SCAT Electronic News 23 June 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1337
SCAT Electronic News 23 June 1998
Table of Contents
Wanted - more stuff
Announcement FAI Composite Structures Classes
Dukie's Contest
Western FAI Challenge
Americas and Pacific Rim Champs ?
Aeromodel dot com news
Wanted -
More FAI FF contest news - who is on the various teams for the Euro champs,
the junior World champs , comments on contests etc ...
Announcement - FAI Composite Construction Class
We have received much interest for the class both from the SCAT meeting
attendees and internet users. Here is what we have to announce:
* Tentative date - Saturday, 25 July 1998 between 8:00 a.m. & 2: 00 p.m.
* Location - Leuzinger High School Lawndale on the west side of Los Angeles
* Alex Andriukov and Matt Gewain are planned teach for sessions on the 25th
* Other knowledgeable flyers are currently working with us on
presentation possibilities for the 25th or future class dates
* Presentation topics include composite wing construction, high-tech
materials, molded pod development, molded prop development, pre-flight
Please let us know if the date and topics mentioned above work for you.
We'll have more information including date confirmation soon.
>From SCAT Composite Construction Class Organizers
Dukie's Contest
The format of the Duke's contest this weekend has changed.
Doug is taking a leaf out of "Lucky" Pierre's book and offereing cash
prizes. In addition the is a barbeque included - byob.
Also a early moring champagne flyoff Sunday am - $10 entry winner
takes all.
Still you last chance to qualify for the Team Selection finals.
Western FAI Challenge
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After receiving "the Pitch" from Dan Tracy last evening, I am committed
(or should be) to rescheduling the FAI Challenge. The July dates are
gone and we have yet no confirmation of dates available to us in August,
although we requested the 8th and 9th. I will keep everyone posted as to
any information and changes, but will attempt to find a suitable date to
reschedule the contest without conflict. Thanks for staying flexible.
Americas and Pacific Rim Champs ?
There is no doubt that modellers in Europe do have some advantages over
the 'rest of us'. The comparatively short distances between a lot
of counties mean that there are more World Cup contests and more likelyhood
of a local World Champs. In addition the Euro Champs is held
on a regular basis. It is not possible for us to hold a Continential
championship just in North America, because it requires the participation
of 4 or 5 [I do not remember which] countries. We could include South
America where there a few FF counties but may be better
idea would be to include other Pacific
Rim countries too, Japan, Australia, New Zealand ,China ...
.. or maybe this would be distracting from a World champs effort
.. I assume that [US] team members would need to pay their own travel
.. could we figure out how to select a team [small US joke - applogies to all]
Aeromodel dot com
We have partially fixed up Aeromodel dot Com so that Thayer
Syme's archives are available. We need to do some more work on the
site .. again real soon now !
Roger Morrell