SCAT Electronic News 24 March 1998
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SCAT Electronic News 24 March 1998
Editorial Junket
There may be a momentary pause in the production of SCAT Electronic
News .. depending on how we get some network connections organized.
The editor is going the two World Cup contests in New Zealand [sounded
warmer than the Holiday on Ice !]. Others going from the US include my
wife Lindy [the supplier of frequent flyer miles], Alan and Tina Brush,
John and Sally Clapp and Brian van Nest. The grape vine tells me that a
number of Europeans are going too, including Stamov and Verbitski.
From: Bill Gieskieng
Dear Roger
I suspect I'm the only Power flier that visits SCAT but I would like to
raise the question of engine gearing. Someone mentioned that Verbitski
was working on developing a gearing system, and that concerns me. He
can make it work. Normally I'm against anything that limits technology or
performance but I feel in this case that the introduction of engine gearing
would scare off new-comers and percipitate an undesirable exodus of
fliers from the event. The cost and complexity would skyrocket and flight
times would be right back to: "gotta cut performance again." I know that
this is not all bad from your point of view as you would probably pick up
a few new Wakefield recruits.....but the turncoat Ralph Cooney is enough
already. Your alloted quota is filled!
Off the top of my head, my vote is for banning engine gearing
IMMEDIATLY. Lets do it before the fact. It would be awkward and
unfair to wait until such equipment becomes de rigueur. Let's save people
from wasting precious time and energy running down this swampy bunny
trail. The unfortunate tuned-pipe fiasco should be lesson enough!
Bill Gieskieng
[editorial comment :-) ] .. No Bill, inspite of popular belief amongst the
F1B community, I do know for a fact that some other F1C flyers can read
as well as you.. ! Also as an early proponent of the flapper how can you
complain about complexity !@? You can have Cooney and Acterberg
back, they are figuring this F1B thing out and getting too good.
I think that you probably just missed Bob Waterman going the the CIAM
meeting. Let's hear if there was any fead back from the meeting ..
Any other F1C flyers like to comment !!!!!!
Missing Address
Ken Bauer writes ... Please post on your electronic news: I'm looking for
an address or e-mail for Tony Van Eldik of the Netherlands. I received a
letter from him with no return address. If anyone knows how to contact
him please notify me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Student's Challenge
Below is a letter to Fred Terzian in reply to a request from an engineering
student in the Northeast. I had noted a number of people from that area
looking at the SCAT web site, any readers happen to live in that area or
have other suggestions for Adam , please contact him directly.
Dear Adam.
Since I am not an expert in the F1B (Wakefield Rubber) category, I am
forwarding your message to Roger Morrell with the SCAT (Southern
California Aero Team) website: [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].
Although I do not know of any specific articles describing a way in
which to build a competitive Wakefield, I would certainly suggest your
getting a copy of the Tilka plan that was designed by Bror Eimar. It is
available through the NFFS Plans Service which can be seen at:
You can also get additional building hints from past issues of Free
Flight, the Digest of the National Free Flight Society.
I hope this helps you find the material that you need to complete your
Sincerely, Fred Terzian
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Sherson [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 1998 4:53 PM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: F1B Model
I am engineering student in Western Massachusetts. I need to build an
F1B freeflight plane in the next 6 weeks for a class. However, I have
never built one before and am looking for resources for plans,
materials, hints, etc...
I have found several websites, but have not yet found any manuals meant
for beginners.
Do you have any suggestions?
/ Adam Sherson \
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Roger Morrell