SEN 2270 26 Feb 2017
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- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1530
Table of Contents – SEN 2270
- Fab Feb Finale
- The Ike and Kiwi
- Scrambling for Ike
- Francois Fab Feb Ficker Fotos
- Looking for a Photo
- Looking for a Wood Meter
- Limiting F1A Models
Fab Feb Finale
This Feb we had some bad weather days that upset things but we got the contests in with fine weather for everything except the MaxMen Mini Events as Bill reported and the Cal Cup F1E that will be run later in the year..
This year we did somethings differently. Firstly we set up online entry forms so people could enter ahead of time and together with this we took entries for all FAI events and make it so all could be paid for in one place. This process sped up the registration process. Of the over 180 sportsmen that entered the FAI event only about 5 entered on the field. Because of the field conditions we did the registration in the Lost Hills community center on Friday. This pleasant environment made it go more smoothly. We appreciate the Lost Hills people letting us do that and will look at doing it again next time.
We had a pleasant social evening at Gabby’s Restaurant and look to doing that again. Because of weather and some truck problems Gabby’s did not make it to the field as much as they did planned, more next time. Judging by the noise from some distance away the ladies had a great time at the Tea Party, not sure how they are going to up the ante after the Budgie Smugglers this year.
Each event is reflects a bit the personalities and objectives of the different organizers and that one of the great this about these events. If you have any suggestions for next year you are welcome to send them to SEN or the individual organizers. We were glad to see you all and look forward to seeing you again.
The Ike and Kiwi
We did not give you a report yet so here’s what CD Norm Furutani said on FB and various friend replied :
From Norm Furutani on FB ·
For all my FB and especially, Leuzinger HS friends. The recent photo albums below are part of a contest Coach Bob Isaacson and I thought up 28 years ago in his stinky boys locker room office. That first contest had maybe 20 participants. Thanks to the efforts of Roger Morrell, it has grown to probably 200 or so individuals from literally around the world! We're very fortunate to have Merry Smith, Malcolm Campbell (Australia), Tom Faith (my Jr HS buddy!) and my son Brian to document this event with their great photos. A nice tribute to Bob and LaVera Isaacson and The Isaacson Winter Classic!
From: Chuck Powell
Norm Furutani and a big thank you to you ! Thanks Norm ! ??
From: Mike Schwartz
Thank you, Norm
From :Malcolm Campbell
Norm, you are the present Legend of the Ike weekend. Thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication. And thanks to the many others who worked hard to make the week run successfully to its conclusion, despite all the difficulties with the weather.
From: Sandra Goins
Hi Norm. I remember the Isaacsons. They were both lovely people. What a nice way to honor their memory. You both must have been longing for some fresh air--??
From: Judy Grood
Great pics. Nice to see old friends.
From: Jeannie Vidal
Fond memories of the Issacsons and of you!
From: Mike Richardson
You and the team did a great job. I for one appreciate the effort that went into this marvelous contest.
From :Peter Brocks
Norm and Roger, THANK YOU!
From: Don DeLoach
What Mike said. THANK YOU NORM!
From: Lee Hines
Norm, I checked my logbook, as I flew F1A in the 1st IKE. Victor Stamov beat Tom Coussens in FO & there were 25 flyers in that event. Bob Tymchek won F1B over Burdov & Geo Batiuk, while Bob Gutai took F1C from Ken Oliver. I always look forward to the IKE, which by the next year was growing in stature with 100+ entrants! Please Keep up the great work, Norm & Roger! :-)
From: Ken Bauer
Being a CD is an unselfish job. Thanks Norm!
From Lj Norvall :
Well said Norm. Awesome event. Hoping for better weather next year
Scrambling for Ike
From Roger Morrell:
Bob Isaacson was not only a great competitor but someone who had a great sense of humor and was always up for some fun activity. We try to embody this in the Ike and Kiwi event. This year we had a great serious contest in both the FAI and AMA events with over 200 entrants and 300 entries. We got some international help in the Fun Dept with the Scramble/Aggregate event. Any event involving Tahn Stowe is sure be crazy and with Terry Bond in a classic Aussie outfit looking somewhat like Crocodile Dundee as the Grand Poohbah (sorry Offically the Grand Marshall) running the event. With an international field of Per Findahl, Henning, Dominic Andrist, John Buskell against locals, Ken Bauer, Jim Parker and Norm Furutani it was a frantic 30 minutes of flying. Norm, helped by his long time friend Tom Faith came close to proving that age and treachery beats youth and vigor by coming in second. Norm is already getting ready for next year by getting out the Doonside Mills and signing Tom Faith up with a running coach. Dominc was first and Per third. Maybe Euro experience in their youth with a diesel engine helped.
Francois Fab Feb Flicker Fotos
From:Francois DUCASSOU
Voici un lien vers mes photos de LOST HILLS 2017
Looking for a Photo
We are looking for a Photo of The Lost Hills flying field taken either from Holloway Hill or a drone
Looking for a Wood meter
From: Christian Schwartzbach
I did enjoy my participation in the recent FabFeb at Lost Hills. One of the pleasures was flying F1B with Tom Vaccaro. Very dedicated, efficient, helpful and with humour. Thank you Tom!
I was inspired by his use of thermal detection via the so called Woodmeter. Now I want one. If you are willing to part with a working specimen of the kind or know where I can find one, please let me know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
BR Christian
Limiting F1A Models
From: John Lorbiecki
Gene Ulm and I have been looking at the performance of F1A models recently. As we discussed the phenomenal performance at Lost Hills (120 meters plus), I questioned what has been the factors involved in this. Has the fuselage or tail done anything to this? Not really. But, the main change has been the change in airfoils. Yes, there are flappers, but not many. So, if the airfoil is the deal, why not do what every racing program has done?
Let's go to a template airfoil and standardized wing span....
Back in the day, one of the most used foils was the Benedek 6356b. It provided plenty of room for structure and decent performance. It would be very easy to make templates in various chords to verify the structure. This would require new wings for the models (not for my Woody, tho!) but it is not uncommon for modelers to have new wings constructed- in the light of things, wings are cheap compared to the fuselage. I would say we stick to 2 meters in span.
So, what would this do?
It would make tech very easy to the new rules. It would limit the cost change as it may be as simple as sliding on a new set of wings. And, it "should" limit the performance.
I do not often offer rule changes (tho I still would like to see 5 second engine runs for conventional F1C models) but think this could bring F1A models back into the realm of the "average" FAI flier.
Of course, before this change would be done it should be vetted. Get some top modelers to make a set of wings and actually try them. We, as FAI fliers, should push very hard to have rules tested before a change is made...Let's kick this around!
John Lorbiecki- straight tower par excellence!