SEN 2874 - Licenses, Timers and Travel
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- Category: Archive 2021
- Hits: 1184
SEN 2874
Licenses, Timers and Travel
1. FAI Sporting License
2. Have Watch and Binos, will travel
FAI Sporting License
From:Peter Brocks
Hi Roger,
This is for SEN. Last weekend we flew the first F1E World Cup of 2021 in Denver – with only 5 fliers.
Thermals, Peter
To receive your official copy of you FAI Sporting License after ordering and receiving the incomplete FAI license from the NAA (National Aeronautic Association), go to . On that page you put in your email-address and click on “send”. FAI will then send you a pdf of front and back of your Sporting License which shows your name, FAI Id, expiration date and the flag of your country. To print your license in credit card size you need to adjust the size before printing. Starting in 2022 your FAI Id number has to be on the wings of your models.
Peter Brocks
Organizer’s experience from Fab Feb : The different NACs in different countries all handle it a bit differently, most counties do it like the NAA does in the USA. Some are better than others. Sometimes they, or you make little mistakes, so always go the FAI web site as Peter suggests to make sure they got it right.
Have Watch and Binos, will travel
From:Peter Becker
Will the Oct. World Cup Events at Lost Hills in Oct. need timers?…. I timed
for the worlds in 2019 and was looking forward to France this year when
it was cancelled!….
Have watch and binocs and can travel!
AMA 12303
Peter Becker
Editor’s reply.
We always need timers and helpers. World Champs are very special in that we MUST have independent timer keepers, and some other officials too, for everyone, so the CD and his team set this way ahead of time. This is qualifng criteria to be able to run a major event that that. Fortunately the World Champs is only every 2 years and in a different country each time. The World Champs before the last at Lost Hills was in 2001. This used to be the same for World Cup meetings too. For example at the first Sierra (World ) Cup I went to back in the 1980s, the Sierra Eagles club members were official time keepers who timed everyone. I was a little intimidated because the great Doug Galbraith timed one of my flights, as you would expect a flyer of that caliber did a good job and was helpful to a beginner. These days some clubs have enough members and/ or families and friends to do this. What in more common that people team up to time each other or maybe have a cooperative family member or friend who might time a group. Of course it is sometimes very difficult for an out of town person who shows up with out an helper, they have to find a new friend to fly with. Then when it comes to fly off time the Contest Director has the thankless job of collecting enough timer keepers to have at least one, preferably 2 on each model. A major challenge for the Contest Director. So helping with timing is always very welcome. We will be publishing the latest editions of the flyers for those events shortly and the CD’s contact info will there. So, please contact the CD and ask how you can help. It is great opportunity to meet other flyers and learn from them.