SEN-501 November 14 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1377
News and Reports 2000
SCAT Electronic News 14 November 2000 issue 501
Table of Contents
The Patterson - Bogie
RE: F1A - Trackers - Barron
Some Early Results from USFFC - Hines
Cold weather running of Engines - Lorbiecki
Topics for the Upcoming TSC Meeting - Schlosberg
The Patterson
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Jim Patterson FAI CHALLENGE
Since 1961
Sponsored by The Southern California Aero Team
Bissonette-Mirage field at Lost Hills
November 18-19, 2000
Sunrise 6:39 Sunset 5:51 pm
This is an America's Cup Contest
SATURDAY Perpetual Trophies for F1A, F1B, F1C
F1A, F1B, F1C Perpetual Trophy for High Time
First Round 4 Minutes Engraved Glassware - all events
Rounds are 1 hour long
starting at 8 am ENTRY FEE per event $20
Flyoff at 3:30
F1G, F1H, F1J On the field Saturday evening. Bring
eating tools, meat, drunks, etc, and food
Maxes are 2 Minutes to share. Charcoal or propane grills only
Rounds are 1 hour long Bring a lantern to see what you are eating
starting at 8 am Tables and chairs will help. May have to
Flyoff at 1:30 move to Lost Hills Park if windy or dusty
on the flying site.
Contest director Assistant
Don Leath Bill Bogart
PO Box 596 14837 Los Robles Ave.
Palmdale, CA 93550-4415 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
(661) 273-8668 (626) 333-1194
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RE: F1A - Trackers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Others might be interested in my comments on what receivers and
transmitters I use, in reply to a question from Jim Buxton (who is getting
back into F1A). It is a financial commentment, but I believes it easily
pays off in the long run from saved models. I have seen some fliers get
into (or back into) FAI but then leave soon after because of the
disappointment of a lost model. It doesn't have to be that way.
It is definitely appropriate to get tracking transmitters and a
receiver. Used properly, you will never lose your plane. The key
with out-of-site retrieval is to get downwind by car while it is still
in the air, trying to always stay within a mile or so of the signal,
even if it means several hours of tracking a model in flight.
Pay special attention to the direction if the signal begins to weaken
and then vanish all of a sudden (that means it just landed in that
direction and you can head that way till you regain the signal and pick it
up). But even if your effort to track it during flight is unsuccessful,
search from the air by plane (where to avoid engine noise, wear the
``copilot'' headset, with a small earphone tucked under it connected to
your receiver). Be sure to do so within a few days (assuming your
batteries are fresh). Then, starting with a high and broad enough search,
you will be able to get the signal for sure.
Most FFers are using Walston transmitters and receivers (based on
specialized equipment originally designed for falconers). Bradley's old
transmitters are at least as strong, but to get the appropriate range you
really need a falconry type receiver (for either type transmitter).
But Walston does not customize his receivers to the frequencies Bradley
So I have been using a different falconry system from Frank and Louis
Luksander in Mahomet, Illinois. Louis Luksander (L.L. Electronics)
1-800-553-5328) provides transmitters which he makes and he
provides recievers (made by Frank Luksander of F.L. Electronics) to
customized frequencies. For a nordic I ordinarily use an XLF-3
transmitter (for which the price a couple of years ago was $145 each)
which uses two small (392) batteries, and weighs about 6 grams. If there
is enough space in the nose, I use the version of the XLF designed for
four small batteries, which weighs a little more but has extra range.
The receiver I use is the FL-10 receiver (with a folding Yagi antenna)
which (in accordance with the frequency Bradley had originally assigned
me) they set for frequency range 158.400 to 158.500 megaherts in
ten increments (channels) of 10 kiloherts each. Along with fine tune and
volume controls, it includes a good quality meter which is great for
detecting directional strength of signal, and its price (a couple of years
ago) was $500. Having the 10 channels is great for us, because with
Peter, John, and me all competing at the same time it is not unusual for
us to have about six models outfitted with transmitters at the same time.
We label the side of the receiver with the frequency and model name, and
try to check the signal before flight, and if it is at all windy or
if is heading a bad direction, I make an effort to check (and fine
tune) the signal reception during flight. The range has always been
at least as good (and frequently noticably better) as for others going
after planes with Walston equipment in the same landing areas.
Undoubtably, the best range of all for me has been with old Bradley
transmitters on 9 volt batteries combined with the Luksander receiver
(often a couple of miles on the ground).
