SEN-480 October 2 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1276
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 2 October issue 480
Table of Contents
Upcoming events
F1H vs A-1 - Thorkildsen
Team selection continued - Schroedter
USFF Champs - Myers
Keep the lottery. - Bennett
USFFC Clarification - Myers
Bill Moore - Myers
Peter King and Some Data from the flight simulator. - King
Hoosier Cup results - Wood
National Cup scores update - Perkins
Upcoming Events
This weekend - Lost Hills California FAI Invitational aka Livotto.
The inviation is broad as all are invited. F1ABC on Saturday 7 October
and F1GHJ on Sunday 8 October. Best contest of the fall season.
11, 12, 13 and maybe 14 October at Lost Hills. US Team selection contest.
All welcome to watch and help.
When I got home from work today there was a message on my answer machine
from someone wanting directions to Lost Hills.
Lost Hills is just off the I-5 in the San Joaquin Valley. It
is about 150 miles north of Los Angeles.
Take the Highyway 46 exit from the I-5 at Lost Hills.
Drive west on 46 about 10 miles in the direction of Paso Robles.
Take Holloway Road North. Holloway Road leaves 46 just after the
oil wells stop. Drive about 3 miles along Holloway Road. On the
left there are two stone white pillars with Lost Hills
Model Airfield on them. Take the road at the pillars in a westerly direction.
After about 200 yards there is a fork in the road. Take the right hand fork
that leads to the open plain. You will probably see cars etc about a mile
Bring sunscreen and water !
F1H vs A-1
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I assume the rules for the FAI small glider are the same as the old A-1
rules with regards to wing and stab area, and weight. I am interested in
the original A-1 rules with regards to total wing area and stab area. I
think they used to state a combined total on the area and the maximum weight
used to be 5.08 oz. for the original A-1 rules. Do you or any of your
readers have this information?
Thanks for your help.
Terry Thorkildsen
[Terry I know that the weight has changed so many times for F1H
that even the FAI cannot keep track - the only person who seems
to be on top of it is Martyn Cowley. ]
Team selection continued
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Using myself as an example, I pointed out what I felt is a serious
shortcoming in the present team selection process: That someone with very
little experience flying in F1B competitons, who has flown only on one
field in only good weather, can make the team. Please correct me if I am
wrong, but as I understand it, there could well be someone in the coming
finals that is in the same situation that I was in. I think that too much
of the discussion has been focused on why the AmCup winners should not be
made the team members. I have no problem with those viewpoints. But I must
simply ask, do we want to require more experience, especially travel to
other sites, or not? If not, then the discussion is over. If we do, then
how should we do it?
My good friend Dick Wood is quite correct in saying that the level of
competence flying F1 models is the highest it has ever been, so this
problem is somewhat diminished. But still not eliminated.
G. Schroedter
[George, I think there is a fallacy in your suggested argument - that
experience brings World Champs success. A lot more factors go into winning
than experience. A prime argument against your case is Jerry Fitch. While
Jerry was by no means a beginner, he did not have international
experience and it is unlikely that he would have been
selected by a 'Soviet' style program - yet he beat the East Europeans
at their own game to become World Champion !]
USFF Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Folks on the SCAT News; we screwed up: failed to list Catapult and Jr.
Catapult on Saturday at the USFFC: 020 Replica also got omitted; it will be
flown on Sunday.
We'll also have Jr. P-30 flown on Saturday.
Sorry about the omission on the flyer.
Mike Myers
Keep the lottery.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In a message dated 9/22/00, Mike Achterberg writes:
Flyers: Some of us would not participate at all if we knew that justice
would be done in picking the best F. A. I. team. We already know who the
top guns are--or at least the top ten in each class. In the same way that
the California Lottery accepts the money of hoping suckers in order to
redistribute the cash to presumably more worthy a cause, (such as education)
the U.S. team selection process likewise tempts not-too-serious flyers like
me to enter, thus financing the worthy/lucky who
do make the team.
American history is itself replete with examples of weekend wonders who
accomplish the marvelous. Besides, are not our victories the sweeter for
having never been subject to the efficiency and ersatz justice of, for
example, communist country selection programs, and attendant sponsorship?
Mark Bennett, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
USFFC Clarification
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bob Stalick talks about Catapult Glider, Jr. P-20 and 020 replica; let me
set the record straight; Catapult Glider and Jr. Catapult Glider will be
held on SATURDAY at the USFFC; O20 Replica will be held on SUNDAY. We will
fly Jr. P-30 on the same day as P-30.
Mike Myers
Bill Moore
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Bill Moore's whereabouts; he left Taft to move to Arizona some time ago,
so if you were calling Taft, no wonder you didn't get him; keep trying his
son in Phoenix.
Mike Myers
Peter King and Some Data from the flight simulator.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I thought the following results from the flight simulator might be of
AR 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
HT (m) 91.50 93.4 94.80 95.4 95.90 96.14 96.12 96.08 96.00
DUR (sec)331 350 357 363 367 368.4 366.4 355 340
TURNS (% of Max) 0.95 0.97 1.00
TORQUE (% of Max) 91.4% 95.9% 100.0%
TURNS 469 479 492
TORQUE (in/oz) 98 103 108
(Nm) 0.695 0.729 0.760
HEIGHT (m) 104.8 112.6 117.8
RUN (secs) 51.1 52.0 52.5
DURATION (secs) 377 400 415
Difference (%) 90.8% 96.4% 100.0%
I attach the exel spread sheets to download if you can, along with a third
one on the effect of rubber weight on F1B performance.
This will give some idea of the effect on duration, height, motor run and VIT
timings, of the new 30 gm rule, when it comes into effect. The motor in
all cases was 26 strands. or ca (14.5 ins long for 35 gms). I suspect this
will become the norm for the new 30 gm rule??
Another ramification of the 30 gm rule may well be that the extra aiframe
weight available may make the use of electronic programable timers, both
possible and highly valuable, as a means of optimising the climb and glide of
the new 30gm Wakefield. I know this will horrify the 'Luddites' , but I
think it could make for a fresh look at the class. What do you think?
Peter King
Hoosier Cup results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are the results from the Hoosier cup a couple of weeks ago. We had
a nice weekend for flying. There were about the typical number of guys
showing up to fly and we all had a good time.
F1A Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Total
Chuck Markos 115 180 177 180 180 179 180 1191
Jerry McGlashan 180 180 180 180 178 180 180 1258
Paul Crowley 180 138 180 180 145 180 169 1172
Dick Wood 130 180 180 143 180 180 168 1161
Bob Gutai 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 840
Norm Poti 120 120 120 120 120 120 105 825
Mark Wood 120 120 93 95 120 120 120 788
Ed Konefes 120 40 120 120 120 520
Lee Foster Camble 120 120 59 49 96 444
Chuck Markos 64 120 54 120 120 478
Dick Wood 120 52 63 77 84 396
Chuck Markos 120 48 120 288
Norm Poti(F/O) 120 120 120 120 120 600
Bob Gutai 120 120 120 120 120 600
Austin Gunder 120 120 240
National Cup scores update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Attached are updated NC scores in Excel 97. Will be sending updates fairly
often since we're nearing the end of the competition year. I would suggest
you post it in Excel and not bother with any other format. That's the only
good way to look at the large worksheets. I would encourage readers to
acquire Excel, a great piece of software.
Bob Perkins
[The spread sheet will be sent in a separate message]
Roger Morrell