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- Category: Archive 2014
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- Southwest FAI Challenge
- Huron Results
- FFQ #52
(Reserve Day Tuesday, October 21, 2014)
this event was made possible by the GENEROUS efforts of jill rowland-lagan, ceo of the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce. Please patronize Boulder City motels, restaurants and businesses and tell them why you are there.
For Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, F1Q, P-30, E-36 and Vintage FAI Power
Sunday October 19th: F1G, F1H, F1J, P-30, E-36 and Vintage FA1 Power
Tie-Breaker “Espresso Fly-Off” (No Max): F1G 7:15-7:25; F1H 7:30–7:40; F1J 7:45–7:55, Vintage FAI Power 8:00-8:10
(5) 45 Minute rounds commencing at 8:30AM
F1G, F1H and F1J, 120 Seconds, All Rounds
Vintage FAI Power, 180 Seconds, All Rounds
E-36 and P-30 8:00AM to 12:00PM, No Rounds, AMA Rules
No earlier than 12:45PM (30 minutes after close of Round 5) flyoffs will begin. For F1G, F1H and F1J, the first flyoff round Max will be 240 seconds. The second flyoff Max, if required, will be 300 seconds.
Vintage FAI Power Flyoffs will use the same engine runs, with a 240 second Max for the first flyoff and a 300 second Max for the second flyoff.
For all Sunday events, if a winner is not determined at the conclusion of two flyoff rounds, the Espresso Flyoff times will be used to determine final placing.
Monday October 20th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P, and F1Q
(7) One hour rounds commencing at 8:00AM for all events
Round 1: F1A, 210 Seconds, F1B and F1C, 240 Seconds, Rounds 2-7: 180 Seconds
F1P, 180 Seconds, All Rounds
F1Q will be flown in rounds in accordance with current FAI rules. Contestants may use an approved energy limiter or may compute the allowable motor run and post the value on the model. 180 seconds all rounds.
Monday Fly Offs will begin no earlier than 3:30PM
Perpetual Trophies to winners in F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J and FIQ
Glassware 1st through 3rd place for all events, including F1P, E-36, Vintage FAI Power and P-30. Cups to the Winners of “Espresso Fly-Offs”.
Entry Fee: $30 for first event entry, $10 for each additional event entry. $10 for P-30 and E-36. No entry fee for Juniors or Espresso Flyoff
Contest Directors:
Bill Booth Jr. Bob Beecroft
5092 Nighthawk Way 3488 Linda Vista Terrace
Oceanside, CA 92056 Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 842-1079 (760) 723-2499
Directions to El Dorado Dry Lake:
On Hwy 95 approximately 7 miles south of Hwy 93. Access through the Desert Tortoise fence is on the west side of Highway 95 on the north edge of where the power lines cross the highway. The flying area is to the west, either in the middle (35.867N/114.943W) or on the south end (35.846N/114.961W) of the lake bed. In the early morning, the field is approximately 35 minutes drive time from the Las Vegas “Strip”. Camping on the field is permitted.
*2014 Huron Cup Report:*
On July 19/20, 2014 we were fortunate to be blessed with very flyable
weather for the Huron Cup contest. The field chosen was the Bradford sod
farm located in Alliston, Ontario, Canada aprox 1 hour and 15 minutes north
of Toronto. This field is of a reasonable size with a large flat open area
with lovely grass. There were two metal watering structures which caused
some concerns but did not really factor into the results. The attendance
was down again this year likely due to a dicey weather forecast, and the
proximity to the US Nats which no doubt reduced the participation of our
American friends. However, New Yorker Aram Schlosberg did make the 11 hour
drive north to fly with us.
Saturday morning dawned cool, overcast and very calm. Standard extended
maxes were chosen for each event. The models did not drift very far even in
4 minutes. The weather stayed overcast and calm up to about round 4 when
the clouds began to break up and we finally saw some sunshine. Thermals
were weak until round 4 then began to get stronger. For round 6 the CD
decided to reduce the max to 2 1/2 minutes as an increasing wind caused a
few models to come close to the trees on the Southwest side of the field.
Leslie Farkas outsmarted himself by launching his F1A much farther North on
the field and promptly flew into a small outcrop of trees on the
North/center part of the field! Leslie missed the 6th and 7th rounds as he
searched for the lost model in the small forest. Fortunately he was able to
recover the model on Sunday morning. The air appeared to be tricky for the
F1A flyers with later rounds appearing to be affected by some turbulence
near the 50 meter line height. Jama Danier showed how to avoid such
problems by launching his LDA model to over 100 meters and flying in the
resulting smooth air for what appeared to be easy maxes. He certainly is
making it look easy. Jama was the only F1A flyer to max out to continue in
his quest for the overall World Cup title.
It was nice to see Doug Rowsell out on the field with fellow F1B flyer Paul
Beldam. While they didn't fly this time, they certainly added to the
contest atmosphere. F1A flyer Chris Lenartowicz and his wife Yola made an
appearance and Chris made some very nice test flights with his beautifully
built self made models.
The conditions for F1B were near ideal. Until round 5 the air was buoyant
and easy maxes were found across the board. Rounds 6 and 7 were trickier
but none of the 4 flyers dropped any time resulting in a 4 person fly-off.
It was decided to complete the fly-off on Sunday morning before the mini
events as rain was in the forecast for Saturday evening.
F1C was contested by only two flyers (Yury Shvendenkov and Rostislav
Perchinsky) but they mostly chose to use the nice conditions for trimming
rather than full contest flights.
After the flying had ended we all moved to Ladislav Horak's cottage for a
Bar BQ and party which was a great way to end the day. Thanks go out to
Ladi and Nina Slezak for the great food and atmosphere!
