SCAT Electronic news 2 July 1998
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SCAT Electronic news 2 July 1998
Table of contents
Duke's Contest Results
Pierre's last , last Chance !
Dukie's Last Chance Challenge,
an historic achievement in the annals of FAIdom, took place
on the weekend of June 27, and 28, 1988 with 28 competitors in attendance.
The weather was the best of the year to date with top temps in the .
low 90's and virtually no wind. Flyoffs were held in perfect flyoff conditions.
$270 in prize money was distrubuted to the top three in each event.
$40, $30, and $20
We had nice evening barbecue on Saturday . . . Tri-Tips, ham, beans,
salad and chips. A really pleasant social session for all.
Thanks to Mike and Jerry . . . good job.
The Sunday Shoot Out one-flight-to-the-ground generated $160 dollars
and went to:
F1A Hector Diez $40
F1B John Sessums $80
F1C John Warren $40
1. Rich Rohrke 1850
2. Herb Sessums1840
3. Gene Jensen 1817
4. Dane Jensen 1781
5. Larry Norvall 1271
6. John Sessums 1240
7. Tim Sessums 1233
8. Jerry Fitch 1227
9. Tom Laird 1178
10. Allen Ulm 1160
11. Vlady Andriukov 1110
12. Blake Jensen 541
1. Doug Galbreath 2040
2. John Warren 1941
3. Terry Kerger 1782
4. Mike Achterberg 1302
5. Doug Joyce 1291
6. Daryl Perkins 1280
7. Kenny Happersett 1268
8. Roger Simpson 1211
9. Ken Oliver 134
1. Brian Van Nest 1223
2. Don Zink 1257
3. Lee Hines 1213
4. Dmitri Kozluyk 1152
5. Hector Diez 1125
6. Kate Joyce 1052
7. Norm Smith 649
On July 18 and 19, 1998. Roger Simpson will have a F1A-F1B-F1C
Combined event for the purpose of fun, testing and qualifying at
Waegell Field, Sacramento, CA. Sunrise Bivd. and Jackson Hwy.
Japanese Modeler Wants to Buy F1C Model, complete. Need not be
current competitive, but shoudl include all features of current
competition models. He wants to use it as a teaching tool for himself.
He has had problems learning all the necessary things and needs to .
have some success. Write to:
Hideo Igarishi
2-20-10-607 Maruyama
Isogo-Ku, Yokohama-City
235-0011 Japan
Last Last Chance ...
Still not qualified? Well, you have another chance, and on the best field
with the best weather. You say your qualified, well here's an opportunity to
come out to practice and fly with the best.
Tell your friends that are not on the net !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Another Chance To Qualifiy"
F1A - F1B - F1C
July 11 & 12, 1998
Lost Hills - Bissonnette Field
Sat., July 11 - FAI Qualifier
Round 1 6:30 to 7:15 210 sec. 210 sec. 240 sec.
" 2 7:15 to 8:00 180 180 180
" 3 8:00 to 8:45 180 180 180
" 4 8:45 to 9:30 180 180 180
" 5 9:30 to 10:15 180 180 180
" 6 10:15 to 11:00 180 180 180
" 7 11:00 to 11:45 180 180 180
Flyoffs to start at 5:00 P.M.
Sun. July 12 - 6:30 A.M., One Flight to the ground, $10 each, winner takes
Cook out on the field Sat. night, BYO!
Entry Fee: $20 per event.
Prizes determined by CD.
CD: Pierre Brun (818) 989-4970 for information Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell