SEN-403 April 15 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1108
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 15 April 2000 Issue 403
Table of Contents
Canada Cup and a question ? - Farkas
Icarex info and sources - Lane
Full House F1B - Brooks
Canada Cup and a question ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Mr. Morrell,
My name is Leslie Farkas and I am organizing the first F1A - F1B and F1C
World Cup in Toronto. The Canada Cup is scheduled for September 2 - 4th.
2000. Modelers from Poland, Italy, Germany and Ukraine have called to
confirm that they will attend the competition. Just spoke to Aram
Schlosberg who suggested to get in touch with you. Please provide me with
your mailing address and I will send you our detailed contest schedule.
With best regards,
[ Leslie
We would be pleased to publish information about the Canada Cup ..
maybe we can make it there for the event too.
Material for publication in SCAT Electronic News should be
e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It can be ..
A contest announcement for display on the SCAT web site
This can be plain text or HTML. It can include an image if
you sent it. The image should be fairly small.
A contest annoucement for inclusion in SEN . This is displayed
on the web site and e-mailed to our subscription list. It is seen
by 5-600 FAI sportsmen in many countries. This should
be plain ascii text. The maximum
line length should be 78 characters. There should be no tabs. This
information will be viewed by many people with a wide variety of
e-mail programs so has to be in the "lowest common denominator"
format i.e. no formatting except for spaces and underlineing
with = or -.
The above can be followed up a reminder or news bulletins closer
to the event.
The results can be either in plain ascii text with the same rules as
above - no tabs and maximum line length of 78 characters OR
in Microsoft Excel format.
In all cases you are responsible for making sure that the content
is correct and that it displays properly. We do not accept material
on paper.
Of course what we say here not only applies to the Canada Cup but to
all other contests too.]
Icarex info and sources
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Product information and sources for Icarex:
Icarex identification
There are three types of Icarex available. Despite claims of "1/2 oz" and
"3/4 oz" per meter2, I have found little difference in the weight between
various versions, with the average close to 29 grams per yd2 (not meter2).
Light colors seem to be the lightest. Fuel compatability is something I
haven't explored.
PC-31 Polycarbonate This is the latest product form, and is generally all
that is available from most sources as I believe production ceased on the
others. Identifiable by 10 mm x 10 mm grid of double ripstop threads. 23
P-31 This is the original "1/2 oz" product form. Identifiable by 9 mm x 14
mm ripstop threads. Limited availability.
P-38 This is the original "3/4 oz" product form. Identifiable by 5 mm x 5
mm ripstop threads. Limited availability.
Icarex sources
These are confirmed sources that stock it. All are setup and willing to do
mail/phone/email orders, one has a good web page. Icarex and lightweight
ripstop can be easily confused, however the suppliers below are well
acquainted with Icarex. Prices range from $8 to $10 per yd2.
Four Winds Kite Shop (excellent selection of PC-31 and P-38, web page at
1911 Broadway
Everett WA 98201
phone: 425-339-933
fax: 425-257-3093
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gasworks Park Kite Shop (good selection of PC-31)
3333 Wallingford N
Seattle WA 98103
phone: 206-633-4780
fax: 206-633-0301
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Great Winds Kite Shop (good selection of P-31, plus 1/2 mil mylar in colors
and lightweight tyvek)
402 Occidental Av S
Seattle WA 98104
phone: 206-624-6886
fax: 206-624-9633
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
full house F1B
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've been flying PGI trim for quite a while, and made a slight improvement
(I think) with a torque actuated wing mover to control the burst, but I
can't seem to get the seamless climb pattern that the top boys get, so I
have built a couple of timer actuated models.
These have VIT, AR (one position), wiggler, and variable pitch prop.
I always flew left, right (I' m left handed and fly with a left handed
prop) with the PGI's and I build one like this and another one for left,
left trim. I have a 55%CG, 2 deg. pos wing incidence and 2 degrees down
and left thrust.
I've had about 3 flights on each model with limited success ( I've planted
them both.) Fortunately it's pretty muddy up here right now and the've
Can someone please tell me in the most simple form possible, the
sequence and duration of the actuation of each function?
With my current models I get a mighty burst and a bit of a corkscrew into
the cruise that is never as steep as the best, and I would like to get
that smooth, even climb with the nose real high until just before the fold.
I've read the Sympo article on this subject and I left the wiggler and AR
on, but the model won't turn into the cruise, even with side thrust, so I
took them off earlier (5 sec.) , now it does'nt stall on the transition,
but the cruise is too flat and turny---I'm confused.
Jim Brooks
Thanks to recent donations from Al and Tina Brush, Rod Mogle and Don Zink.
Roger Morrell