SEN 379
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 2003
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 3 March 2000
Tabkle of Contents ================== missing Murf - Sapwell real Feb rubber ? - Schroedter Comments re plastic and steel cleaning. - Andresen Rubber for sale - Shailor MaxMen 14 Rounder and Motorbike - Kowal 180 Max - Goodnow NZ Stomps Boot boys - Hines 2001 World Champs - Robbins RCDT - Ramrod250 Mike's Bike - Woodhouse RC/DT - Baughman Cleveland Model Supply - Wagner MicaFilm - Wagner Spring Cup - Hines missing Murf ============ Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. HI.. talked to chris/s brother today.he says... chris is still having trouble with a lap top.and g etting to a free phone line where he is can be his biggest problem..also chris,s term is getting to the end,maybee around a month to 6 weeks left,,we have been asked to supply some parts for model boxes sohe must have things to bring back,, we believe that he may be doing some visiting on the way home also.. for those trying to reach him try FAX no 00,,97249924145 ....this could bee very busy try till u get an answer.. cheers Hec nz Feb. rubber ? ============== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Roger: I wrote that bit about the Feb. '00 rubber between the Isaacson and the Max Men contests. At the Max Men, John Clapp told me that the box was stamped "Feb. '00" because that was when it was shipped, but the correct batch date is Jan. '00. That was when it was made. Yesterday I received an e-mail from John stating that he will shortly get in another batch and it will be the Feb. '00 batch. Obviously, we have no idea at this time whether the Feb. '00 batch will be good, bad or otherwise. Hence, I need to make this clarification. George S. Comments re plastic and steel cleaning. ======================================= Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Roger, Audiophiles were slow to accept the CD as their systems reproduced all the digits. After high end electronics improved, a few brave souls made extravagant claims for coating the bottom of the CD with ArmorAll and using a special green pen (absorbs the red laser light). Soon whole collections were being treated. ArmorAll stock surged. 6 or 8 months later the news leaked out that the treatment caused crazing and all those CD's were ruined. Record company stock surged. Have had similar, but quicker result with Freon and polycarbonate. This plastic is great stuff, used for bulletproof windows, has good electrical, optical and mechanical properties, BUT, like your bod, be careful what you put in it. Was doing a Google search on rust removal to see if Coke was better than EZoff oven cleaner for cleaning up old tools. Not a problem a desert rat normally encounters. Anyhow the consenses was none of the above. Many sites touting electrolysis (think the techs used to call it reverse plating. Will let interested download the fine details, but basically a bucket of water with washing soda added, holds the rusty part & a cathode (like a stainless pan lid). A battery charger is connected + to the part & - to the lid. Plug it in and watch the crud bubble to the top. A few hours later the rust has disappeared without hurting any printing, ready for a trip to the desert for storage. Wonder how big of a charger it would take to do an entire car? Anyone have o pool I can borrow for a weekend? H Rubber for Sale =============== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. For Sale... I have about 9 pounds of 1/8 May 1999 Tan II and 8 1/2 pounds of 1/8 Feb. 1999 Tan II for sale. Price based on amount left in a ten pound box, i.e, 9/10 ths of $135.00. Bill Shailor 14 rounder and motorbikes ========================= Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I had a great time at the 14 rounder this year as always but one thing I missed was flying with sportsmen from out of the county. This year the pole I flew from had some great sportsmen but none from out of the U.S. As a suggestion to follow up the discussion on motorbikes for those from out of the county, I have a motorbike I use to chase and would very much like to be paired up with a flyer from outside the U.S. who could utilize my bike for chasing as we time each others flights. Since I do not get the opportunity to fly outside the U.S. this is my only chance during the year to meet new and interesting people in the sport. I do not know if this would cause a great deal of trouble for the organizers but might just require an extra box to check on the entry form. just a thought ---Ken--- 180 Max ======== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I have a copt of 180 Max . It's not in great shape but if anyone wishes to borrow it e-mail me your adress and I'll loan it out . Thermals: Brooks Goodnow NZ Stomps the Boot Boys! ======================== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Roger, they never even got up a sweat, did they? Wow, how much more speed they had in hand, is the real BlackMagic query. Good Show! Do you wish you were there? Lee [Well, Lee is your BlackMagic going to help you do an America's Cup repeat too ? ] 2001 World Champs ================= Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Bring on the world champs to Lost Hills! Oakland Cloud Dusters WILL supply plenty of help. Herb the Editor. RCDT ==== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. One more thought on RCDT: Who will be in charge of frequency