SEN 2004
- Details
- Category: Archive 2015
- Hits: 1671
- CIAM Meeting
- Joe Wagner
- F1C Tail Booms for Sale
CIAM Meeting
The Models
The only changes to the F1ABC World Champs class models was the reduction of the F1C engine run from 5 seconds to 4 seconds and the requirement to have an operating RDT system for F1C models.
In the Mini-events and F1E flappers and folder were banned. But seeing no one used them this is not a big deal.
Very importantly the USA E-36 class was introduced as F1S, adding an electric event to the mini classes. Very important to have a proven small field electric event.
The Biggest Change?
Probably the biggest changes was making the World Champs classes now 5 round contests no longer 7. The rules state that the number of rounds apply to World and Continental Championships. The rules do not actually say how many rounds in a ‘regular’ contest that most of us fly in. But there was informal confirmation from Ian Kaynes that the new flying rules would also apply to World Cup events from 2016.
This change in flying rules also increased the first round F1A to 4 and suggest that if the weather conditions were permitting the 5th round should be 4 minutes. It made the first fly off round a 6 minute max.
This means that various National organizations would need to decide if they want to apply them to domestic events and team selection programs.
The reduction in the number of the rounds is perhaps a concession to the increasing age of many of the sportsmen. Already in the World Cup calendar some events are 5 rounds to give people more time to retrieve their models or fit in a day shortened by daylight or windy period. For example events in Israel are usually 5 rounds to avoid a windy period that occurs most afternoons.
The Disconnect
In the lead up to the CIAM meeting there was clearly as disconnect in the Free Flight community as some people believed that some significant changes were needed but the basis behind that belief was not always clear. This is partly because it is not clear what the mission statement or objective of the rules, in particular those for the F1 ABCDEP events. For example is to provide a frame work for World and Continental Championships or are they events where everyone from beginner to expert or youth to retired person should be able to take part in? or even win? Or somewhere in between.
Whose role is it to create new events and evolve existing ones? The National Aero Clubs, the FAI, the special interest groups like the NFFS?, or the FAC. Or is it Hobby King, Tower Hobbies, Ripmax or DIY Drones?. Does how we conduct events at the top level affect recruitment or retention, even if many people have no desire to take part in those events because, there are already plenty of Free Flight events that they take part in and suit their desires, personal circumstances and budgets.
To be continued …
Joe Wagner
From: Alan Abriss
Fellow Free Flighters,
I have been informed that long time Skyscraper member Joe Wagner has
departed on that last thermal. Joe was an active FAI flyer and was a former
member of the USA Free Flight team.
No further information is available at this time.
Those wishing to send their condolences to his wife Lydia their address is
Lydia Wagner
25804 John Hanson Road
Chestertown, MD 21620
See ya down wind,
F1C Tail Booms for Sale
From: michael achterberg
Have 3 all carbon F1c tailbooms for sale. Fits my model size. 1.25"+ coupler end. Very long. 45 in. length. $85 each. I will cover Shipping in country.
Contact me. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell