SEN-412 May 2 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1300
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 2 May 2000 issue 412
Table of Contents
Weather Info Site - Terzian
Seguin Spring Cup - Simpkins
von Haffe Cup 2000 (World Cup) - Gustavo
This weekend---11th Annual NorCal FF Champs - Terzian
Lunch Box - Jahnke
Weather Info Site
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Hola Javier!
Interestingly, I tried checking current weather conditions In Sacramento,
California using the website you mentioned in SEN
And found that it gave me the conditions for San Antonio, Texas! We have a
big contest planned this coming weekend at Waegell Field and the weather is
"supposed to be" excellent.
Anyone else have the same problem with other areas or locales? Fred T.
Seguin Spring Cup
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Free Flight Irony,
Wind at the Seguin Spring Cup was the usual 25 to 30 MPH variety and the
result was a few folding wings, either in the ground or in the air. I had
the good fortune to almost miss the first round in F1J. While unpacking the
car at 8 am, was encountered with a flat tire on the chase bike. Got a tire
pump from Faust Parker and spent about 20 minutes repairing his pump so it
could be used only to find out the fitting would not fit my valve stem.
Needing air in the tire, I drove into town and found a station that charged
50 cents to use the air supply. The tire seemed to be holding air so drove
back to the field for that 1st round. With only about 5 minutes left in the
round, Steve Spence came over to lend a hand. In addition to unloading the
bike from the car, I may have broke a record getting the model ready for
flight. Got the model assembled, installed the transmitter, set the timer,
fueled up, and started the engine, and launched with about 2 minutes to
spare. It climbed vertical and rolled out at the top with only a 5.6 second
engine run. To add to the insult, it was in a downer and didn't max. In the
chase with the bike, the tire went flat again about half way to the model.
Walked the remaining distance with the bike. Got to the scene and left he
bike there as a marker. I then walked back to the flight line and got the
car, drove to the site and picked up the model and packed the bike in the
car. At the end of this, I was pooped and called it a day ...all because of
a flat tire.
Am including a picture of Mark Troutman and the F1A Finalist. Those in the
picture (left to right) include Henry Spence, Steve Spence, Mike Fedor,
Faust Parker, and Lee Hines.
Don Simpkins
von Haffe Cup 2000 (World Cup)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger
By this mean, let me remember to all the Fellow Free Flyers that the
dead line to send the application form for the Portuguese International
Free Flight Competition - von Haffe Cup - is the 15th of May.
It would be a nonsense not being present in one of the best fields of
The traditional Portuguese hospitality is waiting for everybody.
To send the application forms, use my email or the one of Anibal Paiva -
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - referring the name and the flying specialty
Kind regards
Jorge Gustavo
This weekend---11th Annual NorCal FF Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To All Electronically Connected Free Flight Enthusiasts:
This weekend is the 11th annual Northern California Free Flight
Championships sponsored by the Oakland Cloud Dusters. We are hoping that you
can all attend, but if not, please pass this information on to your fellow
free flight friends or club members.
We are expecting Lew Mahieu (designer of the Zeek) to attend and to present
the winner of the Special One Design Event in his name.
Also, Henry Smith is expected to defend his two AMA Category records in
Mulvihill R.O.W. with his "Drip Dry" design recently published in Model
Aviation. He will also try to retain the prestigious California State Fair
trophy that Carl Rambo donated to the Cloud Dusters on behalf of Joe
Bilgri's many AMA records in Mulvihill ROW.
Don't forget that this contest qualifies for America's Cup in FAI events,
National Cup in many AMA events, and points towards FAI Team qualifications
later this year. Many SAM free flight events are also included both days.
Weather patterns seem to be favoring a warm and sunny weekend (finally!) Use
of fuses will be at the discretion of contest management so be prepared with
other DT devices
Those who are not prepared to fly we welcome to assist in timing or just
plain socializing. Have something to sell or trade? Bring it along and set
up a table or display it on your tailgate.
Please note that we overlooked including Old Time Hand Launch Glider in the
previous schedule. It will be flown both days
Oakland Cloud Dusters
11th Annual Northern California Free Flight Championships
Waegell Field, Sacramento California
May 6th and 7th, 2000
AAA Category II AMA Sanctioned Contest
An America's Cup, National Cup, and CUFFMAC Points Contest
Entry Fee: One Event $15.00 Two or more Events $30.00 Jrs $2 per event
$5.00 discount with proof of NFFS membership for two or more events
Contest Directors: Bill Vanderbeek, Fred Terzian
Cash Awards will be drawn on Sunday. Contestants will receive one ticket
with entry fee. Contestants must be present to win.
