SEN-467 Sept. 9 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1412
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 9 September 2000 issue 467
Table of Contents
F1B at the Eifel Pokal - Schroedter
Make money fast - organize a championships! - Linkosalo
Stamov suspect ? - Brokenspar
The seagull should fly again? - Abad
F1E supply - Chaussebourg
Cover Up - Achterberg
Koster AudioTachometers - The Alien
Looking for Bugatti 100 racer - Dilger
F1B at the Eifel Pokal
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sept. 8. F1B at the Eifel Pokal
Despite the fact that wind during the first round necessitated reducing
the max to 180, when it was all over everyone agreed that the weather on
this Wakefield day was the best in many years during this competition.
Few if any models landed in trees or corn.
Registration was again handled by Peter Mönningshoff, who bears a
striking resemblance to one George B. (They must both go to the same
barber!) The turnout was good with about 40 competitors. After the first
round the wind died slowly and only reappeared briefly during the middle
rounds. But a lot of modelers had trouble during the middle rounds. Many
false signals and, despite light winds, the strong turbulence upset many
models right after they were launched. Anselmo Zeri's excellently
trimmed model power stalled 3 times during its climb and, amazingly,
still made 180 (barely).
So when the 7th round was over, only 7 were clean. Since the wind was
light, the first fly-off max was set at 7 minutes. There was great
interest because the top two modelers in the World Cup competition (Ivan
Kolic (Ju)and Serge Tadeschi (Fr)) were in the fly-off. Four launched
into very good air right at the start of the and all four made the 7
minutes. The three that launched 4 minutes later were not so lucky. But
Serge's model failed to DT and was in the air close to 15 minutes. (It
was eventually found)
Again this group of 4 launched early in the 9 minute round. To me it
appeared that the competition was over when all the props had folded.
Young Ivan gave his model a mighty heave straight up with what must have
been dynamite rubber. When all were gliding. Ivan's model was clearly
the highest.
F1B Fly-off Results:
1. Ivan Kolic 2106
2. Peter Mönningshoff 2029
3. Serge Tadeschi 1967
4. Heiko Helmbrect 1926
5. Anselmo Zeri 1620
6. Horst Wagner 1569
7. Hans Schoder 1559
These figures, of course, are unofficial.
George Schroedter
Make money fast - organize a championships!
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One thing that left a bitter taste to the mouth from the Romanian
Eurochamps was the organizers eagerness to collect fees. We ran into
this the first day we arrived. Not to mention the hotel costs, that
were double of what one had to pay through ordinary travel agencies,
and four times that of "list" prices.
The discussion started with competition organizers of naming the team
manager. We did not had named anyone, and they kindly pointed out that
team manager is the only person who can talk with the competition jury
(and that a competitor only needs to pay an additional $50 for acting
as a team manager). Ok, that is obvious, and even though I do not see
how naming a person to act as a team manager is so tedious for the
organizers that the fee needs to be that high, the price was still
Next we asked about the fees ($40) for (official) supporters, and were
quite shocked to find out that for the price the supporter most of all
gets a permission to be on the competition site. This sounded alarming,
so we had to ask again, and the organizers replied that we had understood
correctly: a person will not be allowed to be at the competition site,
the launch line or even act as a retriever without paying the fee.
Naturally it turned out that no-one checked anything like this, and even
non-registered supporters were allowed at the launch line, but the
organizers really sounded like they had decided to get every dollar out
that was possible.
Finally two short comments to the previous letters:
First, the discussion on Stamovs flight on round three seems to get
excited. I do not know how things really went, and do not want to discuss
that, but the discussion shows that we really need to kill the "20 seconds
is an attempt" rule immediately. It would kill these kind of speculations
that will make enarmous harm to our sport.
And second, about mr. Morgan's idea about obligatory naming time keepers
from the teams: I think it might bring lots of trouble to the small
teams. We Finns had 6 fliers in the Champs, 3 in both A and B. Three
competing, plus one as team manager left only two persons to do the
retrieving. We did manage reasonably well, but that aspect was all the
time "on the edge of disaster". Put one guy aside as a timekeeper, and it
would have totally spoilt our two days. On the other hand, time-keeping
between competitors works nice on World Cup competitions; I wonder if that
approach would somehow work in the champs?
There are other SEN readers that are much more qualified to comment
on the procedures that fix the costs for for Continental and
World Championshions.
But on a personal level my comment is, at all levels including local clubs
we orgainize contests and the organizer expects to make
some money. With World and Continental Championships we expect more
in terms of facilities, time keepers, etc and have to pay more.
I do note that the the entry fee tends to be the same not matter
what country the contest is in and clearly the cost of running the
contest is much lower some places than other.
I think that at an important contest like a Continental or World Champs
you have to have a team manager if you expect to do well. One of the
tasks of the team manager is to focus on the andministriva so the
sportsmen can compete, another is to try and prevent the timimg
problems like you had from happening.