control? How will this be accommodated at large contests such as the Max Men, where there may be be 100 flights in a relatively short time? Will there have to be a transmitter impound? Frequency pins? Channel analyzers? Where will the additional manpower come from? Pity the poor CD who has to round up even more people to run a contest, let alo ne having to deal with the radio-related issues. Jim Haught [Jim the RCDT work on the same frequency - they transmit a unique digital signal that includes a personal pin number/ This number is different for every user. It is possible that there could be a conflicy between different manufactureres or with an unscrupilous user who swamped all the others. ] >Here's your bike, Mike ======================= Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. >Roger (lurker) Grigsby. Roger. Thanks for the offer. This is one of the nice things about our past time, the help that is given so readily. Thanks again Michael J Woodhouse RC/DT ===== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Roger, I have been reading the flap over RC/DT for months. Everyone seems to have one proposal or another regarding radio control of freeflight models. I believe the discussion is moot. I don't think the argument stems from the radio control of freeflight models, rather is comes from sportsmen who believe that they will be cheated by other "sportsmen" who have the potential to use an unfair advantage. This is a contradiction. The word, "sportsman" implies one who plays by the rules and doesn't use unfair advantage to win competitions. It seems to me that all the complainers out there are concerned that they will be beaten in competition by someone who, through innovation, develops a potential advantage. Goldberg's pylon invention was a threat, so was his invention of the pop-up stab dethermalizer. Schnurle engines were a threat, so were tuned pipes. Motorcycle retrieval gave a great advantage. Timers with binoculars was a potential advantage. Electronic timers gave an advantage, so did fibreglass, carbon fibre, kevlar, circle-tow, and monofilament towlines. Did not having to build your own model give or take an advantage away? Does any model with all of the modern technical "advances" guarantee a win? Does the "sportsman" who acquires and flies a model with all the latest gadgets positively assure himself a win on the field? Why are all of you "doomsayers" afraid? In modeling, as in life, "If you do what you have always done, you are going to get what you always got". Get a life, guys. Freeflight competition will always be about putting a good model into good air. A good model launched into bad air will always fly like a bad model. RC/DT is not going to ruin the sport. Only bad sports, whiners and complainers will ruin the sport. If somebody cheats, Contest Directors have the authority and duty to send the cheater home. The RC/DT question is not about cheating. The real question is being avoided; if a "sportsman" is cheating, does anyone have the cahones to expose that person for what he is? We need to police our own sport. We don't have referees. If we don't act when we see cheating, then we are just as guilty as the cheater. Remember this: Real sportsmen don't need to cheat, they innovate. Gary Baughman Cleveland Model Supply ====================== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Jeff and Roger, E.L.Packard passed away a few years back and I don't believe anyone took over the company or the plans. For a while someone sold a bunch of stuff in groups buit I haven't seen anything recently. Packard served the modelers for almost 90 years. If anyone has any interest I have a collection of plans in the 3/4" scale, maybe some 1/2" scale, that I would be glad to copy for whatever it costs me. They are mostly racing and golden age era. I will check for Jeff in my reference stuff, I know I have a bunch on the Hughes racer, it will take me a bit. regards again, Joe MicaFilm ======== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Roger, have been busy and not able to respond well to the newsletter. In reference to George and his MicaFilm/balsarite question. I had a bit of trouble with balsarite and it adhering well to the carbon fibre trailing edges and dihedral ribs. I would have preferred using micafilm verses polyfilm because it would ultimately come out lighter. I have found SIG Stick-It to be a better product for adherence qualities than just dope in the same situation with polyfilm. I tried a sample with the MicaFilm and find it works pretty well. Medium heat with an iron. The only problem I still find with MicaFilm is patches. Any small patches have a tendency to pull away from the edges quickly when shrinking tight. I would recommend polyfilm patches doped on for small tears or punctures. Small panel areas (2 ribs or so) I would again use Polyspan, you could try the StickIt with the MicaFilm it would probably work, that is still to be tried. My new F1C will probably have the MicaFilm(?). Roger, are you planning to come to the meet in April??? regards, Joe [Joe - I hope to be there .. not quiet as windy as last time please ... Roger] Spring Cup ========== Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I am sure if you contact Faust Parker he will provide the Spring Cup info. Ph 713-266-2961 or E-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. He lives in Houston. Last year's date was in late April, about 25th. Lee ........................... Roger Morrell