One Design Event: Lew Mahieu's 1/2A ZEEK
Contest Schedule
Saturday Events Sunday Events
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
F1A Glider (seven rounds) F1G Coupe (five rounds)
F1B Wakefield (seven rounds) F1H Towline (five rounds)
F1C Power (seven rounds) F1J Power (five rounds)
B Gas Dawn Unlimited 15 min. after sunrise
1/2A Gas A Gas
P-30 Rubber C-D Gas
020 Replica 1/4A Gas
O.C.D. Catapult Glider Mulvihill Rubber
Hand Held Catapult Glider Moffett Rubber
Slow Open Power Hand Launch Glider
Both Days
Junior Hand Launch Glider Old Time Hand Launch Glider
Junior Hand Held Catapult Glider Junior P-30 Rubber
Junior A-1 Nordic Towline Junior 1/2A Gas
Old Time Small Rubber Cabin Old Time Small Rubber Stick
Old Time Large Rubber Cabin Old Time Large Rubber Stick
Early 1/2A Gas Nostalgia Mulvihill Rubber R.O.W.
1/2A Gas Nostalgia A-B-C Ignition Old Timer
A Gas Nostalgia A-B-C-D Gas R.O.W. Combined
B Gas Nostalgia 4 Ounce Wakefield
C Gas Nostalgia 8 Ounce Wakefield
1/2A Gas Rise Off Water Old Time Rubber Scale
One Design Event (Zeek) Gollywock/Jabberwock
FAI Events: One hour rounds beginning at 8:00 a.m. Flyoff flights will
increase in two minute increments
Slow Open Power Rules: Engine displacement up to .21 cu. in. No ball
bearings, no tuned pipe, no prop brake no auto surfaces (except DT).Any
tank/fuel system. Engine run: 8 seconds glow, 9 seconds diesel. Three
flights with a two minute max. Single flyoff flight at end of day
Contest Information:
Bill Vanderbeek Fred Terzian Steve Geraghty
13300 Simon Lane 4858 Moorpark Ave. 4165 Timberline Drive
LosAltos Hills,CA 94022 San Jose, CA 95129 San Jose, CA 95121
1-650-949-3366 1-408-725-1390 1-408-528-9145
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Days Inn Marriott Courtyard Fairfield Inn
10800 Olson Drive 10683 Whiterock Road 10713 Whiterock Road
Rancho Cordova 95670 Rancho Cordova 95670 Rancho Cordova 95670
1-916-638-2500 1-800-321-2211 1-800-228-2800
Waegell Field is located southeast of Mather AFB near the corner of Sunrise
Blvd. And Jackson Highway. From the Stockton area, it is best to take
Highway 99 north past Lodi and go northeast on Grant Line Road just below
the town of Elk Grove. Continue on Grant Line Road until you cross an
aqueduct then bear left onto Sunrise Blvd which heads due north. Cross
Jackson Highway at the four-way signal lights and count approx. 14 telephone
poles from the corner on the right hand side. After that you will see a gate
leading towards a sheep shed and pen. This is Waegell Field.
Additional Info: One of FAI free flight's best kept secrets!
Did you know that the soft cover version of the World Champs Plansbook is
sale priced at only $5.00 for NFFS Members?!
(only $9.00 for non-members).It almost costs more for domestic postage! This
is a 244 page publication that originally sold for $35.00 and should be in
every modeler's possession. Excellent articles and great color and black and
white photos in the three categories (towline glider, Wakefield rubber, and
FAI Power).
I'm sure that many of us would buy some at this price just to give them as
gifts or presents or even as awards. Also, consider what the National Free
Flight Society has accomplished for members and non-members alike. It is
time for all of us to support this non-profit organization.
You can get the details on this publication and many others from Bob Mc
Linden at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also
visit the NFFS web site at: There you will find
current info on joining, plans services, NFFS sponsored events, and the
latest Symposium due to be published around June or July
Fred T. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lunch Box
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Actually I am a bit fuzzy on the source for the Oldenkamp Lunchbox plan
because I have been building from a tattered mimeograph copy (given to me by
my 4-H Aerospace Leader) that is over 20 years old. The plan was drawn by
Dave Linstrum in February 1975, and I believe it was published in Model
Builder soon thereafter. My very grainy version is attached. Better yet,
if someone has back issues of MB, they might look it up and scan it so we
all can have a new copy.
Also attached is a photo of our newest Lunchbox #4. It has a yellow foam
wing and a balsa fuselage and tail. The red coloration is marker dye mixed
with dope. All of the important info is written on the stab because you
can't write on the foam. Lunchbox numbers 1 and 2 are still in service after
a year. #3 had a date with the thermal gods last May. (It was very
difficult convincing my son that thermals were good after that!)
The attachments mentioned will be sent under separate cover
Roger Morrell