SEN-457 August 24 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1290
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 24 August 2000 issue 457
Table of Contents
SCAT Electronic News
Icarex - sources - Ackery
Bill Kozak
More on Dihedral breaks - Malkin
Icarex found - Mitchell
Function Lines - East
Dihederal cutting jig - Hinson
SCAT Electronic News
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
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SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
Icarex - sources
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Below are URLs for a two kite suppliers that I have stumbled across, I
have not had any dealings with these companies, but kite suppliers are the
normal source of Icarex, and often have an interesting range of carbon
fiber rods and tubes that can be useful to us.
There is a good kite shop here in Auckland, so I prefer to shop direct if
possible (rather than mail order) so I can inspect the goods before I buy,
but naturally this is not always possible.
Hang-em-high - kite supplies including fabric and carbon tubes.
Skyburner - kites
David Ackery
New Zealand
Bill Kozak
Dear SCAT Electronic News,
I have some sad news to report. We have lost a long time Wakefield flyer.
Bill Kozak passed away in April of this year, after a sudden but very short
bout with cancer. I first met him at the 1962 East Coast Finals, at
Curles Neck Farm, just outside of Richmond, VA. He missed making
the flyoff that day, but flew very well with nicely constructed and finely
trimmed models. Throughout the years, he was a familiar face at Midwest
contest fields, which included Bong, Wright Patterson, Muncie, as well
as various Team Finals sites. Over the years, Bill competed with us on
an on-going basis, either for trophies or a Team slot. His modeling
pals included Mike Dikovitski, George Reich, and others in the
Cleveland group. In addition, his circle of modeling friends included
many more from further afield. An extrovert with strong opinions, he was
one who was always willing to listen - if you had a good argument! He was
also very much a good sportsman, and was always quick to help out if you
ever needed it. His approach to Wakefield was practical, as he was
molded by Midwest weather and his many years of contest experience. He
never forgot that many flights have to be flown in strong winds, turbulence, or rain.
Bill lived in the greater Cincinnati area for most of his life, and retired
from a Sales Manager’s position, having had all the various responsibilities
that go along with management. Married for 46 years, he and his wife
Marilyn spent most of their married life across the Ohio River, in the
suburb of Edgwood, KY. They were both active in their church, and were
also involved for many years in their Bible Study group. Whether you knew
him well, or just as a very familiar face that you have seen many times over
the years (red cap, with a white handkerchief pinned to the back to cover
his neck), you might want to take a moment to remember him. He was one of us.
You can send a card to Marilyn in his memory at the following address.
Mrs. Marilyn Kozak
3052 Village Drive
Edgewood, KY 41017
More on Dihedral breaks
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is said that if you give the hardest job to the laziest man he will
always find the easiest way, and when doing the breaks in my wings I
make idenitcal thick ribs for both sides of the break and glue and finish
each panel prior to covering. At this point I take my wing panels and
place them on a flat jig ensuring that each panel is 90 degrees to the
chord and reasonably secured (using either sellotape or some such
means) and take them out to my bench saw where I move the tungsten
blade over to the correct angle (half the dihedral angle) and then using
my cross cut guide move the whole lot across SLOWLY , to ensure the
blade does not pick up any of the Carbon cap, and "voila" , the perfect
angle. Repeat on all other panels and it is all done.
A few warnings, one being to ensure that the pinkies are kept away
from the blade as it does take a long time to sand out the blood stains,
and ensure that the saw does not have any end float in the shaft. Also
use a blade with at least 50 teeth to give that planed finish.
How they are glued together is once again up to individual preference
but I do place a dihedral brace in made of 1/64 ply covered one side with
carbon tow.
Icarex found
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
In reply to Brooks Goodnow's question regarding a source for Icarex
Wetering-Kade 5A
FAX 31703838541
Some years ago a Kite Shop in Oz gave me this address and I understood that
they are the distributors world wide.They take Mastercard and have a great
range of products (check out their web site).
P31 is still available as I received some only last week.The order took a
whole 8 days to arrive Down Under !!! Cost is approx. $15.00 AUS or $8.50 US
(yes its getting worse for us) per m2 including postage for about 6m2.
Hope this helps regards Phil Mitchell
Function Lines
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One problem associated with digital timer systems is the reduction of
pressure required on the timer arms. Can anyone please give some insight
into how to reduce this pressure on the timer arms for F1C models.
Bill East
Dihederal cutting jig
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
.. see attachment in separate mail message
Roger Morrell