SCAT Electronic News 18 October 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1321
SCAT Electronic News 18 October 1999
"SCAT - 40 Year's of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Re the advantage of d/t - Woodhouse
Palm Pilots - Hinson
Other magic ? - Woodhouse
Report of dead link aka new site - Tarnroth
Signals: To vs. From - Rozelle
Sierra Snapshot
Re the advantage of d/t
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Somewhere in the deep dark depths of my little building room I have a paper
written back when by the "authorities" re the the introduction of the d/t.
Saying that it had no place in free flight! It would corrupt true free
flight? Times change why not allow RCDT? I have no problem except I ain't
got the system to fit in my F1B!
Mike Woodhouse
[Mike - we will be testing a system on a F1B "Real Soon Now", indications
are that it will only add a couple of grams to the airplane. That is
if you have a compatible electronic timer ]
Palm Pilots
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I've been looking at all of the Palm Pilots available on EBay.
How about a list of Palm Pilot models that will work with the typical
electronic timer system currently in use. (Black Magic) or home grown.
Rex Hinson
The PP that will work with the Blackmagic [or RedMagic] timers are
Palm III [ all models]
Paln V and VII - these have not been tested but should work
Visor .. not a PP but a clone by the original designer.
Note that for these timers I supply a Custom program that I wrote to
provide the friendly interface with timer.
If you wrote one yourself you would need to write that program yourself
so you would have control over which versions of the PP were applicable.]
Other magic ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In a message dated 15/10/99 1:17:35 am, you wrote:
No just examine Alex! I'm convinced he's not human! Its just not fair on
mear mortals that one guy should so much talent. Maybe someone can invent a
talent implant?
Mike Woodhouse
Report of dead link aka new site
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sirs,
The link you have to "Swedish Free flight team" under the section "Other
information" is dead.
The owner Magnus Soderling has closed his site.
Please replace this link with a link to "Aeromodel Club Gladiatorerna"
found on
It's mostly written in Swedish, but contains over 120 pages of F1A and
HLG information. Also Aeroclub Gladiatorerna is Swedens largest Free
Flight club. This page works as the central page for all Free Flight in
the region.
We trust you'll find it useful to have a link here too.
Thank you for an excellent site!
With Best Regards
MFK Gladiatorerna
Martin Tarnoth
Signals: To vs. From
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I find this rather interesting: There are some among us who evidently
consider it a curse to SEND a radio signal to the model, for whatever
reason. Yet those same people, like the rest of us, consider it a
blessing to RECEIVE a signal from the model.
Walt Rozelle
Sierra Snapshot
10 min flyoff times shown for big events.
1 Jim Parker 343
2 Randy Weiler 321
3 Mike Mc Keever 307
1 Jerry Fitch 482
2 Walt Ghio 462
3 Alexander Andriukov 455
1 Evgeny Verbitsky 447
2 Bob Gutai 433
3 Randy Archer 419
Nations Cup
USA - Parker, Fitch Gutai [although how Gutai qualifies eludes me,
I though he was from Mars ]
Top team - Parker , Fitch , Roger Simpson.
1 Chuck Markos
1 Martyn Cowley
3 Randy Weiler
1 Peter Brocks
2 Igor Vivchar
3 ?
1 Bob Gutai
2 Faust Parker
3 Jim Haught
Tough contest, bit breezy for Mini Events, windy for big events. All
rounds 2 mins except the first. Tough for F1A with only 6 in
Flyoff, easier for F1B [19 in F/O] and F1C [10 in F/O]. Fly off on
Sunday morning in perfect conditions.
Some drama in the F1C fly off as Verbitsky mis-understood what was
going on and flew before the start of the window. Happersett
got the model back with under two minutes left and Evgeny refuelled
and got it away with only 2 seconds to go. There was some problem
with the back up model, so it was almost "My kingdom for a RadioDT.."
He used the geared model. This model brings in a wing wiggler or something
near the top of the climb that causes the model to give a
interesting wiggle. We could not resist suggesting to a couple
of local Luddites that it shifting gears at that point.
Great showing by Jim Parker to beat the Stamov factory team of
Victor and Randy Weiler who were backed up by private entrants ,
Spence and Mc Keever [and other ?]. But overall there were a lot of those
red-orange and white models in the money.
Good turnout of visitors including .. Seelig, 2 Seiferts, Abad, Kulmakko,
Vivchar, the Yugo team, Verbitsky, Stamov, Meusberger, the Canadians
[from Canada and Taft] .... and those I overlooked. Also a number
of junor flyers who did OK inspite of the tough conditions,
maybe you need that energy to chase.
Hopefully full results from Mr Simpson's new computer soon.
Roger Morrell