SEN 2120
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- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1243
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- Looking for fat cat Mechanic
- Max Men Lost and Found
More on 7 is better than 5
From: Allard van Wallene
The only argument which was presented to support the change from 7 to 5 rounds was the "too high physical effort". And when this proposal was voted upon, the only competitions for which this would apply were continental and world champs. World Cup competitions were not yet in the equation, they followed soon after. My argument against this proposal was, that in continental and world champs most teams have a retrieval team downwind, so the physical effort is actually less. Unfortunately this argument fell on death ears and the majority voted in favour of the 5 rounds. I would like to add some more arguments to go back to 7 rounds:
-Free flight is considered to be a sport, at least so we present ourselves to the 'outside' world. Using physical effort as an argument to fly less rounds appears to contradict this
.-Free flight is fun. We love to see our models fly. Why cut away 2/7 of flying fun?
-Despite the increased max in first (and maybe last) rounds, I still believe a 5 round concept will increase fly-off participation.
-7 rounds were never obligatory in the past. Some competitions were flown in 5 round format (due to bad weather or daylight restrictions), contest organisers were free to do so.
-Now there appears to be an open 'revolt' by some contest organisers against this rule. Two competitions during the Fab Feb ignored the rule. Now apparently the organisers of the Eifelpokal will do the same as apparently the majority of participants prefers 7 rounds (see Maybe more will follow?
Looking for Fat Cat mechanic
From: Chuck Powell
Hi Roger !
If you could can you put a article on the Sen looking for someone at or close to lost hills to get Steve Spences Honda fat cat running , it is in a storage trailor there . Trying to help Steve out and have his bike running for when he comes out there later this year . Thanks much .
Chuck Powell
Question - Is a fat cat mechanic a veterinarian with a wrench
Max Men Lost and Found
Found: ALINCO VHF FM Transceiver (may have been out a while)
Leatherman Tool in leather case (appropriately)
Lost: Blazevich F1B Winder (Mike Richardson)
REI Folding Chair - Red & Gray (Marty Schroedter)
Glasses (Antony Koerbin)
If you lost or found any of these e-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell