SEN-496 November 3 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1438
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 3 November 2000 issue 496
Table of Contents
This weekend
FFModellers in Montana - Gies
The Modeller - with yet more features:
Stuff Wanted - ramrod250
Fwd: [indoor] Good Deal on Electronic Balance - Andresen
carbon foam - Omrcen
Lost Foam and Thanks - Kowal
This weekend
America's Cup in Vegas - El Dorado Dry Lake actualy -
which is still dry according to Jon Zeisloft
FFModellers in Montana
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am searching for any other free-flight modellers in Montana. My interests
are mainly rubber powered models, vintage and sport. I also fly gas powered,
old straight line A-1 towline gliders and catapult glider. My e-mail address
is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone number 406.538-8503, 131 13th Avenue South,
Lewistown, Montana. Thermals, Karl Gies
The Modeller - with yet more features:
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With the change to our new server we are pleased to offer yet more features:
* Search for your modelling subject from nearly 3,000 sites listed.
* Browse among our category sections.
* 'Bookshop' with details of what's in all the latest magazines and books.
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No gimmicks just loads of relevent information for the keen hobbyist.
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The Modeller.
Stuff Wanted
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I'm appealing to SEN readers for help in locating some items:
1) Sacramento Chase Bike: I make a couple of trips each year to fly at
Waegell Field, and have either chased on foot or borrowed chase bikes.
Neither is very appealing, so I am looking to buy a bike that I can store in
Sacramento or the Bay Area. Although I am aware of the advantages the larger
bikes have in negotiating the terrain at Waegell, the smaller bikes (110 and
lower) are more practical for me to transport in assorted rental vehicles.
If anyone has a reliable bike they could live without, let me know over the
winter and we'll see what can be worked out. My next trip West will be in May
for the NorCal, so there's plenty of time.
2) KC .06 Engines: I really like the two I have, but need more for
3) Ramrod 250 (!) Kit: I am looking for one of the original Berkeley kits--as
complete and in as good condition as possible.
Appreciate any help. My E-mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks!
Jim Haught
Fwd: [indoor] Good Deal on Electronic Balance
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This appeared in the indoor group mail.
This model is a closeout, listed under specials.
If the .01g is real, it would be good for Andruikov type rubber testing, as
well as seeing what causes those heavy stabs.
I'm just the messenger,
>From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>Reply-To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>Subject: [indoor] Good Deal on Electronic Balance
>Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 23:34:23 -0000
>Just wanted to alert the group on a good deal on an electronic balance.
> has an Acculab V-200 balance for $119.95 + $10.00
>shipping. The balance has a maximum limit of 200 grams and an accuracy
>and readout of 0.01 grams. Logon and check it out if you're in the
>market for a balance!
>Bill Leppard
carbon foam
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi there
There has been some talk about carbon foam but at the factory web page
I couldnt find anything about pricing and delivery,and of course
If someone can help me with the details I`d be most thankfull.
Mario Omrcen
Thanks and lost foam info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for posting my for sale list on SCAT.
All the items sold immediatly..
Secondly I used a new technique this weekend that may
be of use to other readers.
I was in need of a pod for a new F1H I am building and didn't
have access to the funds to purchase one. I therefore decided to
try a method of construction I have read about that the PSS
(Powered Slope Scale) bunch uses to mold one off fiberglass
fuselages for their airplanes.
First you make a male mold of the part you want from blue or
pink styrofoam insulation board.
You then cut pieces of fiberglass slightly oversize for the portion
of the mold you wish to cover. In my case I cut pieces to cover
one side at a time with enough material left over to wrap around the
top and bottom of the male mold.
Third. Spray the pieces of glass with a "Mist" coat of 3M 77
adhesive and form them onto the mold.
Fourth. When you have all the layers that you want built up in
this manner wet out the glass with an Epoxy resin.
Finally when the fiberglass is cured pour acetone/ laquer
thinner/dope etc. into the inside of your mold to remove the
Violla! A beautifull molded piece without all the hassle.
For those who are interested I used the following layup:
Starting with the innermost layer.
1) 1.8 Oz Kevlar
2) 2 layers of 4 oz glass
3) 1 layer of 5.4 oz kevlar/carbon on the towhook mounting
face only
4) 1.4 oz layer of glass
The finished pod weighs 25g and took only 1-2 hours to
make including making of the mold.
Hope this helps some other modeler out there who is
still modeling.
Roger Morrell