SEN 2922 - No Rule Book- AMA Associate membership
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- Category: Archive 2021
- Hits: 1181
SEN 2922
1. No Rule Book
2. AMA Associate membership
No Rule Book
From:Peter Becker
Sad but true:
The FAI web site reveals nothing about “Marking”
When Queried or even the existence of a “Rule Book”….
Please give IT a swift Kick and have them include it in the search
Rule book in French is:
livre de règles
Thank you!
Peter Becker
AMA 12203
FAI Navigation
The FAI does not have a Rule Book, it has the Sporting Code as mentioed in SEN 2921.
The Sporting Code is written in special language called FAI English, after all who would call a towline a launching cable. But most figure it out.
This is the link to the sporting code
At this place there are a number PDF files for each section
There are 2 parts that concern Free Flight participants
Sporting Code Section 4 - CIAM General Rules_21.pdf
Sporting Code Section 4_CIAM_F1_freeflight_21.pdf
In the first Part
SC4_CIAM General_Rules_21
Under Section C
Section C - CIAM general rules for international events
It says
C.11.1 Class F - Model Aircraft
a) Model aircraft, except for Indoor Free Flight and Scale, shall carry:
i) The national identification mark followed the FAI Unique ID number. The letters and numbers must be at least 25 mm high and appear at least once on each model (on the upper surface of a wing for Free Flight models).
Note: The list of the national identification marks (3 letters per country) is downloadable from “Documents” section of the CIAM website
Note: The mandatory carrying of the FAI ID number shall commence in 2022.
ii) A model identification code (letters and/or numbers). This code has to be different for each nominated model aircraft of the competitor. The model identification code is to appear on each main part of the model (wing(s), tail, front and rear fuselage if detachable) so that the individual parts of a competitor's different models may be separately identified. The letters and/or numbers must be at least 10 mm high and clearly visible. The identification code of the nominated models shall be recorded on the score card. For World or Continental Championships this must be recorded on the Model Aircraft Specification Certificate.
b) A model aircraft must not carry a national identification mark, an FAI licence number, an FAI sticker, or any other reference which relates to any person other than the competitor. At the processing of the model aircraft, the organiser must mark each FAI sticker (if required).
There is another document section that has additional information such as whitepapers, meeting minutes
The PDF documents are not indexed on the site but can be searched.
AMA associated membership
Hi Roger, you might want to think about pointing out to potential flyers that the AMA will require, after January 1st, that fliers from Canada have AMA membership - MAAC membership will no longer suffice, as it did in the past. The FAA do not require that FF models be registered, as RC models must, but I think the AMA membership is a requirement if the event is AMA sanctioned. This has come about because in July MAAC unilaterally revoked the Memorandum of Understanding that has existed for decades allowing us to fly unimpeded in each other's countries.
Roy E. Smith
Editor’s response
Anyone who takes part in an AMA event, including World Cup events in the USA must have AMA membership with the exception of Canadians in the past as mentioned by Roy above. International visitors to the USA must get an AMA associate membership, many refer to it as “American Insurance” . Any CD running an event in the USA has to check this and can issue one if required, this happens with World Cup events. Regular visitors to the USA typically already have one and can renewed. There has been some discussion it the press and social media on the USA side about transitioning Canadians to this system. So we will apply whatever in effect at the time when any event take place.