SCAT Electronic News 13 April 1998
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SCAT Electronic News 13 April 1998
Upcoming events
This week end the San Valeers Annual at Taft. F1A, F1B and F1J on
Saturday. Straight tow A1 and Coupe on Sunday. The Coupe is also for the
Former Colonies Chardonay Cup postal contest, which the USA won last
year, flying in this event.
For the calendar
Pierre is rescheduling the Banco contest for D-Day. That's June 6. More
details later.
The date of Juan Livotto's California Invitational is October 10 and 11, the
Columbus day weekend... and you are all invited, a personal invitation
from Juan is not required !
Preliminary Report on Dubbo World Cup Contest [Australia]
John Malkin reports ..
I was talking to Allan Edwards last night as I wanted to
know how their Easter Meeting went and apparently the weather was
better than we had but still difficult enough that only one contest
had a flyoff - F1B in which Zeri of course topped out. The two others
were Richard Blackam and Leigh Morgan. Apparently Al Brush missed
out for the Flyoff in the last round , due to waiting too long for some
good air. Verbitsky won F1C but not with a full house and of course
Victor Stamov won the F1A.
Note that this means that Zeri now has the Max score for F1B World Cup
i.e. 150 points so that everything is a tie breaker. He has a good head start
on main rivals Eimar, Roshnoks and Andruikov.
Leigh Morgan has to be the best performing lady flyer in F1B these days.
Besides the Pacific contests she performed well in European contests last
season. I can see some family rivalry developing here as she did better
than F1A flyer husband Vin. Vin produces a tracker that is very popular in
Australia and New Zealand.
Rumor Dept
The is a rumor circulating that as the SAM Champs are at the same time as
the Team Finals, there may be a labor [i.e. timekeeper] shortage for the
finals. A possible solution is to change the date of the finals. Iknow of
people who have already made travel reservations for the current date
[15-19 Sept ?]. Wait for the word from the Team Selection Commitee.
New W-Hobby Products
W Hobby Free Flight has published their new Catalogue'98-99 on:
please visit our site frequently to get all the latest info on FF
Vidas Nikolajevas
Roger Morrell