SEN 1541
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1439
- So this is what a thermal looks like
- The Badgers are after the Haggis
- MMM and the 3rd World Cup
- Just an observation ..
- Another hanger session
So this is what a Thermal Looks like
from: Gil Morris Click on this link to see an animation of a thermal:
The Badgers are after the Haggis
About a 3rd World Cup contest in the US. I just returned from Madison, WI. That city is blessed with a rather large lake called Mendoda. It is probably more than 20 km in diameter. In the winter, those hardy badgers (as they are called) come out of their rathskellers and partake in sports such as ice-boating and fishing on the frozen lake, driving their hummers to where ever the fishing is best. It would seem a perfect locaton for a Februrary World Cup contest. Plenty of good restaruants and a major university for added flavor. Why should the warm West be the only location that has a suitable site? All the allure of Norway right here in the US....lots of Norweigian names to boot!
ps....I was born and raised in Wisconsin.
Chuck Markos
MMM and the 3rd World Cup
Chuck Etherington
The MMM Club of Colorado of has been interested in pursuing sponsorship of a World Cup contest for some time. Following is a list of benefits to consider:
- · World class field – 40 sq miles (26,000 acres) of gently rolling hills with unlimited motorcycle chasing in every direction.
- · Trees very sparse with the nearest being over a mile from launch area.
- · No lakes/ponds within a 3.4 mile radius.
- · No crops within 5 mile radius.
- · Shortgrass prairie pastureland with sparse grass—very seldom above shin high.
- · Flight direction 360 degrees from launch area (no need to move flight line to different parts of the field).
- · On site camping for tents and RVs with clean porta-potty.
- · Ideal Summer climate in Colorado: lows in 50s-60s, highs in mid 80s. Rarely over 90 and humidity averages 30-50%.
- · Long periods of rainy weather are practically nonexistent in Colorado.
- · Active club to support and staff the event.
- · 31 year history of running an FAI focused contest (MMM 14-Rounder “Toughest FAI Contest in America”).
- · 20 minutes from lodging options and many restaurants. Excellent suite lodging for $49/night for 2 people.
- · 25 minutes from a major international airport.
- · Close Denver shopping (30-45 minutes) and major Rocky Mountain resorts and attractions (1-2 hours).
- MMM Club Leadership
Just an observation
While I try and be unbiased ... it seems like you have a tough sell Mr Markcos, somehow 40 square miles in Colorado in the summer seems a little more inviting than a frozen lake in Wisconsin, pseudo Norwegian or not ...
Another hanger session
We have the hangar in June. Turn out was light in May, so please help get the word out!
Brian's pics from the last session are at:
Thanks and hope to see you there!
- Norm
Tustin California Indoor Flying
Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12, 2011
Both Days have limited attendance - Reserve your spot!
The Isaacson Winter Classic (Norm Furutani) is again sponsoring one of two days in the famous Tustin MCAS Blimp Hangar, Tustin, CA. Sponsorship means that instead of the normal $50 a day, YOU will be able to attend for only $20.
Black Sheep Squadron is sponsoring Sunday, June 12
Hangar is 1000’ long x 300’ wide x 150’ high. 600’ of the length will be available for model aircraft. Areas and if needed, times will be designated for different aircraft types.
Please readall the instructions!
Both days will be sanctioned for AMA record trials.
Inappropriate aircraft will not be allowed to fly! (example- high speed and/or heavy craft) At the discretion of the CD and organizers.
AMA membership is required of all fliers.
Event Dates: Saturday and Sunday, June 11 & 12, 2011
Saturday - sponsored by Norm Furutani. Fee is $20, payable to Norm Furutani. We are limited to the number of participants, so let me know you are coming. You can pay on arrival. Contact Norm: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a message on my cell 310.408.7046
Sunday - sponsored by the Blacksheep Squadron. Fee is $10. Contact Dave Gee. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yeah, I know, Sunday is cheaper but Norm needs some help to break even.
Site access:
Access is restricted and the gate must remain locked. The gate will open briefly for entry or exit at the following times! 7, 9, and 11:30AM, 12:30, 2:30 and the end of the day. Please! No exceptions!
New entrance! The gate is located on Armstrong Ave about 100 yds. East of Valencia Ave. Armstrong is east of Redhill and Valencia Ave, Tustin CA. Contact Norm if you need further instructions.
There is NO electricity, lighting or water available. There will be a port a potty outside. NO smoking or alcohol. Please remove any trash.
Event organizers – Ralph Ray and Stan Buddenbohm. Contest Director – Norm Furutani
Roger Morrell