SEN 1799
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1325
- Stamov Address
- Victor Vignettes
- Victor
- Brocks on E
- From FB ... youth and Vigor wins this time
- Fab Feb
- For Sales
Stamov Family Address
Some people have asked us for the Stamov family address so they can write to them.
The postal address for Luda, Olga and Sasha Stamov's address is:
Simirenko Str. 34 Apt. 127
03134 Kiyv
Victor Vignettes
The first time I saw Victor was at the '92 Winter Classic. We were driving to the parking area and saw an unfamiliar Nordic flyer circle-towing with such ease. The way he handled his ship was a demonstration of ability and a well-trimmed ship. And then we saw our first bunt. At that moment we knew our world was about to change. And that moment was the inspiration to develop the first electronic bunter, which flew the following spring.
Oh look...
It's the Max Men, and a bunch of us are standing around chatting between rounds. In the middle of a sentence, Mike Fantham looks up and sees reigning World Champion Victor approaching our group, and says, "Oh look, here comes God". We all completely lose it and poor Victor has no idea what has happened.
Victor the humble
Second day of the 2004 MM, which I eventually won, probably the 2nd rd of the day. I'm towing in still air and find myself in the middle of the flight line at a dead run, with no place to go except straight at Victor. Our eyes meet for an instant, and in the next instant he realizes my trajectory and darts out of the way. I will always remember those blue eyes in that instant.
Tom Coussens
Betty and I were very saddened to hear of the
sudden death of Victor. Being so far away still does not
make the grieving any easier but both of us have had the
chance of getting to know him from our trips to Lost Hills
and to the World Champs in Odessa.
We also remember him from our trips to Brian and Janna
Van Nests cabin up in the Mountains at Twin Lakes in
California more so Betty who finally learnt how to drink
Vodka courtesy of Victor, a most amusing induction for
us and not quite so for her, and of course Brian,Victor
and myself going out trout fishing on the lake down from
the Cabin. Victor of course managed to stay ahead of
Brian and me in the number of fish caught but, even
more he undertook the duties of Chief Cook making an
excellent job of cooking them for our Dinner.
We send our deepest sympathy to Luda and the family
and thank her for allowing us to share some of his life
with us.
Betty and John Malkin
Brocks on E
Today (8/28) The F1E World Champs (Seniors) got started on the same hill where we flew the Martin World Cup. There were about 35 F1E flyers from 12 countries. The wind was close to 0 m/s. Bob Sifleet and I each had solid 5 min max flights in Round 1 and Round 2. Tom Ioerger dropped in both rounds. Most flyers maxed these 2 rounds except for 9. For round 3 the organizer moved the flight line down the hill to make maxing more difficult - but as we walked to this new launch position a steady rain started. The jury then decided to halt the contest and postpone it for Thursday, the reserve day. Leaving the field was difficult with cars and motor homes slipping and sliding and some getting stuck in the mud.
Yesterday (8/27) the 2013 Junior F1E World Champs were held here near Martin, Slovak Repubic. There were about 22 juniors from 7 countries. 7 juniors maxed out flying 5x300 seconds. the 7 min fly-off close to the bottom of the slope was won by a Polish young man, a girl from France, Aurelie Trachez, was second. Our American kid, Joel Yori (Bob Sifleet's grandson) was 5th. Tomorrow the Seniors have their World Champs.
From FB - Youth and Vigor vs Age and cunning
But only once
Oskar Findahl "Sunday, August 25, 2013 at 9:12pm Yesterday near Norberg , Västmanlands Län, Sweden Finally beaten my father in a launch height competition! with Per Findahl
Fab Feb Week
We are several french fliers and would like to come to MM next year.
Do you know the date in order to buy the tickets?
The Ike Winter Classic with the Kiwi World Cup will be 8 -9 Feb and the MaxMen will be the following weekend 14-17 Feb The 17 is the President's day public holiday in the USA and is the rain day for the Maxmen. The Canadian World Cup event is usually run during the week between the two. We will get more details from the various organizers.
For sale
Please publish at the next SCAT newsletter.
Stamov F1A long model 4 servos for sale almost didn't fly.
For further details please email or call to:
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Thank you,
Roger Morrell