SEN Feb. 6 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1608
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 6 Feb 2000
Table of Contents
Wiehle on Decades
F1C Stuff For Sale - Johannes
P King simulation update - King
Kamate Kamate ! or the other America's Cup - Hines
180 is max - Iele
Sporting code says Cable ? - Donde
Rewired in Bishop - Van Nest
Wire for Javier - Hines
George S's Bike - Woodhouse
Soldering - Kowal
Thanks - Bethea
F1C Fuel - Slobat
Wiehle on Decades
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just to keep the record straight..
can't figure out what Brokenspar
is talking about. I was born in
1916 and flew my first contest in
928, and when I fly this year it
will make 9 decades.
At the SCAT 40th Anniversary
talked with Frank Zaic. He flew
in Grand Central Park in the mid
20's, the Cops ran them off so
they went to the Mayor and got
a writen permit to fly there. The
next time they went to fly the
Cops were going to run them off
until they saw the permit, and
then the Cops ran all the people
Bob Wiehle
F1C Stuff For Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I have some model equipment that is surplus to my needs and thought some
other FAI sportsmen might be interested. The items are listed below:
1 ea model locator system. $500
Including a Yaesu FT- 11R 2 meter, receiver, and 3 Doehring
1ea Verbitsky F1C engine $275
The engine has a new piston, sleeve and rod.
The price includes a spare, new piston and sleeve.
1 ea HP 200 LX hand held computer used for programming Mogle
electronic timers. $500
1ea 16MB memory card for the HP 200 LX $100
1 ea 104" F1C Model ready to fly. $1500 with Mogle
$1200 without timer
Anyone interested can reach me by email or by phone at (636) 441 3945.
I can deliver any of this stuff at the MaxMen.
Regards, Bob
P King simulation update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
I have discovered an error in the my glide simulation part of the P.K./
Ian Kaynes simulation program. I discovered it when trying to re run some
cases, (in F1G), for different Aspect Ratios. This was triggered off by
some interesting questions from Dick Wood and by the fact that someone
suggested the optimum AR was possibly a bit higher than my results
suggested. ie ca 10/1 It seems that in the USA some of the best models
have AR's up to ca > 14/1. We have not found this to be the case in the UK
as far as I can tell and I would like to find out if the suggested
performance increase with AR, in the States, is backed up by any relative
systematic tests, as there maybe other factors involved such as variations in
airfoils and model size and weight. My aim is always to improve the
modelling in our program, but the more facts I can discover, the easier it
will be to improve the program.
My first glide simulations were done with a much simpler program, in
which the AR was simply entered in the glide sim page. The problem that
has arisen is probably caused by the use of SOLVER in the new simulation.
The CL is now iterated with the glide speed and the Re No. all of which
change with AR because of Re effects. The fault I discovered was that,
when I change the AR, the Re No at the mac was not changing, thus giving no
change in perfromance with Re. !!!
I have now rectified this fault and would be glad to send the corrected
program to anyone who would like to contact me. Also, I am wondering if
any of the many people, who have recieved copies of the program, have had
time to add any interesting new data or have any useful comments or
suggestions on the workings of the simulation. I am very grateful to all
those who have emailed me, but any extra info would be gratefully received !!
Peter King
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Kamate Kamate ! or the other America's Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
OK, who put in the fix? And by the way, ESPN really fouled up, cause
Prada vs US61 was supposed to air @ 11:30PM! I checked their
website, cause it wasn't listed in the newspaper, took a nap @ 5PM,
awoke @ 8PM to find it on ESPN2, with the Prada crew opening up
victory Champagne! Smell like a Vatican Job to me!
OK, I'm cool now, but doesn't this just take the bloom off the rose now?
I just know you have been waiting to give all us Yanks a Royal Kiwi
"yatching shunt" and the rug was pulled out from under! So sorry,
Rog, now your timer naming tweak will go unrewarded, except to the
few of us who even knew or cared what the heck has been going on
in the Horake Gulf!
I'm steamed, cause now I can/t challenge you to my bet! I had been
going to goad and shame you into a bet that if US61 had won the
AM.Cup back from the Kiwis, that you would rename your timer
(get this) "US61 Magic"!
What a raw deal--- wonder if the NZed public will even come out to
cheer on BM against "the Boot Boys", or if they aren't feeling a bit
brung down, too?
Oh, well----
[Lee - as an explanation to others - my BlackMagic electronic timers are
named of the the New Zealand America's Cup [the other one] challenger.
It is not a refernce to the occult or even Mulder and Scully.
I could point out, Lee that if the current series was to be for real men
it would have been in Cook Strait, not the calm of the Hauraki Gulf.]
180 is max
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger:
Last week I made to myself a long awaited gift.
Searching on the Web I found , in the National Film Board of Canada site ,
the film " 180 is Max".
May be a little expensive at $80 + $10 of postage,for a 16 minutes short,
but it worths. The cassette is in VHS format.
This film, more than a document on the Free Flight World Championship of
1971 in Gotenburg, Sweden, I belive is an artistic creation, having won
international film awards.
Several known faces (30 years younger), Koster, Verbitsky, Sugden, Allnut
amongst many others.
Hope to see you next Saturday.
My contact for ordering was Paula Couture (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Daniel Iele
Sporting code says Cable ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In a message dated 02/03/2000 5:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes:
<< More >>
BJC Bogie,
Hello Bill,
This was atypo,
it was a 1x7 cable not a wire , I fly a heavy dog, need all the help I can get
See you down wind at the 14 rounders
Rewired in Bishop
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
can you change our electronic news address for me to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Also
put on electronic news.
Thank You
Wire for Javier
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Javier & SEN:
I received info from Peter Brocks that Stefan Rumpp was coming over for our
Feb Comps and will bring some of this wire( 0.3mm steel, 7 strands x 0.1mm).
He is trying to procure several spools(50m length) for us(Peter B, Don Z, you,
myself, etc). This is same material as Stamov and others use.
Let us hope for his shopping success.
See you soon, Lee
George S's Bike
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>I intend to be at both the Isaacson and the Max Men contests, but I will
>not yet have a model to enter. It just occurred to me that there may be
>an entrant or two from out side our area that could use my new mountain
>bike to chase his models. I am not sure how to make this offer known.
>Perhaps you may have a suggestion or can post this.
I'm well out of the area and I'll be there at the Maxmen. Any chance of
a loan?
Mike Woodhouse
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In response to the letters about stainless cable being difficult to solder
I have purchased a low temperature silver solder from a welding supply'
store that will work using a standard soldering iron and is purported to
to stainless. I use it to solder my front ends for rubber jobs and it is
stronger than standard low temperature solder. I am out of town this week
when I return this weekend I will test it on some stainless and let you
know the
results. ---Ken---
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks to all that responded to my request for contact with John Kamla.
F1C Fuel
From: "George &/or Judi Batiuk"
Fuel will be available at the field at the start of the Isaacson. It is =
coming from Northern California, and will not arrive until then. =
Suggest you call Doug Joyce at 805-238-1479 when you arrive. He lives =
fairly close to the field, and I am sure he will accommodate you. =
George Batiuk
Roger Morrell