I think the Luksander equipment is somewhat more expensive than Walston,
but if you go that route your overal new costs will depend on whether you
already have Bradley transmitters to press into service with a new
customized receiver (from Luksander) or whether you are getting both
new transmitters and receivers.
Ken Bauer also provides receiver and transmitter equipment, though I
have less experience with it. There are also other suppliers, and I
think some of these (but not Luksander) has been reviewed in past SENs
or symposia.
Some Early Results from USFFC
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No butterfly ballots were required to provide these unofficial early
results from the USFFC events held last Sat and Sun, 11 &12 Nov.
(Only hand counting was necessary. We had lots of fingers available.:)
These are the events I directed, with the invaluable help from many good
1. Ernesto Busnelli 1590
2. Jim Parker 1528
3. Mike McKeever 1526
4. Lee Hines 1278
5. Martyn Cowley 1277
1. Alex Andriukov 2040 (Won 3-man FO clean)
2. John Malkin 1928
3. Mike Mulligan 1897
(4th and 5th will be sent by Terry Kerger)
1. Roger Morrell(?!) 1080
2. Bob Tymchek (time unknown---about 1000?)
3. Phil Klintworth 586
4. Bob Critchlow 585
5. William Gannon 582
1. Martyn Cowley(yes, yet again!) 1320 clean in 3-man FO
2. Vasy Beschasny 1264
3. Ernesto Busnelli 1164
4. Norm Smith 587
5. Brian Van Nest 564
Catapult Glider
1. Stan Buddenbohm 429
2. Lee Hines 412
1. Mike Thompson (? amount more than Martyn)
2. Martyn Cowley 3x120+44
Full official results should arrive directly from Control HQ(aka T Kerger).
Had a very good time after I thawed the frost away.
PS: I lost a Cat. Glider on Sat in SSE direction. Maybe someone will
happen upon it next weekend @ the Patterson?
Cold weather running of Engines
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alcohol is a very interesting fuel when it comes to cold weather
running. As stated, Rossis had a #1,2, 3, and 4 plug, with #1 being
"hot" and #4 "cold". These allowed the tuner to have the capability to
change the plug to match conditions and nitro content. Why anyone would
run a #1 was always interesting, but the 2 thru 4 offered a tuning aid.
When we, as engine tuners, change the compression or heat range of the
plug, we are actually changing the "ignition timing" of the engine.
Colder makes it seem to fire later and hotter earlier. Thus, what we
need to do when the weather gets cold, is to have a hotter plug and
typically raise the compression. You will need a very strong battery or
glo driver to get this to fire. I have seen people preheat the engine in
these conditions. You may want to close off any head fins with a band to
help retain heat (or, if cowled, close any openings). You may also
prime the engine using a nitrated fuel. If the engine has an insert for
a plug (as most do) modify the insert to accept a plug that allows you
to change its temperature range. Finally, and this is getting way to
complex, it may help to lower the sleeve into the case. This will lower
performance, but it may make the difference between not running at all
and being able to fly. I remember flying on Green Bay (the lake) and
seeing people heating up their engines with propane torches to get them
to run. I don't think I would recommend this as dope and tissue burns
real fast!!
John Lorbiecki
Topics for the Upcoming TSC Meeting
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The next team selection committee (TSC) meeting will be held at the beginning
of December. Such bi-annual meeting usually leave the program unchanged,
as most participants seem to be satisfied with the present format - or
averse to changes.
However, there are a number of matters that warrant a discussion in the
next meeting.
1. Qualification exemptions: Although participants are required to
accumulate 70
minutes to qualify, many are exampt. These include all the team members, the
team manager, the team assistant manager(!) as well as all the prior world
champions (with no time limits). In my opinion, all these examptions should
be abolished, as it creates unjustified distinctions and undercuts
2. Qualifying contests. Presently, only AMA sanction contest qualify for
time accumulation, while the American Cup and the World Cup events held in
Canada are excluded. On the other hand, anyone can apply for a personal AMA
sanction, and accumulate time at his/her convenience. In my opinion,
the former should be
included, while the latter should have a minimum srtipulation (3 per
3. Representation. The TSC consists of representatives for every district
(11), even if they comprise of one or two fliers. But most of the program
fliers happen to live in California. The non-californians are primarily
cocerned about retaining
the east-west final's rotation each selection cycle. If this issue could be
permanently resolved, then consolidation of the smaller districts would
make sense.
Roger Morrell