SEN 2457 - The NFFS Guru at Wawayanda wonders about International Protests
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- Hits: 1595
Table of Contents – SEN 2457
The NFFS Guru at Wawayanda wonders about International Protests
- NFFS Sympo Needs You, the Guru
- Wawayanda Results
- Protests
NFFS Sympo Needs You, the Guru
From:Ed Carroll
Hi Roger,
I am short on total pages for the new SYMPO, Please post this message on SEN:
I am still short of where I want to be on articles for the 2018 SYMPO. This is your journal, if anyone has ready to go articles, especially theoretical ones, please send asap. The copy deadline is here. If you would like to chat about your idea, call or email.
Ed Carroll
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
cell: 818-489-5039
Wawayanda Results
From : Aram Schlosberg
Bob Hatcheck/Challenge, Wawaywanda NY,
May 19-20, 2018
F1A 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Peter Barron 131 71 180 180 -- 562
Andrew Barron 127 123 79 120 -- 449
F1B 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Ron Felix 120 120 179 180 180 779
Skyscraper's Annual, Wawaywanda NY,
June 23-24, 2018
F1A 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Andrew Barron 210 109 180 180 240 919
Ken Bauer 112 112 180 180 240 824
Peter Barron 139 133 127 180 151 730
Igor Fradkin 151 75 180 180 78 664
Tzvetan Tzvetkov 78 153 109 105 149 594
Adelaide Ulm 68 155 76 114 108 521
Gene Ulm 131 22 180 131 0 464
F1B 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Ron Felix 208 180 131 108 240 867
F1G 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Don Rousseau 120 120 120 120 120 600
Larry Pelatowski 0 120 102 0 0 222
F1S 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Drake Hooke 120 120 120 120 120 600
Yuda Avia 120 88 120 120 120 568
Dick Ivers 120 89 120 112 120 561
With reference to the World Cup Rules etc discussion a few issues back. There was an outstanding question as to how Frederic, who started it all, might lodge a protest. One of the replies was to follow the sporting code. I must admit that I was not familiar with all of those sections of the sporting code, so I “asked” these questions and someone wiser than me replied.
Who can protest the result of a FFWC event? Must a protest be lodged during
the event?
Reference to the SC4 CIAM General Rules 2018:
C.20.2 Protest
a) All protests must be presented in writing in English to the contest
director of the event, or the appropriate contest director for an event
with multiple classes and must be accompanied by the deposit of a fee. The
amount of this fee shall be the equivalent of 50 Euro. The deposit is
returned only if the protest is upheld.
b) The same person (team manager or competitor depending on the type of
contest) is not permitted to present two consecutive protests on the same
c) Protests must be arbitrated in compliance with FAI Sporting Code General
Section 6.4.
C.20.3 Time limit for lodging protests
a) Before the beginning of the event: a protest against the validity of an
entry, qualification of competitors, the contest rules, the flying and
contest area, the processing of models, the judges or other contest
officials, must be lodged at least one hour before the opening of the
b) During the event: a protest against a decision of the judges or other
contest officials or against an error or irregularity committed during an
event by another competitor or team manager must be lodged as soon as the
contest situation requires but not later than 60 minutes after the
incident. Note: a protest relative to official results must be lodged as
soon as the official results have been published on the flight site of the
event and no later than the prize-giving.
Also see the FAI Sporting Code General Section 4.16:
4.16.1 JURY APPROVAL: The results of an International Sporting Event shall
be final only when all protests have been dealt with by the Jury and the
Jury has ceased its functions. The final results must be made public before
the prize-giving is held.
*The World Cup Board* is not entitled to deal with any kind of complaint or
protest concerning a single competition, which must be considered by the
FAI Jury for that competition.
Annex 1 Rules for Free Flight World Cup
10. World Cup Board
A Board of three persons shall be nominated by the CIAM Free Flight
Subcommittee Chairman to rule on any issue concerning the implementation of
World Cup rules during a year. Any such issue must be submitted in writing
to the relevant Subcommittee Chairman. The World Cup Board is not entitled
to deal with any kind of complaint or protest concerning a single
competition, which must be considered by the FAI Jury for that competition.
That according to the Sporting Code, it is not possible or practical for a person not at the event to protest the outcome of an event.
It appears that Frederic could lodge a protest to the World Cup Board about the practice of using a D/T fly off to get a conclusion over a series of events but not about an individual event. It is clear that the World Cup Board protest is lodged through the Subcommitee chairman. It does not say if it has to be accompanied by a 50 Euro fee like a protest at the individual event must me. I’m not sure if it known who is on the World Cup Board but that is not important as the protest must be lodged with the Free Flight subcommittee chairman, Ian Kaynes.
SEN’s editorial position
The World Cup events are very important for FAI Free Flight, it gives us, the typical, average Free Flight Sportsman the opportunity to take part in major events with the best sportsmen in the world.
The World Cup events have dimension that is not present with single contest, including a World Champs, in that World Cup outcome may be influenced by an event where a major contender did not attend. It is clearly acknowledged that no one attends all World Cup events and there are differences such as the number of participants and the weather and this is OK. What can cause a problem is if some apparent non-conforming act by the organizer affects the results and corresponding points allocation.
Our interest is getting clarification so the World Cup and it’s component events can be carried out in a harmonious and fair sporting manner.