With regard to the comment about time keepers I was suprised to read
a few issues back about there being some potentential problem
assoicated with teams supplying time keepers. The USA had an offical
timer keeper at the Sazena Worlds Champs, [he paid his own airfare etc]
but I was very suprised to see that he was not used by the organizers.
Maybe there is a question of quality [this person was a regular F1A
contestant] or the ability to communicate with the organizer?
Maybe all of this is one of the downsides of living in Europe -
you have the advantage of big Europeans Championship as well as
the World Championship but the penalty is the cost in participating
in a major event every year.]
Stamov suspect ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My God!
I sometimes grab my crotch and lift my left leg when I make a
successful bunt !
Anyone watching ( and, who cares ) could conjecture.....
The sportsman makes his statement with his performance and how it is
Other sportsmen may protest. I take it that they have not, or did not,
in the Stamov example.
The discussion seems to me to be unsportsmanlike
That this shadow may lead to rule making....!
We deserve the rules we suffer.
[Hardy, I understand that the "dance" you perform is considered
to be a thermal generartin process in some "primative" cultures.]
The seagull should fly again?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Richard Bach / NFFS Symposion - Bjerre
Dear Finn,
I remember meeting you at a camping in Lerida just after the World Champ 81 in
Burgos, you asked me for the international open we used to have there!
I have the NFFS you asked for, if still interested I could send you a scanned
copy of the introduction.
Why not starting again flying F1A? It is easy to get parts or models nowadays.
Best regards,
F1E supply
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jon, and all interested with F1E,
You can contact:
Offenbacher str. 29
D-63165 MULHEIM a/M
Tel/Fax: 06108 67672 (no e-mail to my knowledge)
Berhard will send you his catalogue (in German language). He is
producing several kits of F1E models, as well as a very good kit for the
"pilot" for 40,00 DM and a kit for the glider JUNIOR 81 for 117,00 DM
(prices from 1998)
You can also contact Ivan HOREJSI This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., who is also
interested to promote this wonderful class.
There are good articles from Jean WANTZENREITHER in VOL LIBRE , also a
good design from Gringu POPA, Romania, in VOL LIBRE N=B0 103 (1994).
George ARGHIR, from Romania, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., published very
good designs tha I am sure he'll be happy to send you.
This class is flown mainly in Germany, Switzerland, Austria,Czeck
republik, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Italia and Great Britain.I hope it
will sart also in France, where I am the only one flyer at the moment.
We have Euro-champs and World Champs, but there is no difference as
there is no other country out of Europe. USA is welcome: the first
flyers can be in the team!!! Hurry up!
Cover Up
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Fellow Modelers;
This is about Icarex. The weight of the dry material is about 1/2oz./
This weight is without polycarbonate coating.
The weight of the coated( polycarbonate) material is about 30+-/meter. It
supposed to have 3 coats of polycarbonate solution applied to it. 2 on one
side and 1 on the other of the material. Unfortunately the application of
this solution seems to vary in density and therefore the weight of the
material will vary by as much as 5 grams / meter. I have tested many
of this material and found that in some areas it may leak and some not,
depending on the amount( density) of the coating. Apply 2 coats of Aero
Gloss Dope and you will be happy and no leaks. Lucky you ( Jon) still get
those fumes!!
Next, the fabric, when leak appears always happens at the corners where
rip-stock thread is crossing each other. I believe this is the point where
the polycarbonate coating does not have the required density to fill the
material completely. So coat it with something and you will be happy with
this covering and you will never get another hole. Also, if you crash, it
provides a handy carrying bag. No more wasted time looking for busted
and no littering! It is all in a handy Icarex carrying bag!!
One more thing to be careful of is the dye will breed onto adjoining
colors with any solvent. So be careful when cleaning off excess glue or if
you a brushing on a sealant. Spraying is no problem.
Like anything new, we learn as we go. It is the worlds easiest material to
cover with. Absolutely shrinks out perfect every time! And remember you
never get a hole. Also, it cuts with razor blade like a dream. Hope this
info will help. See Ya!
Michael Achterberg
Koster AudioTachometers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For those in the audience who have the Koster tachs and suspect a =
problem with the microphone, Radio Shack has a replacement mike that =
works well. (Condenser microphone element,Radio Shack part#270-092C Cost =
$3.00) It is the right diameter and has the wires, correct color code =
and all.Mine died while out of the country (where else?) at the Canada =
Cup. I contacted Torleif Jensen in Denmark who suggested an off the =
shelf replacement. Soldered it in place and my tach is now fine.
Bob Gutai (Alien)
Bugatti 100 racer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I remember seeing a 1/4 scale version of the Bugatti 100 racer and was
hoping you could help me in locating the plans for this model.
Kenny Dilger
Agilent Technologies - GIS/Consumer Services
719 590 5597
Roger Morrell