SEN 2911 The - Kotuku is perched on Holloway Hill with his altimeter, reading the Sporting Code
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SEN 2911
The Kotuku is perched on Holloway Hill with his altimeter, reading the Sporting Code
1. Altimeters, how we got here
2. Reminder
3. Kotuku World Cup F1E
4. Thanks to Allard
Altimeters, how we got here
From:Ian Kaynes
A contribution to the altimeter discussion:
Organisers usually have flyoffs to handle at the end of World Cup
competitions. Particularly in Europe there can be problems completing the
standard progressive flyoffs within the limits of daylight time and the
available flying space, particularly if windy. The commonly used short-cut
was the DT flyoff although this was against the procedures defined in the
Sporting Code. At the end of the 2018 season Anton Gorskiy submitted a
protest against the use of DT flyoffs in World Cup events. A World Cup Board
consisting of three members of the F1 Subcommittee upheld the protest. This
meant that DT-flyoffs had to be disregarded as a way of achieving final
result and instead those flyers had to be considered tied separating tied
This gave organisers problems in how to legally reach a final order in
difficult conditions. The F1 subcommittee discussed about adding a DT flyoff
to the Sporting Code and by a narrow majority supported a proposal to the
CIAM Plenary meeting 2019. This proposal was that in specific circumstances
which prevented a regular flyoff then either a DT flyoff or an altitude
flyoff could be used (with the condition that altitude flyoffs could only be
made when EDIC approved altimeters). The overall reaction to the proposal
was opposition to DT flyoffs with the particular reasons that it is
difficult to define a standard DT and people would apply effort to
developing ways to slow the DT rate of descent. There were no objections to
the altitude flyoff. At the FF Technical Meeting the opposition to DT
flyoffs resulted in that part being removed and the proposal was passed by
Plenary with just the altitude flyoff. This remains unchanged in the current
paragraph F1.1.4.
This stayed as a future option until an altimeter was approved. Thanks to
Allard's work this became possible this year and shortened flyoffs have
become possible when the situation requires it and the organisers choose it.
It is worth noting the comparison with Space Models, where altimeters are
used for the fundamental measurement of performance in all flights of the
altitude classes. In their case the organisers must provide the altimeters
and the rules specify that these must all be of the same type. We had
discussed this mode of operation for free flight but decided that it would
be a large expense for all organisers to have buy an adequate number
altimeters, which would be reflected in increased entry fees, and more
economic to have competitors having their own identified altimeters of a
type which did not permit tampering or modification.
More suppliers of altimeters would be welcome so long as they are tested by
EDIC to confirm with their accuracy according to the requirements.
Ian Kaynes
From: editor
For a sporting code change to be made, it is advertised in advance and your, my and everyone’s NAC rep at the CIAM has the opportunity to vote on it.
Kotuku World Cup F1E
Lost Hills
Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total % Place
Max 150 150 180 180 158
Terzian Fred 131 87.33 150 100.00 180 100.00 180 100.00 157 99.37 486.70 1
Gorban Evgeny 150 100.00 150 100.00 180 100.00 155 86.11 158 100.00 486.11 2
Ioerger Tom 123 82.00 150 100.00 179 99.44 180 100.00 53 33.54 414.98 4
Brocks Peter 101 67.33 132 88.00 143 79.44 180 100.00 120 75.95 410.72 3
Van NestBrian 140 93.33 150 100.00 74 41.11 118 65.56 83 52.53 352.53 5
Sifleet Bob 150 100.00 149 99.33 60 33.33 18 10.00 99 62.66 305.32 6
Parsons David 102 68.00 82 54.67 180 100.00 91 50.56 4 2.53 275.76 7
McKeeverMike 32 21.33 48 32.00 47 26.11 120 66.67 81 51.27 197.38 8
Thanks to Allard
From: Michael Achterberg
Altimeters. I want to thank Allard for doing this project.I'm sure he got rich making this item. Must have sold 50k of them and no time involved.Haha... People complaining must like to to bitch. This simple item has fixed the big flaw in freeflight. Who actually stayed up the longest.This has been a problem forever.. It is no longer a best bino contest! I would think people would be raving about this. My guess they never lost a contest that they were pretty sure they won do to distance, not great binos or timer just lost it and couldn't pick model back up in binos. Allards altimeter fixes these issues.. Now, we can call freeflight a real sport IMO. An want to say Thank You to Allard..
Dino, Mike and a number of others. The Altimeter fly off does not solve the more general issue of timing our high performance models under general conditions. It is not used for engine run in F1C and P and total flight time during the regular rounds and applies in Fly Offs when the CD invokes it. The rule as Ian explains it applies to World Cup flyoffs. If you want “better” time keeping this is a starting point.