Sunday morning dawned cool, overcast and a bit breezy for the F1B flyoff.
Cameron Ackerley had a prior commitment and couldn't participate in the
flyoff. The forecast was for the winds to reduce towards 8:00 a.m., so the
start of the flyoff was delayed to see if better conditions could be found.
At 7:30 a.m., the CD gave the go ahead to start winding and the flyoff
began. Aram Schlosberg launched first in a steady breeze with an
unfavourable wind direction. Ladi and Tony Mathews decided to wait for the
wind to shift to better utilize the field. However, by this time it was
obvious that Aram had found a rare early morning thermal, marked by many
small birds in the air feeding on insects. His model was actually climbing
in the glide but heading directly for the forest. Ladi and Tony launched
but did not find favourable air and DT'd early to keep the planes on the
field. Aram made the 7 minute max chosen for the flyoff but his model was
into the trees on the North side of the field.
F1G was flown by only Ladi and Tony and the conditions were ideal. Cool,
overcast, a little misty and light winds made maxing with a coupe a
formality and both maxed out. The flyoff for F1G was delayed as stronger
winds were forecast for the afternoon so a search party for Aram's winning
model was formed instead. After a long pole was jury rigged the model was
extracted from it's perch in the forest with no damage.
The F1G flyoff will be decided at a later date still to be determined.
1st - Jama Danier (Canada) 1230 sec,
2nd - Vidas Nikolajevas(Canada) 1142 sec,
3rd - Peter Allnutt (Canada) 1053 sec,
4th - LeslieFarkas (Canada) 923 sec
1st - Aram Schlosberg (USA) 1260 sec + 420,
2nd - Tony Mathews(Canada) 1260 sec + 300,
3rd - Ladislav Horak (Canada) 1260 sec + 260,
4th - Cameron Ackerley (Canada) 1260 sec + 0
1st - Yury Shvendenkov (Canada) 756 sec,
2nd - Rostislav Perchinsky(Canada) 297 sec
Tony Mathews 600 sec,
Ladislav Horak 600 sec
(flyoff date to bedetermined)
I want to thank all those that attended and came out to fly on this
beautiful field. Hopefully, we can increase the attendance for next year.
FFQ #52
Free Flight Quarterly #52 remembers the passing away of Jean Wantzenriether, former editor of this magazine and prolific author and writer on model aerodynamics. Ron Chernich, whose magnificent Model Engine News website has been recognized as the world's best source of IC engine information also died recently and his work is given a brief retelling.
There is a continuation of the theme of alternative turbulating devices, with the article of M.M. Gates on pinhole turbulators, whose action is somewhat similar to the pin turbulators reviewed in the previous issue of FFQ. A thin jet of air coming from underside of the airfoil disrupts the laminar boundary layer and initiates the turbulent flow over the upper part. Gates explores the locations and size of the jet for most effective operation.
Allard van Wallene participated at the Jihocesky Podar F1A World Cup event in the Czech Republic last May, and gives a detailed account of the meeting , together with with a description and excellent plan of his new glider HiBrid and a discussion of the "soft LDA" concept used by Rudi Holzleitner and Allard in the contest.
Rubber technology is presented in two articles: Bob Morris new theoretical model of the rubber winding process, in which he improves on the simpler model he published in FFQ in April 20122. The new model allows a fair prediction of torque and maximum turns of a rubber motor. Paul Rossiter considers the truth or otherwise of several factors affecting the performance of a rubber motor: type of lubricant, broken strands, dependency on temperature, effect of break-in, effect of aging. The title of the article " Rubber Myths and Realities" should alert the readers that his conclusions, based on the most impeccable methodology of testing, are quite explosive!
Modelling history is recounted by an article from the great Carl Goldberg on the historical development of dethermalizers and the many varieties that existed before he perfected and popularized his tipping stab device in the early 1940's, today of universal application. This development is arguable one of the most influential ever inventions in Free Flight by allowing flying in restricted fields. Andrew Longhurst did publish in FFQ some intriguing designs of fast-climbing power models coming from a group in the UK called the "'Low Speed Aerodynamic Research Association" (LSARA). Adrian Duncan, well known to FFQ readers, has traced the origins of this group and documented the interesting research they did up to about 1960. This is part 1 of a longer article.
A famous Class C-Stick model of great performance is the Korda C of 1937. Similar to the Lanzo Duplex, it has received less attention perhaps, but its shattering climb and good glide allows a very favorable comparison with the most popular model of this class: the the Wally Simmers Gollywock. An analysis of the model and short construction review of a Korda C built by Karl Gies is presented here, together with the familiar Zaic plan.
The Jimmie Allen saga continues, with David Mills giving a very careful evaluation of some of the many Jimmie Allen designs of the 1930's, competitions of which remain popular in Vintage events. The article contains two new plans of these models, especially drawn by Rufus Carswell. A third and last part will appear in the October issue.
An interesting electric model to the E36 rules as been developed by Ralph Ray and Stan Buddenbohm and is the subject of a short article. Developed is the right word, as its lines follow a couple of older designs by Ray, the Apache "A" F/F and the Pay-Ray PAA cargo model of the early 1960's: no pylon, large downthrust, asymmetrical rudder. This electric model in the hands of Stan Buddenbohm has already set the US National record for the E36 class last March.
Finally, we conclude this issue with the last part of the biography of Ted Evans by Mike Kemp, with the contest history of his models and follow their excellent performance in the Wakefield contests of the 1950's, up to the retirement of Ted from the flying field in 1954. Mike Glaister has drawn especially for this article another excellent plan of the famous Evans 52-53 Wakefield model.
As always, the cover of the new issue and the table of contents can be inspected in our website :
Sergio Montes
Roger Morrell