SEN-493 October 28 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1471
News and Reports 2000 -
SCAT Electronic News 28 October 2000 issue 493
Table of Contents
Great display at LAX
FlexTime score - Morris
Audio Doppler ? - Toto in Kansas
Great stuff for sale - Kowal
FAI Team Selection Pictures - Mekina
New F1A,B,C Rules - Leath
Sierra Cup - Simpson
Bat's Thrash new date fixed - Kamla
Great display at LAX
Recent coming and goings have taken us the Bradley [International] Terminal
at Los Angeles International Airport [LAX]. There there is a great
aeromodelling display by Tony and Addie of T&A Hobbies and the Blacksheep
fame. This is very well done display in an excellent locations in the
International arrivals hall. With the current state of air travel
there are always plenty of people there waiting for their incoming
friends and family. It shows all kinds of aeromodelling
for all tastes and pocket books. Each
time I have past there has always been a number of people
looking at it.. No real F1Bs though .. unless you consider the
Korda! Now how do we follow up ?
FlexTime score
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aram Schlosberg's understanding of the new FlexTime contest format is
right-on. Scoring 179 sec in an extended max round has the same effect as
scoring 179 sec in a 180 sec max round of the present contest format. Drop
1 sec and you're probably out unless your competition returns the favor and
likewise drops below 180 sec along the way in an 180 sec round or an
extended max round. You bite your fingernails twice in an extended max
round. First does it make 180 sec, and second does it max? If you make all
of your 180's, then it's your extended time total against the competition.
If you max all of them too, you're in the flyoff.
The idea is to cut down on the number of flyers in the flyoffs of 7 round
contests. It's probably of no value in 14 rounders where natural attrition
reduces the field to manageable proportions.
I personally like it and think it will stimulate competition and be fully
as fair as the present format. It will be particularly valuable in large 7
round contests. I hope someone introduces it into his contest in the near
future. It's tedious to explain in detail, but I think it will be natural
and self evident in practice.
Gil Morris
Audio Doppler ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When using the audio tach for evaluating climb performance is there an
accurate way to correct for the Doeppler effect as the model climbs away for
Jim O'Reilly
Great stuff for sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bunt Bone "Kit"..(from Vasily)
Wings & stab uncovered, Pod, Boom, Towhook $350.00
F1A 2.1M Electronic Bunter..Stamp timer with built in dt
settings on board. No need to program at the field. Flies
perfect..Maxed 6 rounds out of 6 flown at last contest. $250.00
Honda 90 Automatic..Best one on the field...$550.00
Will be at the NFFC at Lost Hills Nov. 11/12.
Call or write for more info on any of the above.
FAI Team Selection Pictures
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chuck Markos sent me a CD with 22 pictures from the FAI Team Selection Finals.
I have posted them on the NFFS website ( under Picture
Galleries 37 and 38.
Joe Mekina
New F1A,B,C Rules
FROM: Don Leath, Interested party
TO : Sen readers and Aram
My coments are as follows:
(1) These new rules present an unnecessary, complication with essentially
nothing to gain in the USA and I suspect very little to gain in contests in
Europe which sometimes have in excess of 100 flyers per event.
(2) It will produce nightmares of arguments and head aches for Contest Director
and Event Directors.
(3) I personally find that flying in a flyoff is an exillerating reward for a
day when you "Have it all Together" . Not even the killer guru's can do it more
than 10 % of the time. (Well maybe Stamov did it a year or two ago in F1A when
he won the World Cup.)
(4) Aram-In answer to your Question " Is That So Bad?" Yes I think it is
BECAUSE - It's an unneeded complication.
Don Leath,
Sierra Cup 24 Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Sierra Cup contest, held at Waegell Field, Sacramento,
California on Friday October 20th through Sunday October 22nd enjoyed a
fantastic Thursday for test flying (naturally), a breezy Friday for the
F1G, F1H, and F1J events that saw flyoffs completed in F1G and in F1H.
The F1J flyoff was completed at 7:30 AM Saturday morning in moderate
wind that slowly increased through Rounds 1 and 2 of the F1A, F1B, and
F1C events. Unfortunately, the winds were up enough to cause a hold on
flying round 3. After delaying until 1:00 PM the remaining rounds were
cancelled. Flyoffs were scheduled for 7:15 AM Sunday morning............
weather permitting. It didn't!!!! 16 MPH winds at dawn strengthed to
19-20MPH at 7:15 AM and then become 40 to 60 MPH winds throughout the
day. Contest cancelled at that point. And......... of course, it was
practically dead calm on Monday and Tuesday.
