked doubtful. Enter the flap crew, which ran under the model the
entire flight. This was the penultimate fly-off: Lee's ship
riding a late-afternoon, gentle thermal, and Brian's ship, superbly
trimmed, riding every little puff, never higher than 1!
00 for most of its 8 minute flight. An amazing conclusion of a great day.
Special thanks to Art and Joan Ellis who tirelessy ran the entire FAI
venue through countless line changes and trying times indeed. My personal
thanks to the Avallone family for their generosity, and my appreciation
for their unbridled
enthusiasm for all things free flight. Anthony was like a liitle kid
flying his Mulvihill. The boys, Eddie and Michael flew with quiet
determination, but they being teens, they and knew how to have a good time.
We'll be back!
World Champs and the WWW
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
'Rumours from the WC planning meeting have the attending countries
about 33. Attendance from former Eastern Block countries seems
down - no Armenia, no 'Stans', no Bularia or Roumania. Otherwise
plans for the event are going great- '
Roger is there any chance of some Internet coverage for the World
Champs, (somewhere on the SAT website perhaps) ?.
I know there is the one page on the AMA website but that is just the
basic facts, and not very interesting.
There is a lot of additional info that could go out, for example, just
for starters what are those 33 countries, and the names of the people on
the teams.
(Perhaps this is a case where someone could step in and assist the
webmaster, who I am sure has other things on his mind.)
David Ackery
New Zealand
Re Seccotine
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Original message:
+AD4- Author :
+AD4- I am trying to locate Seccotine glue anywhere in the world as it seems to
be the most reliable glue to use in the making of gesso for laying gold
leaf. Any help would be greatly appreciated.+ADw-
Seccotine was a glue in France in the very old times... I built my first
glider model with it in 1953. No longer available, I think, and certainly
not in model shops. Take heart +ACE-
Jean Wantzenriether E-mail
Roger Morrell