The Sierra Cup small events count towards America Cup points,
unfortunately, the big events did not get 5 rounds in so does not count.
The entire contest is being reported to Ian Kaynes for World Cup
standings. Ian will distribute/ award points as spelled out in the World
Cup rules.
F1G - 9 flew
1 Peter Brocks 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 125 905
2 George Batiuk 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 0 780
3 Igor Vivchar 120 120 120 120 120 600 166 766
4 Bill Davis 120 120 120 120 120 600 82 682
5 Roger Morrell 120 115 120 120 120 595
6 Dick Myers 110 120 120 120 120 590
7 Richard Woods 120 120 120 120 99 579
8 Bob Critchlow 120 93 120 66 120 519
9 Eugene Jensen 120 108 87 0 0 315
F1H - 8 flew
1 Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 240 300 1320
2 Martyn Cowley 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 240 285 1305
3 Victor Stamov 120 120 120 120 120 600 178 778
4 Radoje Blagojevic 120 120 120 120 120 600 122 722
5 Lee Hines 120 116 120 110 120 586
6 Norm Smith 120 120 120 113 95 568
7 Bob Norton 120 120 114 70 97 521
8 Jovo Zagorac 120 120 78 0 0 318
F1J - 10 flew
1 Bob Gutai 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 240 422 1442
2 Bruce Augustus 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 240 0 1020
3 Bob Johannes 120 120 120 120 120 600 180 201 981
4 Ivan Kokic 120 120 120 120 120 600 7 607
5 Bill Lynch 129 129 129 120 114 594
6 Jim Haught 60 88 120 120 120 508
7 David Johannes 120 120 0 0 120 360
7 Henning Nyhwgn 120 120 0 120 0 360
9 Tassilo Schwend 120 120 89 0 0 329
10 Pera Kolic 2 0 0 0 0 2
F1A - 18 flew
1 Puhakka, Risto USA 180 180 360
1 Stamov, Victor UKR 180 180 360
1 Spence, Steve USA 180 180 360
1 Zagorac, Jovo YUG 180 180 360
5 Cowley, Martyn USA 175 180 355
6 Kulmakko, Kimmo FIN 180 166 346
7 Coussens, Tom USA 157 180 337
8 Lenartowicz, Chris CAN 180 94 274
9 McKeever, Mike USA 180 93 273
10 Van Nest, Brian USA180 88 268
11 Cusick, Craig USA 143 120 263
12 Jim Parker USA 180 13 193
13 Nyhegn, Henning DEN 180 0 180
13 Blagojevic, Radoje YUG 180 0 180
13 Hines, Lee USA 180 0 180
16 Geraghty, Steve USA 39 105 144
17 Smith, Norm USA 82 0 82
18 Allnutt, Peter CAN 66 0 66
F1B - 22 Flew
1 Jensen, Blake USA 180 180 360
1 Vivchar, Igor UKR 180 180 360
1 Rohrke, Rich USA 180 180 360
1 Malkin, John NZ 180 180 360
1 Seifert, Marcus GER 180 180 360
1 Seifert, Rolf GER 180 180 360
1 Norvall, Larry USA 180 180 360
1 Hannah, Bruce USA 180 180 360
1 Borland, Chris USA 180 180 360
1 Tymchek, Bob USA 180 180 360
1 Piserchio, Bob USA 180 180 360
1 Ghio, Walter USA 180 180 360
1 Ben-Itzhak, Itsek ISR 180 180 360
15 Batiuk, George USA 180 178 358
16 Blagojevic, Radoje YUG 180 161 341
17 Morrell, Roger USA 180 156 336
18 Kulakovsky, Oleg UKR 180 150 330
19 Fitch, Jerry USA 180 0 180
19 Tsuda, Koei JAP 180 0 180
19 Pratt, John USA 180 0 180
22 Wood, Richard USA 179 0 179
F1C - 8 Flew
1 Simpson, Roger USA 180 180 360
1 Happersett, Ken USA 180 180 360
1 Verbitsky, Eugene UKR 180 189 360
1 Spence, Henry USA 180 180 360
1 Joyce, Doug USA 180 180 360
1 Johannes, Bob USA 180 180 360
7 Halliday, Dave USA 180 136 316
8 Gutai, Bob USA 180 0 180
Roger Simpson, Sierra Cup 24 Contest Director
Bat's Thrash new date fixed
Dear Roger:
The Strat-O-Bats "Autumn Thrash" Hart's Lake contest has been
has been rescheduled for Dec. 16th and 17th 2000.
John Kamla
( 206 ) 325-2721
Roger Morrell